6 Tips to STOP Belching Permanently
No Immediate Sleep
Don't lie down after you eat. Activity will force the burps out instead of letting them build up.
Say no to Hot Drink
Allow hot drinks to cool. Sipping a blistering drink like hot coffee may cause you to gulp lots of air.Dont Use straw.
Eat Slowly
Eat slowly. People who gulp down food and beverages are swallowing excessive amounts of air. They're also crowding the stomach with too much to digest, which causes a gaseous buildup.
Avoid Smoking
Don't smoke. Here is yet another reason to quit smoking. When you inhale smoke from cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, you swallow excessive amounts of air.
Drink Garlic
Garlic can help reduce belching. Swallow a garlic bud and drink a glass of water, preferably on an empty stomach.
Avoid Large Meals
Large meals can also cause belching, so you might benefit from eating six smaller meals instead of three larger ones.