6 Home Remedies for Nausea
- Just drink one cup of ginger tea, it will really make you feel better and remove the feeling of nausea.
- Add about one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in one glass of water and keep on taking continuous sips of this drink when you feel nauseous.
- Eat about half teaspoon cumin seeds and then drink one glass of water. This will make you feel comfortable.
- Eat banana whenever you feel nauseous, as it is rich source of fiber and thus prevents nausea. Other fiber rich food items are rice, applesauce and brown bread.
- When you prepare rice, don’t throw the rice water. Instead drink this rice water when it is warm. This will give you comfort and will also make you relax.
- Drinking lemon water is best home remedies for nausea. For this add juice of lemon in water and drink this water.