Easiest Ways Reduce and Remove Head Lice

The easiest way to spot head lice is through identifying their eggs in the hair. Lice eggs are called nits. Head lice will lay these eggs on the hair shaft close to the scalp. This is why a head check requires looking at the scalp.

Before the baby louse hatches, nits look tan, brown, or yellow.

Once the nit has hatched, the shell will remain attached to the hair shaft. This is the easiest thing to identify, as it is whitish, looking somewhat like dandruff.

The main difference between head lice eggs and dandruff is dandruff will easily shake off of the hair shaft, while nits are fused to the shaft.

Sometimes you will be able to see adult head lice on your child's hair, particularly if the hair is short.

These critters are small, no bigger than a sesame seed from your hamburger bun and they tend to have the same coloring as the person's hair. Some people realize their children are infected when they see the adults climbing through their children's hair.

Scratching the head is, of course, another indication of a head lice infestation. But, not all children find head lice to be itchy. Also, itching the scalp can be an indication of other problems, such as eczema or dandruff. The itching from lice is usually described as a tickle, or the feeling of something crawling on the scalp.

Children who have sensitive skin and spend a lot of time itching due to the head lice will often develop a rash on the scalp. This rash looks like red bumps on the base of the scalp. It can sometimes develop into a more serious infection that requires antibiotics.

If you think your child might have head lice, part his hair and check the base of the hair for the nits

 Pay attention

 Pay particular attention to the areas around the neck and ears. If you have trouble focusing up close, you might want to use a magnifying glass. Be sure to do this exam in bright light. If you find nothing, but the scratching does not go away, it is time for a trip to the doctor.

If, however, there is persistent itching and you have heard of an outbreak at school or daycare, you probably can be certain that the cause is head lice.

To treat head lice, purchase a medicated shampoo that will kill the lice. Make sure you follow the instructions to the letter, because improper use will not kill all of the lice. You will also want to comb through the hair with a fine tooth comb to remove any nits that are not killed by the shampoo.

Once you have treated your child, wash any clothes in the house, as lice can live up to three days off the scalp if they are on clothing.

Also, boil anything that comes in contact with your child's head, including brushes, bows and combs. It is particularly important to wash any bedding. If you cannot wash it, put it in a bag and seal it for two weeks. This goes for stuffed animals as well. Vacuum all floors and furniture. Then, watch carefully for signs of re-infestation. If it occurs, start the process again. It is not easy, but you can get rid of head lice with the proper steps.

How to Get Rid From Gum Infection


Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gum tissue, it is a serious condition that starts as gingivitis and can progress to periodontitis. According to the British Dental Health Foundation "19 out of 20 people suffer from gum disease (gingivitis) at some point in their life making it the most common disease in the world.


During a typical checkup your dentist or dental hygienist will remove the plaque and tartar from above and below the gumline of all your teeth. If you have some signs of gingivitis, your dentist may recommend that you return for future cleanings more often than twice a year. Your dentist may also recommend that you use a toothpaste or mouth rinse that is FDA-approved for fighting gingivitis.


The gum infection treatment for a gum ball, the patient is numbed and the gum boil is cleaned out and drained of pus. An antibiotic chip is placed in the remaining pocket and the patient is given a Tetracycline 500mg prescription to take for a week. This causes swelling and the opposing tooth starts biting down into the swollen gums. In most cases with Pericornitis, the patient is placed on Keflex 500 mg for three to seven days and the wisdom tooth is removed.

Prevent gum disease by flossing between your teeth each day to remove plaque from areas in your mouth that the toothbrush can't reach. To prevent gum disease, avoid smoking and using tobacco, limit sweets and sugary foods to meal times, and drink lots of water to keep yourself well-hydrated. Avoiding frequent intake of acidic black cola type soft drinks will also help to prevent gum disease.

Flossing removes food particles from between and around your teeth, including debris that has gotten wedged into the gum. You may not be able to see these particles, but flossing can expose and get rid of them, reducing gum inflammation and eventual infection. Use an eighteen-inch piece of dental floss, with the ends wrapped around each forefinger and grasped by the thumbs. Push it up and down between teeth, moving along the length of the floss for a clean section each time you clean another tooth.

Use a mouth rinse:

 An antimicrobial mouth rinse can provide extra help in controlling plaque. Listerine is a good choice and has been approved by the American Dental Association.

Medications may be used with treatment that includes scaling and root planing, but they cannot always take the place of surgery. Depending on the severity of gum disease, the dentist or periodontist may still suggest surgical treatment. Long-term studies will be needed to determine whether using medications reduces the need for surgery and whether they are effective over a long period of time.

Osseous  surgery:

Osseous (bone) surgery sometimes accompanies flap surgery. In osseous surgery, some of the bone around the tooth is reshaped. In certain cases, a bone area may be employed to replace lost bone. Splints or other appliances may be used to stabilize loose teeth temporarily and may be necessary after completion of periodontal therapy as well.


Chlorhexidine is a commonly used antiseptic mouthwash. You should rinse your mouth well with water between brushing your teeth and using chlorhexidine. This is because some ingredients in toothpaste can inactivate chlorhexidine. Chlorhexidine may also stain teeth brown when used regularly.

Simple Solution to Handle Nail Biting Problem

It has been said before a thousand times before:  in order to fight something you must get to know it first.  And in the case of nail biting we must get to know the possible underlying circumstances that draw us into this habit and maybe we can get a better understanding of what we should do. Nail biting is mostly linked to periods of nervousness, stress, hunger or boredom.

 All of these circumstances have in common that they produce anxiety.  You may notice that you not only start biting your nails but develop other ticks as well that reinforce your anxiety levels like nose-picking, hair-twisting, or thumb-sucking.

Nail Biting Issues:

 Nail biting is also a sign of other mental or emotional disorders, like obsessive compulsion.  In this state people are not even aware that they are biting their nails – not even when they have reached the flesh!  Of course these are the most severe cases of nail biting.

Other people bite their nails while sleeping as an unconscious habit.

 All of the explanations have in common that they set this behavior in the realms of the subconscious mind , and that is why the hypnosis treatment has become so popular – it is a treatment that works on subconscious levels.

So, where does all this lead us to?

This leads us to the conclusion that a habit is hard to quit by the use of sheer will.  It can be done, but only by a few.  Once it has become a habit, will is our weakest weapon.  We have the need to un-develop this habit and manage our stress levels and anxiety in a better way.

How to avoid biting your nails? 
  • If you are an adult and you haven't started biting your nails, chances are you won't in the future.  However nail biting prevention can be of great importance when it comes to help other people.
  • Trim the nails very short. 
  •  Trimming the nails short is a great prevention tips for parents who don't want their children to fall into this habit.
  • Other way to prevent nail biting is the use of nail polish.  Nail polish will make nails harder to chew, and when they become harder to bite, they help bringing the behavior into consciousness.
  •   Many people have had success with this kind of prevention. In the end, always remember to tackle unwanted behavior since you first start noticing it. The more it stays in your mind, the harder to quit, or even be aware of it. 

Walking Reduces the Age : Interesting Reads

Walking can be done easily with the entire family. So make it the activity for the entire family, this can be a healthy activity done with the entire family.

1) Walking can be the done anytime during the day, in your leisure time. You can walk to a nearby park to get in your exercise while you're all outdoors. You can use a treadmill on a rainy day at your local senior center. Walk as much up to an hour or hour and 1/2 as you can with the entire family.

2) You can walk to the store, or if you go to the store with the car park it in the parking lot as far away from the store as you can and walk to the store. You can walk to the store and buy a news paper. This is a walking activity that you can do almost daily, and it is almost routine to do.

3) Mall WalkinG:

Women, if you go to the mall, that is also a good walking exercise that everybody can do. Mall walking is a good form of walking; just don't spend a lot of money when you are in the mall.
Brisk walking:

Brisk walking, I don't mean running, is a good way to get in your exercise and get arround town. It is one of the best ways to get or stay physically fit, and it can boost your heart rate also.

 4) Time to Walk:

Walking for 30 minutes is a good amount of time to walk. You can even break up your walk into 2 shorter 15-minute sessions.

  Walking is one of the best exercises a 40/50+er can do. It strengthens your muscles and improves your fitness.

You do not have to change your entire routine to create a walking plan, just doing errands or cleaning your house can get in some of your needed walking and get your heart pumping, and that's good too. You can do your walking a lot of ways. Not everyone has to go to the gym; you just have to be a little clever about fiting in your walks to your everyday life. It doesn't have to be a chore either, invite a friend or relative along and walk. Use the time to catch up on each other's news! Everybody likes that, too.

Walking is a great activity for all 50+ seniors to do. It gives you the activity that will make everybody who does walk a healthy and fit person.

Natural Foods For Hair Care

Hair is a part of the body that gets affected very quickly, and your personal health reflects on your hair. Whether it is your diet, or the level of stress in your life, it affects the health of your hair, and reflects in the condition of the hair. So if you wish to look healthy as well as beautiful, it is important for you to look after your hair.

Hair care is directly associated with the diet that one takes, and the food consumption has a lot to do with hair condition. A healthy diet holds a lot of significance. It is not a widely known fact that hair is one of the first things that evidently shows that there is something different. If you do not give your hair the required level of vitamins, and other substance, it is likely that the hair will break, and the growth would be disturbed.

Before we start discussing the role of natural foods in hair care, it is important to note a few things. The first is that if your hair has been damaged by dye, it is not likely that vegetables or fruits would do anything to improve that. It also goes for hair that has not been trimmed in two years, and has split ends.

Vegetables are very good for the hair. They promote healthy growth of the hair, and prevent hair loss. The vegetables that are leafy and green are the best, because they have large amounts of iron in them. By using vegetables in your balanced diet, you can have shiny and beautiful hair. Some of the vegetables that are very good include beets, carrots, basil, mint, broccoli, as well as radish.

It is a general impression that spices are not good for health. However, there are spices like turmeric and cumin that help a lot when it comes to hair growth. Other than spices, fruits are also a great source of nutrients for the hair. It is advisable to make fruits a part of daily diet. Citrus fruits, berries, raisins, melons, and grapes are some of the most prominent fruits that help in hair growth.

If you have brittle hair that break easily, check the levels of faty acids in your body, as this is because of the lack of fatty acids. Food items having fatty acids include seeds, olives, avocados, and nuts. For hair that is greasy, and lanky, items like eggs, legumes, leafy veggies, wheat germ and dairy products should be used in the diet, and oily items should be avoided. For thinning hair, the ideal food products include wholegrain cereals, leafy vegetables, red meat, eggs, dried fruits, and legumes. The fact that hair is made of protein means that protein consumption in food is essential for healthy hair.

When you are using natural foods and healthy diet for your hair care, it is important not to indulge in habits that are likely to be harmful. Consuming aerated drinks, smoking, and drinking are some of the things that can have adverse affect on the hair. Caffeine is also something that does not tend to be good for the hair. You should also avoid washing your hair with water that is very hot, and should also blow-dry less frequently.

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

1. For the beauty conscious, drinking lemon water naturally and on a regular basis without the usual processed white sugar content being added to it but with raw honey will not only make the skin looks better but glow with a tint of health. You may wonder why it is so good in bringing about a beautiful complexion to your overall skin. What it can do, is that it acts as an anti-aging remedy, helping to remove wrinkles or blackheads. In view of its vitamin C content in this citrus, it not only enhances beauty by rejuvenating from within, but also promotes the level of immunity to common illnesses.
2. As a natural antiseptic medicine, it is associated with its marvelous healing properties for a number of skin related problems.
3. Lemon fruits contain anti-bacterial property and it is great in treating and curing throat infections.
4. Lemon water helps in reducing or breaking fever by increasing perspiration and has proven to fight against common cold effectively. It thus paves the way for simple home treatment approaches for folks who are very much comfortable with natural treatment of illnesses.
5. Not only is it able to act as a blood purifier such as in cases where patient is undergoing treatment for Malaria, cholera or dengue fever but also as a cleansing agent. It helps flush out bacteria and toxins from the body. It helps in constipation too.
6. Lemon juice 's ability to help the liver produce more bile, acting as a liver tonic, helping in the digestion of food is also regarded as an agent for gallstones remover.
7. For those with digestion problem such as heartburn, belching and bloating, taking lemon juice mix with hot water will bring much relief. Besides, symptoms of heartburn and nausea could be effectively treated with it. Furthermore, it can help in regulating blood pressure level, having a stabilizing effect to the bodily system.
8. It has been used in dental care as well because it can actually assist in getting rid of pain when apply onto the areas of the toothache. On gum bleeding and bad smell problems related to gums, just applying the massages of fresh lemon juices on gums would have settle the problem.
9. Lemon is a diuretic and therefore great in treating rheumatism and arthritis. Apart from this, it also assists in the treatment of respiratory disorders such as asthmatic patients with breathing problems.
10. Act as a health agent for weight loss, taking lemon juice or water with raw honey added makes for a unique way of reducing body weight to a quicker pace. It greatly works against obesity.
Armed with these amazing facts about lemon, you can now start the habit of taking lemon water or juice, and as one health expert has suggested by taking the lemon whole together with the pulp that provide more added health benefits because of its fiber content in it. For a healthier and youthful glowing face that makes you look younger your age to come about, this simple daily act of drinking lemon juice or water could make a big difference in bringing about a desire change from within.


Best Choosen Foods for Your Skin Care

Before looking at individual food, lets consider some overall factors, which we should consider in our diet.
  • First and foremost, water. It is essential that we consume 8-10 glasses (250ml) of water per day, more if we exercise or are physically active.
  • Secondly, regardless of what foods we eat, we should have a minimum of 15 different vegetables, fruits and nuts in our diet (in total that is).
  • Thirdly, we should eat our biggest meal early in the day and the smallest meal late. Most people do not do this and actually have it the other way around. Think of it from this point of view - at what stage of the day do you have most of your activity in front of you - well, that's the time to eat the biggest meal.
If you want your skin to look attractive and healthy there are several rules you must follow. The most important is cleansing with natural and reviving substances, because a clean skin is bound to look healthier. Since constant washing removes most natural oils and moisture, and even the acid mantel covering, you must consciously replace these oils, moisture and acids to re-establish the skin's protective covering.
Your diet should be high in proteins, which can be found in lean meat, fish, and poultry as well as in nuts, beans, milk and eggs. Raw vegetables and fruit of all kinds are essential. Several glasses of water (this is much underestimated in it's importance) each day are essential to flush the system clear of toxins. Below is a list of important nutrients, their benefits to the skin and the foods in which they are found. This list is by no means exhaustive, however it does provide a good starting point for utilising food as part of your skin care regime.
The primary skin types are Oily, Normal and Dry. There are other skin types such as sensitive, mature or a combination there of. However, there is usually a dominant, primary skin type.
Nutrients that benefit your skin and the foods that contain them
Beta-carotene (provitamin A) Anti-oxidants, neutralise free radicals. Sweet Potato, Carrot, Kale, Mango, Turnip, Greens Spinach, raw; Papaya, Red Bell Pepper, Apricot, Cantaloupe, Fat Free Milk, Romaine, Eggs, Whole Milk, Raw Tomato, Broccoli, Green Bell Pepper, Orange, Parsley.
Vitamin A Anti-oxidant; Vitamin A is essential for healthy hair and eyes. It is also important in the prevention and clearing of infections of the skin. Vitamin A counteracts dry skin, dandruff and wrinkle formation. It is needed for healthy blood circulation which gives a glow to the skin. Helps maintain smooth, soft disease-free skin; helps protect the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat lungs, which helps reduce our susceptibility to infections; protects against air pollutants and contaminants; helps improve eye sight and counteracts night-blindness; aids in bone and teeth formation; improves skin elasticity, moisture content and suppleness; and helps reverse the signs of photo-aging.
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to eruptions or dry, coarse, wrinkled skin; dull and dry hair or dandruff; ridging or peeling fingernails; pimples or acne and visual fatigue.
Meat, Chicken Liver, Cod Liver Oil, Cheese.
Vitamin E Anti-oxidant; Vitamin E helps form muscles and tissues to prevent wrinkles and premature aging of the skin due to oxidation. It helps prevent dry, dull skin, age spots, falling hair and dandruff. It improves circulation and healing of scars. Research has shown that large doses of vitamin E double healthy cell reproduction to slow the aging process and forestall premature wrinkling.
Vitamin E supplies oxygen to the blood which is then carried to the heart and other organs, thus alleviating fatigue. It aids in bringing nourishment to cells; strengthens the capillary walls preventing the red blood cells from destructive poisons (free radicals); prevents and dissolves blood clots. Avocados, Carrots. Cheese: especially Parmesan, Cheddar; Chickpeas, Egg yolk, Green leafy vegetables, Legumes, Margarine, Meats/poultry/fish, Nuts and nut oils, Oatmeal, Olives, Parsnips, Red peppers, Seeds, Soy products and soya beans, Sweet corn, Sweet potatoes, Tomatoes Watercress, Wheat germ.
Vitamin C Anti-oxidant; Vitamin C, in conjunction with protein, is necessary for the production of collagen - the glue that holds us and our skin together and circumvents sags or wrinkles. It regulates sebaceous glands to keep skin from drying out; helps prevent facial lines, wrinkles and spider veins.
Vitamin C is essential for the health of the hair, eyes and teeth, resistance to infection, healing of wounds and firm skin tissues.
Vitamin C is believed to aid skin cells in repairing and reproducing themselves. It is also thought to stimulate production of collagen, enhancing skin smoothness and elasticity. This vitamin is excellent for skin showing signs of aging.
Acerola cherry, Kiwifruit, Green peppers, Citrus fruits and juices, Ctrawberries, Tomatoes, Broccoli, Turnips, Green and other leafy vegetables, Sweet and white potatoes, and Cantaloupe.
Other excellent sources include papaya, mango, watermelon, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, winter squash, red peppers, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and pineapples.
Vitamin B-complex B vitamins are vital for clear, luminous skin, youthful looks and for delaying greying of hair. They are essential for healthy skin, hair, and eyes. Studies show that 40 percent of dermatitis sufferers lack B vitamins. B vitamins also counteract stress, which has adverse effects on one's appearance.
Vit. B-complex is a complex of several important vitamins including B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxine), B12 (cobalamin). Vitamin B1 is needed for nerve signal transmission. Vitamin B2 is needed for the metabolism of amino acids. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the production of many enzymes and chemical messengers (eg, neurotransmitters). Vitamin B12 is needed for red blood cell production and DNA synthesis.
Whole grain cereals, wheat, Pulses, Nuts, Green leafy vegetables, Molasses, Meat, Liver, Brewer's yeast.
Vitamin D Vitamin D is essential for healthy teeth, bones and nails as well as for the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus. It promotes healthy eyes, skin and teeth.
It is a vitamin found in foods such as fish, oysters, and dairy products. Also, there are enzymes in our skin that make vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Sun exposure.
Milk, Beef liver, Salmon, Tuna, Butter, Sprouted seeds.
Protein Proteins are required for the structure, function, and regulation of the body's cells, tissues, and organs, and each protein has unique functions.
Avocados, Brewer's yeast, Dried legumes, Nuts, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, Whole grain cereals.
Other Protein foods (these help to equalise the balance between new and dying cells) Fish, Meats, Poultry. Eggs, Dairy products, Vegetable proteins, Pulses, Wheat germ.
Calcium Calcium and Phosphorus work together for healthy teeth, hair, nails and bones. Calcium helps clear blemished skin and revitalizes lifeless, tired-looking skin.
Calcium is essential for a variety of bodily functions, such as neurotransmission, muscle contraction, and proper heart function.
Milk products, Whole wheat, Leafy vegetables, Salmon, Sardines, Shellfish, Soybeans, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts, Oranges, Lemons.
Phosphorus A mineral vital to energy production; helps build bone and form cell membranes and genetic material.
Dairy products, Egg yolks, Fish, Poultry, Meats, Grains, Cereals, Nuts, Fruit juices, Milk.
Chromium Chromium improves circulation for healthy skin and hair.
Chromium plays a role in glucose metabolism and is considered essential in trace amounts in nutrition.
Brewer's yeast, Cheese, Corn oil, Liver, Clams, Meat, Whole grains.
Iodine Iodine promotes healthy hair, nails, skin, and teeth. It is an element that is necessary for the body to make thyroid hormone. It is found in shellfish and iodized salt.
Iodized salt, Kelp, Onions, Seafood, Vegetable oils.
Iron Iron is essential for healthy nails, skin color, and hair growth.
Egg yolks, Blackstrap molasses, Dark leafy greens, Dried fruits and legumes, Lean meat, Liver, Whole wheat.
Magnesium Magnesium is required to prevent skin disorders. A mineral used by the body to help maintain muscles, nerves, and bones. It is also used in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.
Almonds, Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Bran, Corn, Dairy products, Figs, Grapefruit and Lemons, Meats, Raw leafy greens, Soy beans.
Manganese Manganese helps to maintain healthy hair. This micronutrient activates one or more enzymes in fatty acid synthesis; it also activates the enzymes responsible for DNA and RNA production. Closely associated with copper and zinc.
Bananas, Beets, Bran, Coffee, Egg yolks, Leafy greens, Legumes, Nuts, Pineapple, Tea, Whole grains.
Selenium Maintains skin elasticity. It helps prevent and correct dandruff. Selenium is an essential trace mineral. Selenium activates an antioxidant enzyme called glutathione peroxidase, which may help protect the body from cancer.
Asparagus, Bran, Broccoli, Chicken, Egg yolks, Milk, Onions, Red meat, Seafood, Tomatoes, Whole grains.
Sulphur Helps maintain healthy hair, nails, and skin. It also prevents dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.
An important mineral component of vitamin B1 and of several essential amino acids. Sulphur is particularly necessary for the body's production of collagen, which helps to form connective tissue. Sulfur is also a component of keratin, the chief ingredient in hair, skin, and nails. By controlling bacteria and exfoliating the skin, sulphur is a popular acne treatment. Sulfur is thought to dissolve the top layer of dry, dead cells and slow down oil-gland activity.
Bran, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cheese, Clams, Eggs Fish, Mushrooms, Nuts, Peas and beans, Wheat germ.
Zinc Zinc aids in the formation of collagen. It helps prevent wrinkles, dry skin and stretch marks, and promotes blemish healing. Zinc prevents hair loss, and brittle or spotted nails. Without enough zinc a deficiency of Vitamin A can occur even though the intake of that vitamin appears adequate.
It is a mineral that is vital to many biological functions such as immune resistance, wound healing, digestion, reproduction, physical growth, diabetes control, taste and smell. More than 300 enzymes in the human body require zinc for proper functioning.
Brewer's yeast, Eggs, Lean red meat, Seafood, Legumes, Mushrooms, Non-fat dry milk, Pumpkin and sunflower seeds, Shellfish (oysters), Spinach, Whole grains.
Omega 3 An essential fatty acid. Omega 3 may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction by lowering triglyceride levels and blood pressure and preventing the formation of life-threatening thrombi.
Oily Fish eg: Salmon, Flax seeds, walnuts, and Canola oil.
Omega 6 An essential fatty acid (should be combined in equal portions with Omega 3's). Cereals, Eggs, Poultry, Most vegetable oils, Whole-grain breads, Baked goods, and margarine.
Foods and natural skin care products that benefit specific skin types
Dry, sensitive & mature Drink more Water and consume foods high in vitamin A, B-complex, D and E; Fish such as Salmon & Tuna; Wheat germ, Almond and Linseed; use Safflower, Sunflower and Sesame oils in your cooking; Wildcrafted Herbal Products that are useful in Dry, Sensitive & Mature Skin Types: Skin Care System for dry, mature & sensitive skin; Red Earth Medicine Facial Clay.
Normal Maintain a well balanced diet. Wildcrafted Herbal Products that are useful a Normal Skin Type: Skin Care System for normal skin; Yellow Earth Medicine Facial Clay.
Oily Drink more Water and avoid ritch and fried foods; Include more greens and fruits; drink Yarrow Tea; add Cucumber, parsley, Cabbage, Tomato to your cooking.
Wildcrafted Herbal Products that are useful for Oily Skin Types: Skin Care System for oily skin; Green Earth Medicine Facial Clay.
Now that you know which foods will help you in supporting your skin and in aiding you to balance your particular skin type or skin types, the next thing you need to implement is a daily and weekly skin care regime to promote the health and vitality of your skin.

10 Great Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

It is used for treatment and prevention of cancer.

It is used to stop Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

It is used to raise the metabolism and increase fat oxidation.

It reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks by reducing the risk of thrombosis.

It reduces the risk of esophageal cancer.

Drinking green tea inhibits the growth of certain cancer cells, reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.

It is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular diseases

it is used to treat impaired immune function.

Some researches show that, drinking green tea regularly may help prevent tooth decay by killing the bacteria which causes the dental plaque.

Top 10 Benefits of Carrot Juice

Benefit #1 :-

Carrot juice contains less calories and is very beneficial for weight loss.

Benefit #2 :-

The functioning and health of liver and digestive tract improves by the intake of carrot juice.

Benefit #3 :-

Carrot juice contains Vitamin E which helps in preventing cancer.

Benefit #4 :-

Aches and pains associated with aging lessen with the intake of carrot juice.

Benefit #5 :-

Vitamin A present in carrot juice improves eye-sight and helps in bone disorders, osteoporosis etc.

Benefit #6 :-

It contains potassium which helps against cholesterol.

Benefit #7 :-

Carrot juice is extremely beneficial for the liver as it reduces fat and bile in the liver.

Benefit #8 :-

The juice revitalizes and tones the skin.

Benefit #9 :-

Carrot juice is very rich in beta-carotene which is an antioxidant and it prevents cell degeneration. The aging process is also slowed down.

Benefit #10 :-

Carrots contain beta-carotene which is converted into Vitamin A by our body. This natural vitamin A is very good for our body.

Tomato Health Benefits

If only everyone were fully aware of the many amazing tomato health benefits, then perhaps we would have more respect for this lowly fruit. Today, our culture is so concerned with convenience and comfort that we take foods like the tomato for granted. One classic example: we've failed in teaching our kids the importance of eating fresh tomatoes every day. Instead, we've allowed them to love ketchup and spaghetti sauce without really educating them about the true value of the tomato fruit itself.

Thankfully, it's never too late to make a healthy change. If you are guilty of taking tomatoes for granted, take stock of the following tomato health benefits so you can re-orient your understanding and appreciation for what the tomato fruit brings to the table.

· Tomatoes pack a lot of vitamins which are essential for disease prevention. A 150-gram serving of fresh tomatoes is able to deliver our daily dietary requirement for Vitamin A, C and K as well as the necessary minerals potassium and folate. On top of this, tomatoes also contain generous amounts of Vitamin B6, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, niacin and thiamin which are vital for the healthy function of many organ systems. Without potassium, for example, the heart would cease to beat involuntarily disrupting the transport of the blood to the different parts of the body. The fact that we can get all these in just one serving truly emphasizes that tomato health benefits are readily available to us on a daily basis.

· Tomatoes have a lot of beta carotene. We've always associated beta carotene with Vitamin A but even by itself, it leads to many health benefits. Beta carotene can help promote healthy skin by protecting it from harmful UV rays when you are exposed to intense sunlight during the day. Without it, your skin could easily wrinkle and age. It could even lead to the onset of serious skin conditions such as melanomas.

· The antioxidants in tomatoes lead to a plethora of tomatoes health benefits. One of the most important is that it helps prevent a variety of cancers that are caused by free radical damage at the cellular level. The main antioxidant responsible for this is lycopene which is abundant in tomatoes. The most common types of cancers addressed by the antioxidants in tomatoes include cervical cancer, prostate cancer, and cancers of the digestive tract.

· The same antioxidants also lead to other tomato health benefits associated with lowering the risks for heart ailments. This is made possible because the antioxidants reduce the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood. This frees up the arteries and minimizes the risk of blockages and the onset of high blood pressure. When the blood can flow freely with minimal effort from the heart, the risks of heart ailments are considerably lowered and cardiovascular diseases are kept at bay.

Tomato health benefits abound in every serving of fresh or cooked tomatoes. We only need to consciously enjoy a serving or two of this marvelous fruit every single day. This will not be easy given our culture's love for anything "instant" but with small changes in our daily eating habits, we should be able to enjoy the full benefits of the tomato fruit one healthy serving at a time.

Healthy Vegetable Facts

We all know that we're meant to eat healthy foods on a regular basis. Yet, the majority of us fail to do so. We eat unhealthy meals containing a wealth of fat and other nasties that are no good for our bodies. Instead of consuming healthy snacks in between meals, we go for a candy bar or a bag of chips - and that just isn't good enough!

In this article you're going to be educated on some basic facts about healthy eating. Learning the facts about healthy eating, may motivate you to make a change to your diet.

One fact about healthy eating that has always scared me is that the majority of us aren't getting out 5 fruit and vegetables a day! If you're not getting enough fruit and veg on a daily basis, you may develop serious health complications later on in life.

If you're not consuming your 5 fruit and vegetables a day, then you need to start doing so, before it's too late. If you find it hard to eat that much fruit and veg a day, then here are some tips to help you get your recommended daily allowance...

* I'm assuming you love spaghetti bolognaise, who doesn't right? Well did you know that you can chop up some vegetables into your bolognaise sauce? You'll barely know they're there either!

* Drink plenty of fruit juices. It doesn't matter what fruit juice, it's all down to your personal preference. But drinking one glass of juice a day will provide you with one of your five a day!

* The majority of people don't count potatoes towards their five a day, for some bizarre reason. Potatoes are vegetables too, you know? You can use potatoes with nearly every meal, so it's a great way to reach your five a day. You can find thousands of healthy recipes online that contain one or two portions of your five a day, so a search engine is a great place to start if you're struggling to think of healthy recipes.

Another fact that is quite scary is that 95% of us are consuming far too many processed foods on a daily basis. These are foods that contain added salt, sugar and nasty chemicals. These foods are everywhere, but they're more common in 'TV Dinners' and other microwaved food.

4 Facts on Staying Healthy

Staying health and maintaining an active lifestyle are among of the most important things you can do for your body. Bodies need nutrition and exercise to function properly and when you are healthy you look and feel great. You have a good mental attitude which also contributes to overall good health.

If you have bad habits in your life that are making you feel sluggish and unhealthy, get rid of them today and start living the life you were meant to live. Remember that overeating, smoking or over working will affect your health and cause you to become irritated, exhausted, and contract diseases that you do not want to have.

Medical Care

You should have a total physical at least once per year. Get regular screenings if you feel that you have cardiovascular problems or there are any lumps or spots on your skin that are different or you feel unusually under the weather. An annual checkup will give you the assurance that your physical health is great.

Routine blood work will also give you the advantage of detecting underlying problems. You need to get care immediately if you are injured or feel ill. Be proactive and get regular checkups.

Take care of your eyes and teeth. They are as equally important as the rest of your body. Practice good oral hygiene and address all dental problems. This will keep your entire body as well as your smile, bright.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that children and adults get their foods from the follow groups: milk, vegetables, grains beans, fruits, and lean meats andoils. You will get all the nutrition and vitamins and minerals you need from eating a well balanced diet. Do not eat fast foods, processed food or over indulge in sugars and salts.These will definitely prevent you from being healthy. Avoid fatty meats and try to eat one meal a week that is totally vegetarian.


The dreaded exercise suggestion is at least thirty minutes a day of moderate exercise. Cleaning your house, washing your car, taking the dog for a brisk walk, washing windows, and many more chores you do everyday are great for getting the exercise you need. You can add walking around the block, shopping at the mall, and taking care of children great ways to get exercise. If you have time, take those 30 minutes and go to the gym for exercise and a mental break.

Rest and sleep are important. You need to sleep at least seven hours a night to maintain good health. Sleeping rejuvenates your cells and helps the body to recuperate and heal itself from the injuries of everyday living.

Alcohol and Drugs

Whatever you do, avoid recreational drugs and excess alcohol consumption. Regular drinking of alcoholic beverages leads to liver and digestive system problems and causes you to be addicted to habits that are not healthy. Seek treatment immediately if you have any type of substance abuse addictions. Unhealthy addictions will contribute to future ill health and a decreased level of living.

Top 10 Most Contagious Germ Spots

The places that seem to be inconspicuous areas could be dangerous to our bodies and environment. Reasons being is that germs spread through what is called 'spores'; A microscopic reproductive organism that is responsible for spreading infectious diseases. The top ten most contagious germs spreading environment are listed below:
  1. Bar Soap
    Many would not think that this would be at the top as persons think that soap is the antidote against bacteria but let's look at these facts: When your hands are dirty, what do you use to wash it? You see, many persons target the bar soap and that is where all the germs are lodged. Some persons do not wash off the soap before using it. This is the reason you see dispensers in restrooms instead of bar soaps. However, the virus called Norovirus or C Difficlle is known for its resistance against alcohol based hand cleansers. Constant running water can and will remove this stubborn virus.

  2. Nuts and Cocktail Party Containers 
    If you are at a bar or social gathering and offered peanuts in the same containers, respectfully decline. Here is why: Your fingers are the hundredth or possible thousandth that will dip into the container! There are hundreds of germs that pass through these public gatherings. The best way to serve nuts is to dispense them straight from the container in a small dish or clean paper towel.

  3. Restroom Keys
    Have you ever been to a restaurant, gas station or library and offered a key when you asked to use the restroom? Imagine this: There are hundreds of thousands of germs that is passed onto these keys.While we rely on each person to practice good hygiene, it is not always perfect, so we need to cover ourselves. When the keys are issued, use a hand towel to hold it. After using the restroom, return in same manner politely.

  4. Handbags
    A Lady's handbag is her pride, joy, and treasure but it is also the most dangerous carriage of germs. This is why: You place the handbag on the floor to fetch your keys to open your door, then it goes from your shoulder to the dinner table or the kitchen counter. In addition, you take it to the restroom with you and go back and forth to your desk at work. To remedy this dirty practice (no pun intended), purchase a purse large enough to put your credit card and money separate from your handbag and keep it in your hand at all times. Take what you want from it and return same to your handbag. For security reasons, this is also a good practice.

  5. Pets
    Some persons who love pets may not want to see this but, yes, your pet is also susceptible to germ spreading. If you do not care your pet properly, it could be you worst enemy when it comes to contagious bacteria. Bathe your pet regular and take it to get regular shots. Monitor their movements and see where they hangout. It may sound silly but your pet should be a part of your household just like a family.

  6. Cell Phone
    Your cell phone should be the number one carrier of germs but since it rarely goes out of your sight, on the counter and other places,I would still keep it at number 6. One reason why your phone is a target is that you keep it away from water to keep it from being damaged. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will wash your hands immediately, before use. One suggestion is to keep it in a glove or protector, peel it off, wipe or wash it (cover) periodically.

  7. Gas Pump
    Most gas station have"do it yourself" pumps and thousands of motor vehicle owners use these pumps. As I have mentioned before, the more we invite the public to handle things, the more germs are transmitted Use a glove or rag to hold the pump or wipe your hands with antibacterial cleaner afterwards.

  8. Internet Cafe'
    When you use an Internet cafe' key boards and mouse pads, you are shaking thousands of fingers indirectly. Though you can't prevent this you can safeguard yourself by wiping off the keyboard before use. In addition, you must wash your hands after using the computer.

  9. Subway Train Rails
    Daily commuting by subway contributes to germ spreading. Caution must be exercised when travelling frequently via this medium. Take a sanitizer with you at all times and use it after and before you use the subway to travel daily.

  10. Airborne
    The air we live in is an inescapable trap for various airborne viruses. The only way we can reduce the likelihood of contracting disease is to: Stay healthy, eliminate critical foods that breakdown your immunity and last but not least, reduce your gluten intake and have your daily recommended dosage of vitamin C as this help to build your immunity.

7 Ways To Avoid Hemorrhoids When You Are Pregnant

1) Reduce Constipation

Getting rid of constipation is a major step towards the prevention as well as treatment of hemorrhoids. This is because it allows pregnant mothers to pass stool without straining. Some of the things that can be done to relieve constipation include:
2) Drinking Lots of Water
It is recommended that you take at least 8-10 glasses of water per day or more. This should be pure drinking water without any additives like tea, coffee, juice and so on.
3) Increase Fiber Intake
This can be done by taking raw vegetables and fruits, beans, whole grains and other foods that are rich in fiber. You can also add prune juice to the diet as this helps to boost fiber intake.
4) Avoid Sitting or Standing For Long Periods of Time
Both activities increase pressure on the lower body and also slow down flow of blood to the rectal veins. If you sit at a desk while working, take a few minutes break to walk around. If you have to stand for a long time, make sure you take time to stretch and sit a little once in a while.
5) Relax When Passing Stool
Straining during bowl movements can cause hemorrhoids or make them worse. If you find yourself having difficulties during bowel movements, you can use a stool where you can put your feet up during the process. This allows the bowel movements to move more easily as it helps to relieve the pressure that is found around the rectal area.
6) Don't Hold Stool In
It is advisable that you go to the restroom immediately you feel the urge to do so. Waiting can make the process more difficult which leads to straining.
7) Kegel Exercises
Kegels are great exercises that help to avoid hemorrhoids when you are pregnant as they help to strengthen the pelvic which enhances circulation to the perineum as well as the rectum. You should also try to exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday as this also helps to improve digestion. This should however be approached with a lot of caution and you should talk to your doctor to find out the types of exercises that can be done to keep you and the unborn bay in great shape.

Symptoms For Heart Problems

There be signs that you might have a heart problem, then you should immediately go to your doctor to have yourself checked. But you need to know the signs and symptoms that you need to look out for, though.The following are a few of the symptoms that you shouldn't ignore when it comes to your heart.

Chest pain is probably the most common type of symptom for heart problem and even a heart attack. It is actually the leading symptom that doctors look for in patients who are suspected of having a heart attack or experiencing a heart problem. The experience is pain in the chest that is felt a little to the left at exactly the center. It has been described as an uncomfortable sensation of squeezing or of pressure. It has also been described as somewhat like an elephant is sitting on a person's chest.

Fatigue is also a sign that a person is having a hear attack or has a serious heart ailment. A person usually experiences fatigue a few days, or in some cases even a few weeks, before the heart attack. If you happen to feel tired or fatigued all the time or even most of the time could very well be a sign that you may have heart failure. Even though you might feel fatigued for other reasons, it would be best for you to consult a doctor and know the real reason behind it.

One other symptom that you have a heart problem or that you are already experiencing a heart attack is sweating. Sure, we all sweat but if you are just sitting or lying down and then you suddenly break out in a cold sweat as if you've just come from the gym, then that is a sign that you could actually be having a heart attack already.

5 Simple Tips to Stop Snoring

If you're the bed partner of a snorer, on average you're likely to get just 3-5 hours of sleep a night! Many people see snoring as something funny, but for some couples it can be a very serious problem, for example when the air you inhale vibrates the structures in your 'upper airway' it can emit as much noise as a pneumatic drill!

This is certainly no laughing matter, there are some facts that are far more serious such as the fact that snorers are 5 times more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes or even a stroke.

So with these worrying facts in mind here are 5 simple lifestyle changes that can potentially prevent your snoring problems or at least reduce them, cutting out the snoring can potentially stop the development of serious medical issues afterwords.

Lose Weight

This is a highly recommended tip, not just for your sleeping pattern, but for your overall health. Shifting just a couple of pounds could be the difference between a quiet night's sleep or an elbow from your partner in the middle of the night. If you're overweight the fatty tissue inside your airway can hinder the flow of air causing the snoring sound

Use extra pillows

This is a simple enough tip to implement but has been found to help in some cases, simply by propping yourself up with more pillows or thicker pillows can aid airflow and the amount of breath you intake when you sleep.

Stop Smoking

This is another widely discussed issue, there are a number of reasons why you should cut out smoking, snoring being just one of them. The dangers of smoking are well documented but the cigarette smoke also irritates the lining of your nasal cavity which may cause swelling and other issues. It's worth mentioning that cutting out smoking can also aid weight loss and your wallet will definitely be grateful.

Cut out Alcohol and Sleeping Pills

By this of course we certainly don't advise cutting out your prescribed medication but it's a good idea to avoid sleeping pills as well as a alcohol before bed. Sedatives such as sleeping pills and alcohol relax the muscles in your throat which makes you much more likely to snore, it's a good idea to avoid sedatives in general as it can disrupt the amount of real rest you get while you sleep.

External Aids

These tips are easy to implement and have been found to work, but unfortunately they don't work all the time. The only clinically proven method to fully prevent snoring is through investing in an anti snoring mouthpiece, with the exception being surgery that can be expensive, painful and uncomfortable, however surgery is one of the only clinically proven methods too.

5 Tips to Get an Good Night's Sleep Naturally

Lack of sleep can have a negative effect on many aspects of your health. It can even cause you to have problems with your memory and feel depressed.

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are simply not safe. They do not cause you to fall asleep naturally. They are sedative drugs that can affect your daytime performance and generally interfere with your life. Here are 5 tips that will help you get a good night's sleep naturally.

Reduce or Eliminate Caffeinated Beverages

A small amount of caffeine early in the day may be alright. But caffeine is a mild drug, a stimulant. Drinking coffee or sodas in the afternoon and evening can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.

Caffeine is also a mild diuretic. Drinking caffeinated beverages close to bedtime can cause you to wake up with a full bladder. Many people have difficulty getting back to sleep after getting up to use the bathroom. Ideally, you should avoid drinking anything in the hours preceding bedtime especially if nighttime urination makes it difficult for you to bet back to sleep.

Turn down the Lights and Turn off the TV

There is a natural process in the body called the circadian rhythm. It controls when you become sleepy and when you wake up. Assuming nothing artificial interferes with the process, your body should start producing more melatonin around 9pm. The melatonin makes you sleepy. By 11pm, you are ready to fall asleep.

Receptors in the eyes are involved in the process that triggers melatonin production. Artificial lights and light from the TV interferes with the process. About 2 hours before bedtime, you should turn down the lights in your home and turn off the TV.

You can use a small reading lamp and read until you feel ready to fall asleep. You might also do other relaxing things, such as stretching, taking a warm bath or drinking a cup of herbal tea.

Try Using a Sound Machine

Sudden noises in the night wake some people up. Sound machines or white noise machines help by blocking out background sounds like traffic, slamming doors and other irregular noises.

Limit Alcohol Intake

Alcohol might make you drowsy but like caffeine it is a diuretic. Drinking an alcoholic beverage too close to bedtime may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night with a full bladder.

Take a Good Dietary Supplement

Certain nutrients support the natural circadian rhythm and are also needed for your body to produce melatonin. There are plenty of natural sleep aids out there. As you might guess, some are better than others. Here are some of the ingredients you want to look for.

· Hops, valerian root, passion flower extract and chamomile-herbs that relax the body

· Phosphatidyl choline-a precursor to neurotransmitters involved in sleep regulation

· Folic acid-particularly important for restless leg syndrome

Remember that combinations of herbs and nutrients may not be safe. The ingredients in a well-designed multi-ingredient supplement are carefully measured. It is safer to choose one of those to help you sleep naturally than it is to combine different ingredients on your own.

Stop Your Headaches Before They Begin With Chiropractic Treatments

Every week, I have more and more patients coming in who tell me they feel stressed out and overwhelmed. That, coupled with an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, means most of these patients also complain of headaches, which is not surprising. The latest studies show that 90% of headaches are considered "tension headaches" - and more than 95 percent of those are so-called "primary" headaches, such as migraine clusters. While some headaches are caused by food or environmental allergies, most are triggered simply by the way people sit at their desks or in their cars day in and day out.
What do you do when you experience a headache? If you're like most people, you turn to your medicine cabinet to relieve the pain. But that's only a temporary fix. In fact, some medical experts believe that using painkillers more than a few times per week can actually perpetuate headaches, making them return as soon as the medication wears off. They say any painkiller in your medicine cabinet is capable of causing rebound headaches if you take it often enough and in large-enough quantities. Over-the-counter medications that contain aspirin can cause rebound headaches and combining these painkillers with caffeine can be even worse.
If you don't get to the true root of the problem, the headaches can reoccur, interfering with every aspect of your life. Fortunately, there is an effective alternative - and it's not in your medicine cabinet.
As a board-certified chiropractor, most patients that I see are experiencing headaches from muscle tension and subluxation (misalignment) of the cervical spine and upper back. They are unaware that improperly sitting in a chair, looking at a computer screen all day, can create pressure on the spine, leading to a variety of issues.
Chiropractic treatment can help you get rid of your pain and make long-lasting changes. A study released in 2001 by the Duke University Evidence-Based Practice Center in Durham, N.C., showed that spinal manipulation treatments resulted in an almost-immediate improvement for headaches that originate in the neck. Furthermore, the study reported the treatments had significantly fewer side effects and longer-lasting relief of tension-type headache than a commonly prescribed medication.
Additionally, chiropractic treatment can help relieve headaches by spinal manipulation and trigger point therapy and massage. These treatments are effective, and I often recommend my patients engage in physical therapy as well, which can restore and correct your posture for long-lasting relief.

7 Food for Natural Teeth Whitening

1. Pineapples - This fruit is an efficient source of acquiring natural and organic teeth whitening. Pineapples are made up of enzyme bromelain which can function as an organic discoloration cleanser. Bromelain additionally can help in natural removal of plaque buildup from your teeth, removing oral plaque buildup is important to a whiter smile simply because oral plaque produces harmful bacteria that causes breakdown inside the enamel of your teeth. Bromelain in pineapples will also help Indigestion and Heartburn as well as improving your general immune strength; so when including pineapples in your eating habits, you're not just whitening the teeth but your also doing your body some justice.

2. Carrots - This can be a very important vegetable in regards to whiter teeth, reason being, carrots contain vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary when it comes to your tooth enamel. The AACD advises that carrots be consumed uncooked when conversing teeth whitening, mainly because it will stimulate your saliva (the body's natural cleanser). Vitamin A fused with saliva acts as a natural teeth cleanser.

3. Cheese - Cheese contains calcium, phosphorus, and protein, according to the AACD, a combination of the three serves as a barrier to the bacteria inside of your mouth. The 3 also serves as a restoring system for your teeth, providing you with a naturally brighter smile.

4. Onions - thiosulfinates and thiosulfonates are sulfur compounds which are found in onions. What these kinds of compounds do is get rid of bacteria that causes the teeth to decay. The problem in utilizing onions in regards to teeth whitening is that they must be uncooked for it to be effective. Cooking the onions is likely to get rid of the compounds that cause natural teeth whitening. If you're allergic or perhaps you just don't like onions, garlic even offers thiosulfinate and thiosulfonate.

5. Salmon - Salmon is made of Vitamin D, One of the major capabilities of Vitamins D is usually to assist in the inclusion of calcium and phosphorus. It is not possible for you to gain the many benefits of both of these minerals without having vitamin D; given that your body's calcium is kept in your skeletal frame and teeth.

6. Broccoli - This is an important vegetable in relation to teeth whitening, broccoli is made out of iron which helps to protect the outer the surface of your teeth, the more iron within your body, the less vulnerable to staining the teeth will become. The iron in broccoli is relied on as an acid resistant barrier.

7. Strawberry- Strawberries contains Malic Acid, Malic Acid removes surface stains. Simply eating the strawberries alone will not assist in whitening the teeth, there is a method that you need to follow.

Directions: Smash a single strawberry into a pulp, and then you mix baking soda with it until it's blended as much as possible. Spread the mixture on the surface of your teeth using a soft toothbrush. It is recommended that you leave the mix on your teeth for about 5 minutes (giving the malic acid time to remove the surface stains on your teeth). Add toothpaste to your toothbrush and brush extensively then rinse out (until the baking soda strawberry mixture is gone). You might notice several strawberry seeds in your teeth (nothing a little floss can't solve). It is advisable that you carry out this procedure once a week.