Tips To Get Relief From Ear Pain
- Clean your ears with extra care. Wipe the outer ear with a washcloth or tissue.
- If you experience itching or pain in your ears, consult with your primary care physician to determine the appropriate treatment and to determine if you need to see a specialist.
- Avoid exposure to loud sound and loud firecrackers.
- If you have pain while you are lying down, sit down with head held up straight.
- Take care to avoid wetting the ear. Close the ears with cotton swabs, while bathing.
- Don’t use headphones for long periods and keep at low volume if using them at all.
- Avoid cold food and water.
- Apply coconut oil to the ear or put a drop of it in the ear and you can also put a drop of clove oil in the ear cavity if you suffer from ear pain.
- Some medications can affect hearing. Take medications only as directed, and consult your doctor if you experience unusual hearing, balance problems, or ringing in the ears.