3 Super Foods that will Prevent Cancer

Here are 3 foods that you must include in your cancer diet:


The first food that you must include in your cancer diet is garlic. Studies show that eating garlic daily protects you against all types of cancer. According to several studies, eating garlic gloves can reduce your cancer risk by up to 50% or more. Ally sulfur, a compound found in garlic, stops the growth of cancer cells. Garlic has other cancer-fighting compounds such as flavonoids and selenium. It is best to use garlic cloves for maximum result. Garlic supplements are also available for those who do not like the strong taste and smell.


Mushrooms also must be included in your cancer diet. Mushrooms contain compounds known as polysaccharides that prevent cancer and boost your immune system. Several years ago Japanese researchers discovered a mushroom extract known as AHCC (active hexose correlated compound). This mushroom extract has been proven to prevent cancer in many clinical studies. Make sure you include mushrooms in your daily diet.

Fruits & Vegetables

You must include fruits and vegetables in your cancer diet. It is not a big secret that fruits and vegetables prevent cancer. Actually, to most people this is common sense. Although it is common sense it is not common practice. Studies show that most people don't even eat one piece of fruit or vegetable daily. Do not eat the canned fruits and vegetables. The reason is that manufactures usually adds lots of salt and sugar to these products; this is not good for your health.

Fact: You cannot prevent cancer or any other disease without eating a good cancer diet.

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