Best Sexual Tips of All Time

Drink eight glasses of water a day. The more water you drink, the more semen amounts you will have since semen is partially composed of water.

Abstain from masturbation and pace your bouts of sexual activity. The more often you orgasm the less amount of semen you are going to have for each successive orgasm, especially if you orgasm often.

Eat a healthy diet. Diet plays a huge role in the amount of semen a man produces, and a poor diet is sure to produce smaller amounts of semen. So avoid things like processed and refined foods, junk food, and caffeine and you will also have the added benefit of feeling better. Some examples of foods to add to your diet are celery, yams, low fat meats and dairy, nuts, and legumes.

Avoid alcohol, recreational drugs and smoking. All of these adversely affect the amounts of semen a man produces.

Take an herbal supplement specially for increasing semen volume.

Wear loose underwear and pants. When you wear tight underwear or pants this pulls the scrotum up tight to the body and your own body heat can then affect not only the volume of semen, but the quality of your sperm.