5 Magical Foods to Help Digestion Better

Indigestion is said to be a health condition when an individual is unable to digest all or some certain types of food. This may be due to various factors such as wrong eating habits and lifestyle causes or by other digestive issues.
Some of the most common causes of indigestion are
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Too much carbonated beverages
  • Certain medicine such as aspirin or antibiotics
  • Eating too much chocolate
  • Too much eating at one go
  • Eating fast and without chewing
  • Eating when emotionally down
  • Ulcers and smoking
  • Spicy, greasy and fat rich foods
  • Gastritis (Stomach inflammation)
People take up normal medicines when they suffer from the issues of indigestion but many are unaware if these could cause some side-effects. Taking some great food types as natural remedies for indigestion could help without the rise of blemishes.
Some good foods as natural remedies for indigestion
Simply taking up the below mentioned food types based natural remedies for indigestion could help your indigestion related issues to stay at large.
  1. Bananas- Bananas are universally accepted food type to bring about a quick relief to indigestion as it does not upset the stomach. That's the reason athletes take up bananas as energy booster for not upsetting the stomach. Bananas have pectin, that firm the bowel movements.
  2. Papaya- Papaya is another tummy soothing food and encourage digestion, help it and also help in constipation as it contains papain that breaks down proteins and soothe the stomach and indigestion.
  3. Rice- Rice is a blemish-free food option that's bland and absorbs fluids and add bulk to the stool. There is absolutely no side-effect of eating rice, yes the quantity of absorption may have some effect on the body.
  4. Yoghurt- Yoghurt has active cultures that's good for the overall functioning of all body functions. It soothes stomach with its good bacteria function. Simply eat yoghurt or curd with rice and indigestion shall be a thing of the past. Make sure you select yoghurt that has only active culture that may increase 'good' bacteria.
  5. Ginger and garlic- Ginger and Garlic are other natural remedies for indigestion based great food type that must be sucked in moderate quantity directly and be taken mixed with foods and ease the indigestion's effects naturally
These are some of the magical natural remedies one can rely on to get relief from indigestion. Stick to these remedies kick off indigestion minus any blemishes. 

Lemon + Water : A Magical Health Solution

When you are eating out at a restaurant and you order water (especially in the south) they usually add a lemon slice to your glass. Do you leave the lemon in your water or do you take it out? You should drink your water with that lemon slice in it. Lemons have wonderful health benefits. Plus if you are someone who doesn't drink enough water due to its bland taste adding a slice of lemon will spruce up the flavor to encourage you to drink more.

Lemons are part of the citrus family of fruits and have a tart, sour taste which when diluted in a glass of water gives you a great flavor. Lemons are loaded with nutritious elements such as vitamins C, B, riboflavin and minerals calcium, phosphorous and magnesium. These vitamins and minerals are vital components necessary for helping the body to function on a daily basis. By adding lemon to the water you drink you can improve your health in a variety of areas. Here are some of the health benefits that you can receive by consuming lemon in your water.
Lemons are good for the whole body including the stomach, skin, teeth, throat, lungs, blood, weight loss, etc. Lemons are a detoxifier, purifier, and diuretic. They help to relieve digestive problems such as nausea, heartburn, bloating, belching and constipation. When consumed lemon juice aids in the elimination of waste, in the production of bile in the liver and decreases the amount of phlegm produced by the body.
Lemons natural antiseptic properties come into play with the skin, teeth, gums, throat, respiratory system and blood. Consuming lemon water will cleanse the skin from the inside out restoring it to its natural beauty. Lemons have also been used in numerous anti aging remedies to rejuvenate the appearance of one's skin, reduce wrinkles, and remove blackheads.
The benefits of drinking lemon water are seen greatly in the teeth, gums, and throat because that's where the first contact is made before entering into the stomach and being passed into the bloodstream. And due to its antibacterial properties it has the ability to remove toxins which can build up in the mouth and cause infections and sore throat. By drinking lemon water you can reduce the pain of a toothache, stop bleeding gums or even relieve bad breath odors. It can also sterilize the throat to reduce throat infections, sore throats, and tonsillitis.
Once in the body lemon water acts as a purifier to cleanse the blood and the entire body. It assists in respiratory problems such as asthma, controls high blood pressure, reduces dizziness and nausea and provides mental relaxation. Due to its diuretic properties lemon water helps to flush out bacteria and toxins which can cause arthritis and rheumatism.
Lastly lemon water can assist in ones effort to lose weight. Lemons stimulate digestion so that the body absorbs nutrients. Plus the vitamins and minerals and phytonutrients that are present within lemons such as calcium and magnesium are essential to help burn fat rather than store fat.

How to Make Your Own Herbal Ear Oil

Ear infections are rather cantankerous buggers and can certainly cause a lot of pain. Something many people don't realize is that up to 70% of all ear infections are actually viral. Antibiotics do nothing for a viral infection - they only benefit us when it is a bacterial infection.
In May of 2003, Pediatrics published an article entitled "Naturopathic Treatment for Ear Pain in Children".* The short story: there was a double-blind trial in an outpatient community clinic to compare an herbal oil containing garlic, mullein, calendula, St. John's wort and lavender with some Vitamin E Oil to the use of amoxicillin for ear infections. Amazingly, they found that the herbal oil showed an equal improvement rate after 3 days and better improvement overall than the amoxicillin! Not only do they work great, but they are very inexpensive and able to be made at home!
General Info 
  •  Garlic 
  • Mullein 
  •  Calendula 
  •  St. John's Wort 
  •  Lavender 
  •  Vitamin E Oil 
  •  Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
  •  Oven proof jar (for extraction process) 
  •  Cheesecloth 
  •  Small silicone colander (not necessary, but helpful) 
  •  Jar with pour spout 
  •  Amber glass bottle with dropper top

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees.
Get an oven proof jar (doesn't have to be very big as you probably don't need gallons of this stuff).
Put equal parts of garlic, mullein, calendula, St. John's Wort, and lavender into the jar.
Pour enough cold pressed extra virgin olive oil into the jar to completely cover the herbs.
Stir well.
Place the jar into the preheated oven and turn the oven OFF.
Leave to sit in the oven for 3 to 4 hours.
Remove the jar (you may want a towel or something to grab it with just in case it is too warm for your hands).
Cover the jar and let it sit at room temperature for another 4 to 5 hours to finish extracting and cooling.
Get your jar (or small glass pan) with a pour spout.
Put enough cheesecloth into your silicone colander (if you are using one) to be able to grab it all up and twist and squeeze later.
Pour the extract from the oven proof jar into the cheesecloth lined silicone colander over the jar with a pour spout to strain the herbs back out of your oil.
Once you have poured all of the liquid into the cheesecloth, grab the ends of the cheesecloth and squeeze them together and then start spinning the bottom ball of herbs around to tighten everything up. Once it is tightened up and you have removed the silicone colander out of your way, you can then squeeze the bottom ball of herbs in your cheesecloth to get out every last bit of the oil. The oil that has soaked into these herbs is going to be the most potent, so we want to get as much as possible back out of the herbs.
Add some drops of Vitamin E Oil (how many drops kind of depends on how much you are making - but I would think 5 drops for a 1/2 ounce amber bottle should be great). This is optional, but beneficial if you have it.
Pour the herbal oil into your amber glass jar and put on the dropper top. That's it!
When you go to use the oil you may find it much nicer warmed up. You can warm it by taken out the dropper top and placing the bottle into a pan of simmering water on the stove top (just like warming a baby bottle). Alternatively, if you have a small bottle (like 1/2 to 1 ounce size) you can also place the bottle (covered) under your armpit and hold it there for a few minutes until it has warmed up.
You can use 5 drops (more or less, depending on how much it takes to fill your ear canal without it overflowing) 3 - 4 times daily.
NOTE: You may want to label this with a water proof label in case some of the oil spills on it during use.
  • Our pediatrician suggested a mix of half extra virgin olive oil and half hydrogen peroxide to help with buildup of earwax in our children. You do need to gently mix it each time you go to use it because the two liquids constantly separate, but you need to mix it gently enough that you don't set off the bubbles in the hydrogen peroxide.
  • Another option is extra virgin olive oil infused with garlic. You can simply cut up some garlic cloves and drop them into the oil and let them sit in a dark cupboard for a few weeks - then strain out the garlic chunks. Garlic is well known for its antibacterial properties, making this option beneficial for ear infections if you don't have access to the other herbs to include in the oil.
CAUTION: NEVER put anything into your ear if you have a perforated ear drum unless it is something your licensed health care provider has instructed you to put there.

8 Perfect Home Remedies for Younger Looking Skin

In an age where synthetic treatments tend to be expensive and have long-term hazards on the skin, au naturelle is the way to go. Here we will explore proven ways on how you can have that coveted younger skin naturally.

Water is a vital source of moisture. Not only does it help improve circulation from the vital organs to the rest of the body, it also encourages cell renewal. When a person perspires or suffers from dehydration, he loses vital moisture, which causes skin drying. Be sure to replace lost moisture by drinking 8 glasses of water or two liters in a day.
Exercising leads to perspiration, which helps promote proper blood circulation and lets nutrients reach the skin's surface. It also helps release toxins in the body that cause premature aging. The result: fresh, youthful-looking skin and a healthier you.
Take Vitamins and Organic Supplements
This is especially true for individuals who are not to keen on eating vegetables and fruits, or those who are big on red meat. Taking daily all-natural supplements ensures that you're not lacking in the essential nutrients needed by the body. Supplements like XtendLife's Total Balance Unisex Plus contains micro-nutrients like vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes that are crucial in preventing premature aging and achieving younger skin naturally and safely.
Consume Healthful Foods
Numerous studies have revealed that less fat and red meat and more fish, vegetables and fruits results to fewer wrinkles. Also, betacarotene-rich foods like carrots and tomatoes provide Vitamin A which renews collagen, a natural skin protein responsible for the skin's firmness.
Citrus fruits and berries contain plenty of Vitamin C that promote collagen regeneration. Citrus fruits also contain bioflavonoids, which keep capillaries strong, thus preventing broken veins from appearing on the skin.
Fatty acids that replace lost collagen, provide moisture and prevent skin breakouts can be found abundantly in nuts.
Avoid Sun Exposure
You have probably heard that early morning sun basking is essential for Vitamin D conversion. However, exposure to the UV rays of the sun after 9am, destroys the skin's natural collagen, thus resulting to skin damage, wrinkles and premature aging. If you're aiming for younger skin naturally, get a tan elsewhere.
Say No to Smoking
Cigarettes have no known benefits to the body, be it the heart or the skin. They contain harmful carbon monoxide which impedes blood circulation to capillaries that supply nutrients to the skin. Further, it prevents the absorption of Vitamin C, a collagen proponent.
Sleep Sufficiently and Properly Positioned
Sleep is essential for achieving younger skin naturally, since growth hormone - which enables the cells to repair and regenerate - only functions when the body is at rest. An optimum 7 to 8 hour-sleep is recommended because every 2 to 3 hours starting at 8pm, the body performs special repair functions: hydration, regeneration, and resting. Inadequate sleep causes the blood vessels to constrict, so nutrients hardly reach the skin, making it look lifeless.
Sleep positions also contribute to wrinkling. Sleeping face down puts pressure on the blood vessels on the face,thus preventing fluid from distributing equally over the face. The result: puffy eyes, dark circles and wrinkling in the long-term.
Massage Some Olive Oil Onto Your Face
Applying extra virgin olive oil after exposure to the sun shields the skin from oxidation, a process where skin cells thin out and die. Olive oil contains antioxidants which prevent this destructive process from occurring.

Weight Loss Foods

Teas don't have caffeine and are all natural. It helps regulate digestion, boosts metabolism, suppresses appetite, burns fats and calories and serves as anti-oxidants for the body. There are a lot of teas one can choose from, ranging from green tea, to varieties such as the Okinawan tea (Japanese tea), Oolong tea and Feiyan tea (Chinese tea) among others. Celebrities also have been spotted drinking tea for its weight-loss and beautification (said to make people look younger) properties, one of which is X-men star Patrick Stewart whose youth secrets include a constant cup of Earl Grey tea.
 Mushrooms serve as a great meat substitute, thus you can cut back on your heavy meals. It leaves you with the 'full feeling' that could minimize, if not eradicate, the urge to snack. (Snacking is one of the leading cases of weight gain because snacks usually consist of junk food, oily and sugary sweets e.g. potato chips, doughnuts) It also helps lessen the consumption of calories throughout the day, as mushrooms have high nutritional values. Mushrooms also unclog your system and help regulate bowel movement. Mushrooms are also high in protein which can keep you going. It helps you lose weight without losing your curves.

In contrast to the popular belief that only egg whites should be consumed as egg yolks are fatty, it is best to consume the whole egg as most of the protein is found in yolk. As earlier stated, protein keeps you going, it is an energizer and it is one of the components of a healthy body. Aside from that, protein also prevents sugar cravings. Eggs also contain vitamin E and it helps makes you fuller longer.
Apples and fruits in general, are full of fiber and can help in promoting a healthy digestion and a healthy metabolism. Apples are low in calorie and fat, are low in sodium and contain several vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body. Apples also contain anti-oxidants and help minimize cholesterol in the body. It also slows down the absorption of carbohydrates with the help of soluble fiber found in apples.
Beans, seeds and nuts 
Beans contain cholecystokinin, a digestive hormone that naturally suppresses appetite. It keeps your blood sugar in check, and it high-fiber beans also help lower your cholesterol. Seeds like Chia seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids, iron and calcium. It serves as a sponge and it absorbs sugar, and it also stabilizes blood levels in the body. Talk about tough. Nuts such as pistachios, are high in protein and fiber, and healthy fats. Now, not all of the fats in the body are bad. Our bodies need fats, the good kind, the ones which are found in pistachios. It also helps lower cholesterol levels.
 Yogurts can be consumed as healthy snacks. It is filled with prebiotics and is rich in calcium. Yogurt helps burn fat and trims your tummy easily. Yogurt is filled with vitamins and minerals, plus, it comes in different flavors and can be served with a variety of fruits or in different dishes.
Vinegar contains acetic acid. Acetic acid slows the passage of food in the stomach, thus giving you a fuller feeling. It also helps you keep your blood sugar down and minimizes sugar-craving.
You may choose from any of these fat-busting foods, but what matters is moderation in eating. Even if you consume these, and still over-eat, your preference would still be in vain. Stay healthy, eat healthy.

Perfect 15 Day Skin tag Removal - Natural Way

Acrochordon, which are also known as skin tags, are benign in nature and can be see mostly in the folds of skin especially of armpits, groin and neck. There are many synonyms like cutaneous papilloma, soft fibroma, and cutaneous tag which are used to represent this disorder. Are you in search of an effective skin tag home remedy? If yes, read on as I am here to explain the best remedy to treat your illness.

Apple Cider Vinegar Cotton Ball
Immerse the area affected in warm water for about 30 minutes and then wipe it dry. Spread apple cider vinegar with the help of a cotton ball on the growth and leave it for around fifteen minutes. Clean the area after fifteen minutes and repeat the same procedure until the skin tag falls of.

Application of Potato 
Plain potato has got immense curative properties and is an important skin tag home remedy. Take a fresh piece of potato and bind it to the part with the help of a bandage. The skin tag will turn black and fall off within a short period of time.

Aspirin Dissolved in Water
Aspirin should be dissolved in water and applied on the growth which is beneficial in treating skin tag. Repeat the procedure till the size gets smaller and finally disappears from the surface of skin.

Baking Soda Mixture and Castor Oil
Baking soda should be mixed with water and applied on the growth, which is a remarkable skin tags home remedy. You can also use this mixture of baking soda and castor oil to treat these growths. This is a definite skin tags home remedy and will cure the obstinate growths with ease.

Dandelion root Juice
Dandelion roots are beneficial in treating skin tags. The juice of this plant is applied on the growth daily for a few weeks. You can see effective changes in the size of the skin tag which shows the action of the medicine.

Skin tags home remedy is the best and ideal method to remove these growths from your skin. Do not use conventional modes of treatment because it is harmful and can cause side effects.

There are many people who have obtained considerable relief using skin tag home remedy. I have treated my growths completely using these methods. It not only removed the growths but also added a glow to my skin.

Natural Face Packs for Glowing Skin

These are simple mixtures you put together using natural ingredients and then apply to your face.
So what are the best ingredients for dull skin?
You're looking for natural exfoliators to slough off the dull skin on the surface and moisturizers to bring your skin alive.
Fortunately, nature is full of perfect solutions in the form of fruits which work to tone and cleanse our skin gently but powerfully.
They're also rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Rich in antioxidants, fruits work to fight the free radicals in the environment and help our complexions.
Here are of the best to use on your face:
  • The banana helps to cleanse, moisturize and soften skin. It makes a fine face pack just on its own. Just mash it up and apply it to your face.
  • Papaya and pineapple are both powerful but gentle exfoliators and can be used individually or blended together.
  • Coconut is a sublime moisturizer. Adding in some coconut oil to your fruit pack works wonders with dry skin.
Fruits work wonderfully but for a real power experience, you need to add in some Thai herbs. Lemongrass, Kaffir lime, tamarind and others work synergistically with the fruits to deliver even more power effects on your skin.
You can choose a herb depending on your type of skin. Kaffir lime works well with oily skin, for example.
Another nice routine is to use herbal face packs as part of a regular de-stressing session. As the herbs gently work on your face, you can lie back and relax your mind and lower the stress that contributes to a dull face.
You can't halt the march of time but you can do your utmost to minimize its effects. Using a face pack for glowing skin is one of the best things you can do to banish dull skin and look your best.

Natural remedies for arthritis

  1. Consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids is amongst the best natural ways to deal with joint pain, one can find it in cold water fish which include salmon, trout, sardines, and tuna.
  2. Olive oil, green leafy vegetables, contains lpha-linolenic acid (ALA), it is a kind of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Green tea is also known for improving symptoms of arthritis.
  4. Ginger acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.
  5. Turmeric: Also recognized as curcumin, turmeric comes under ginger family and similar to ginger, it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. 
  6. Boswell is among other rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies that are shown to chunk chemical replies leading to inflammation.
  7. Acupuncture needles have been successfully used in Chinese medicine and proved as great natural therapies for rheumatoid arthritis that endorse a akin pain-relieving result as recommended medications deprived of harsh side effects.
  8. Devi's claw is an herb popular in Africa has great pain relaxing abilities.
  9. Walking and regular exercise under trainer is also a best natural healing way for arthritis.
  10. Avoid work which requires extra efforts and energy.
  11. Arthritis may show symptoms like pain and limited functioning of joints.

Essential Herbal Remedies to Protect Skin from Aging

Herbs and other natural supplements have been in use by people all over the world since ancient times. Encompassing kitchen applications, they are widely known for their healing and reparative properties. They are incorporated in many natural supplements, soaps and teas. Because of their potency and safety, it is no wonder that they are also used to develop herbal skin care products that revitalize, moisturize and heal the skin.
Here are some of the most common medicinal herbs for skin application.
  1. Lavender
    Lavender is a natural moisturizer that promotes skin hydration and locks in the skin's natural moisture. It also possesses soothing properties that work against inflammation. Safe for use in dry and sensitive skin, it is a popular ingredient in massage oils and other aromatherapy products.

  2. Chamomile
    Chamomile has been used for a variety of skin conditions since ancient times. It possesses antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties and helps reduce wound healing and inflammation.

  3. Calendula
    Like chamomile, calendula is an effective antiviral and antibacterial agent, capable of fighting off infection, irritation and wounds that go as deep as the tissues. It is used in a variety of herbal skin care products including tinctures, creams and ointments.

  4. Extrapone Nutgrass Root
    One of the main ingredients of XtendLife's Whitening Day Cream, nutgrass root is an effective whitening agent sourced from Indian forests. Originally formulated to help ease skin irritation, its roots are used by many Oriental and Ayurvedic alternative therapy practitioners. As a skin whitener, it works by preventing melanin production (up to 40 percent according to clinical experiments), the pigment responsible for the dark color of the skin.

  5. Aloe Vera
    This gentle translucent gel works wonders for wounds, burns or irritation of the skin and tissues, thus making it a usual staple in all-natural healing ointments as well as herbal skin care products like soaps, lotions, whitening creams and shampoo. It is capable of seeping deep into several skin layers, where it repairs and encourages production of new and healthy cells.

  6. Goldenrod
    A proven antiseptic for centuries, goldenrod was used by Native Indian Americans for treating wounds and combatting infection. Today, apart from serving as an antiseptic, it is also used to treat a wide range of skin diseases and drank as a tea.

  7. Sea Buckthorn
    Endowed with nourishing and healing properties plus Vitamin E, the oil that is extracted from Sea Buckthorn helps speed up the healing process of burns, wounds and sunburns, and restores the skin's natural form by replenishing lost moisture and collagen. As such, they are also used in some anti-aging creams and lotions, where they help counter dryness and premature aging. Sea Buckthorns are also traditional medicinal herbs for skin conditions including eczema, and are sometimes used in post-surgical and radiation therapy treatment.

  8. Echinacea
    For over 400 years, this wonder herb has been one of those run-to herbs for wound treatment, thanks to its discovery by Native Americans who used the crushed leaves for application on wounded or infected skin. Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities - which help treat skin disorders like psoriasis and eczema - it is used in many herbal skin care products including topical creams, capsules and tea.

Kidney Damaging Habits

Here is a summary of 10 most common habits which will give kidney problem. 

1. Not emptying your bladder early
2. Not drinking enough water
3. Taking too much salt
4. Not treating common infections quickly and properly
5. Eating too much meat
6. Not eating enough
7. Painkiller abuse
8. Missing your drugs
9. Drinking too much alcohol
10. Not resting enough

Kidney Saving Habits

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

"Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food."

"Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot."

"Avoid edible food-like substances."

Five Essential Home Remedies For Chafing

While not necessarily considered a serious medical condition, chafing can be a painful and uncomfortable affliction to deal with. Generally caused by friction, skin on skin or clothing on skin, the top layer of skin is worn away, leaving behind a sore spot, with the underlying layer of skin exposed to the air. The friction is often exasperated by moisture and tight fitting clothing, subjected by constant movement. Care must be taken to help it heal quickly, because constant friction and exposure can cause it to become infected. The following remedies should help you deal until you can get healed.
Stay Dry
When you are out and about, doing chores, exercising or errands, it is vital that you stay cool, and sweat-free. The moisture caused by sweat dampens the clothes, making them cling to the skin. When that happens, every movement you make will cause chafing, continually rubbing the fabric against the skin until the top layer is worn away. Take precautions such as bringing a towel, talcum powder or a cool rag.
Wear Comfortable Clothing
If you know that you will be out of the house for hours, especially during the summer months, make sure that you wear loose, comfortable clothing. Chafing happens most often when you are wearing tight clothes, especially when its hot. Tight clothing will also make you sweat, further escalating the problem. Loose clothes allows the breeze to pass through, and dry your skin.
Stay Hydrated
One of the first signs that you may be succumbing to dehydration is sweating profusely. This is a sign that many people miss, because they often confuse the stage of not sweating with the beginning of dehydration. When you sweat a lot, chafing can occur, so if you know you are going to be working in the heat, be sure to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, and stay away from sugary, carbonated drinks.
Don't Overdo It
If the environment you are in is one that is warmer than normal, the best thing you can do to avoid getting chafed is to take breaks, and don't overdo any activity. It is very easy to forget in the heat, and not realize what has happened until the pain starts. Avoid all that by taking breaks, hydrate and cool off.
Quick Treatments
Should all precautions fail, and you still get chafed, there are a few topical treatments that you can do to reduce the pain, and help it heal. Things like baby powder, baby oil and petroleum jelly will soothe the wound, and reduce the inflammation. You can also apply some zinc oxide cream, and it dry and adhere to the wound so that it will help dry it out. Lastly, wrapping the wound after applying these items with an elastic wrap will protect the wound, and prevent it from becoming infected.

Health Benefits of Walking

One of the quickest, easiest fastest, and cheapest coping skills you can use to fight your depression is walking. All you need is a decent pair of walking shoes and you're good to go. To start, a 10 minute brisk walk is all you need. Ideally, you should work your way up to 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week. There are numerous physical benefits to a good brisk walk such as weight loss, lower blood pressure levels, improved muscle mass and tone, etc. But as someone who has depression, you should also be familiar with the following 7 psychological benefits of walking:

1. Increases serotonin levels - People with clinical depression have lower levels of serotonin ( a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of well being ) in their brain. Brisk walking will naturally cause those serotonin levels to rise and you'll begin to feel better within a short period of time.

2. Improves self confidence and self esteem - Set some goals for walking. They should be small attainable goals at first. Then increase your distance over time. Start a walking journal and record the results. You can always change your goals if necessary You will be surprised at how much your self confidence and esteem will improve by being proactive and attaining your goals. I know I was.

3. Positive coping skill - Unfortunately some people will resort to negative behaviors such as, drinking, drugs, or cutting, when they are depressed. Even ignoring your depressive episode by doing nothing is not a good idea. Walking is an excellent example of a positive coping skill that you'll need to empower yourself to work through future depressive episodes.

4. Walking feels good - Walking simply feels good, unlike other strenuous activity that usually only feels good once you stop. The body and mind have a very powerful connection. When your body feels good, so does your mind.

5. Promotes positive cognition - As you walk and you are in the moment, it will be easier for you to take your mind off depressive thoughts and focus on your walking and interactions with the environment.

6. Provides a social support system - Initially, you might not be ready to walk with anyone else. But over the long run a walking buddy can provide the social support you need to help you with your depression,. especially on those days when your down and feel like doing absolutely nothing.

7. Effectiveness is backed by positive scientific evidence - Scientific research has proven that walking improves an individual's mood and self worth and reduces the symptoms of depression.

Make sure you talk with your family doctor before you start any walking program. If you've been on medication or have been going through psychotherapy, don't stop. Walking is an outstanding compliment, not substitute for standard treatment. Finally, you might want to make a copy of this article and reread it as an incentive any time you feel so down that you don't want to walk. It might be hard at first, but I know you can do it. Now get out there and start feeling better.

Healing all Health Issues with Earthing - Magical Ancient Treatment

Have you ever felt calm and relaxed after walking barefoot through a damp patch of grass or along the shoreline at a beach? What you experienced has come to be known as earthing or grounding.
Rubber-soled shoes, floors in buildings and homes, and elevated mattresses all interrupt the flow of healing electrons from the earth. This results in inflammation, which is the foundation of disease.
The earth is like a battery that is always radiating energy. It maintains its charge from solar radiation, lightning, and heat that radiates from its core. Free electrons circulate from the earth's surface. These electrons are some of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered.
Antioxidants are important because they neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are uncharged molecules that have an unpaired electron. They contribute to disease by damaging healthy tissue.
Your body continually produces free radicals as you breathe and eat. You can help reduce the amount of free radicals your body produces by eating healthy whole antioxidant-rich foods, reducing the amount of environmental toxins you come into contact with, and walking without shoes in the grass, sand, or on concrete.
As you walk barefoot, the free electrons from the earth enter into your body through your feet. They are drawn to positively charged free radicals, neutralizing them so that they can't cause any more damage.
Earthling's effects have been tested in a controlled environment using pads like the kind that are used for EKGs. There is a measurable amount of relaxation as the body adjusts from the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the fight or flight response, to the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows the heart rate and relakes the body.
1. Earthing Reduces Inflammation From injury or Illness
When you incur any kind of injury from a minor bump to a gaping wound, your body sends white blood cells to repair the damage. They release an oxidative burst that creates reactive oxygen species (ROS), free radicals that damage healthy tissue surrounding the injury.
This is the inflammatory response. Neutralizing electrons from earthing and healthy foods reduce this inflammation, which boosts healing time while minimizing damage.
The advantage to earthing over consuming antioxidants is that healing begins instantly when you step your bare feet onto the ground. ingested antioxidants must go through the digestive system before they can go to work on free radicals.
Inflammation is the root of disease. For example, over 30,000 studies connect the state of inflammation with cancer. Those who suffer with chronic pain do so because of the damaging effects of inflammation.
2. Earthing Helps Improve Sleep Issues
Earthing balances the stress hormone cortisol, which benefits those who struggle with sleep problems Cortisol levels become elevated when you experience stress, making a good night's sleep impossible.
Chronic pain also contributes to sleep issues. Earthing helps alleviate pain by cooling inflammation, which allows for a peaceful rest. Thermographic images of people who offer with chronic inflammation show that earthing can lessen pain in as little as 20 minutes.
3. Earthing Relieves Muscle Soreness and Fatigue
Some professional athletes, like those who participate in the Tour de France, use earthing to recover from injury and fatigue. Earthing relieves delayed onset muscle soreness, which is the pain you experience after lifting heavy objects or working out too hard. This effect has been measured through blood tests and personal accounts.
How to Incorporate Earthing Into Your Day?
Walking out in the morning dew is cane of the most beneficial ways to incorporate earthing into your daily schedule. Water helps conduct the transfer of free electrons into your body, getting more to the areas where they are needed most. If you live by the ocean, stand or walk with your feet in the water for maximum effect.
Sea water and moist grass are the best conductors of the earth's free electrons. Sealed or painted concrete and asphalt don't conduct them at all.
Hydration are important. The more moisture in your cells, the better the conductivity of electrons will be throughout your body. Sufficient moisture should surround proteins for efficient conduction.
Even though research continues to prove the benefits of earthing, it is difficult for many to accept. Walking in your bare feet seems too basic and inexpensive to be effective. Earthing is easy, free of charge, and harmless (as long as you watch where you're stepping), so try it out for yourself: take your shoes off and get outside.

Home Remedies to Remove Stretch Mark Using Lemon Procedure

Using lemon juice is an easy way to remove stretch marks. Lemon juice is a natural acid; this property makes it ideal for use in dealing with stretch marks, acne, scars and other skin injuries. 

Follow these simple instructions.
Take fresh lemon juice and in circular motions rub the juice onto the stretch marks.
Leave the juice to soak into the surface of the skin for at least 10 minutes. Rinse off the skin with warm water.
Do this three times a day until you get the desired results.
Potato juice
Potato juice is a suitable remedy because it contains minerals and vitamins which are useful in the growth and restoration of skin cells.
Take a potato and cut it into thick slices.
Take one of the slices and gently rub it onto the area with stretch marks.
Let the juice dry onto the surface of skin and after some time rinse off with lukewarm water.

Easy Self Massage Techniques for All Body Pain

Simple and easy to do, the following seven neck and shoulder massages help to ease soreness and tension from the muscles and leave you feeling relaxed, energised and stress free.
7 Easy Self Massage Techniques to Ease Stiff and Sore Shoulders
1. Sit comfortably or stand in a relaxed upright position. Gently stroke down your right shoulder with your left hand. Start at the base of your skull and gently stroke down your right shoulder to your fingertips with your left hand. Mould your hands to the shape of your body and use a firm yet gentle touch. Repeat 3 - 5 times then switch arms and stroke down the opposite arm.
2. Using small circular motions, gently massage the back of your neck with your fingertips. Take your time and work around your neck and base of your skull. Gently stroke with alternate hands along the back of the neck area you just massaged.
3. Using your thumbs, index and middle fingers, gently squeeze and release the flesh around your shoulders and upper arms.
4. Make a small fist with your left hand and gently tap your right shoulder blade a few times. This has a stimulating effect on the body.
5. Cross your arms by placing your right hand on the top of your left shoulder and your left hand on the top of your right shoulder and gently pull the tops of your shoulders a few times, then slowly glide your hands down your arms to your finger tips and gently pull your fingertips as your release the pressure. Do this 3 - 7 times.
6. Slowly breathe in and out through your nose. Place your left hand on your left shoulder. Place your right hand over your head and use it to gently guide your right ear down towards your right shoulder. Take it easy and do not use any force or heavy pressure which can ultimately cause more damage. Breathe in and out slowly through your nose, with each breath allowing your head to relax to the right as you relax your left shoulder. Slowly return your head to the centre. Repeat on the other side.
7. Using the back of your hands, gently stroke under your chin, your neck and throat area. Repeat this action several times then slowly stroke down the front of your body and across your lower back.
These seven simple massage techniques can easily be slipped into your day whenever your shoulders feel tense and your neck is stiff and sore. Practice them often and see how much freer and relaxed your neck and shoulders feel.

6 Best Foods For Healthy Hair

Healthier hair is a product of lifestyle. Whatever you eat and how you look after yourself is reflected in your hair. Some non-diet ideas to get healthy hair include washing with sulfate free shampoos, washing every second day, combing your hair when it's dry and not wet, and reducing the usage of hot tools.
Enjoying a healthy diet plan will do wonders for your hair. Keeping hydrated and eating whole, healthy foods can make a huge difference in the appearance of your hair and the rate it grows.
Here are 6 awesome foods that will give you beautiful, healthy hair.
1) Fish:
It can be said that healthy hair originates from the scalp. Provide your scalp a health makeover by eating fish on daily basis. Fish is full of Omega-3 fatty acids. This nutrient helps balance the oils within your body, minimizing flakiness and itching on your head. Some other foods high in Omega-3′s are sardines, trout, and flax seeds.
2) Carrots:
Carrots are naturally full of vitamin A. This nutrient enhances cell growth, so a deficiency can stop hair growth. Enjoy carrots with a little fat, like a dip or braised with butter. The oils can help you absorb the vitamin. If you currently using multivitamin which includes vitamin A, be wary of including extra supplementation.
3) Spinach:
An excellent source of vitamin C is spinach. This leafy green can help control the oil production in your scalp. In case you have very oily hair, foods full of vitamin C can help decrease extra oil. Other foods full of vitamin C include citrus fruit, broccoli, peppers, and tomatoes. Spinach is also full of vitamin A, which can improve the rate of your hair growth.
4) Beef:

Zinc can energize hair growth, which makes it an outstanding addition to your diet plan. Zinc can also be essential for managing your immune system. Beef is naturally high in zinc, as are oysters and crab. Excessive zinc may cause a deficiency in copper, so be aware if you already take zinc supplements. Beef is also full of iron, which can help hair growth.
5) Swiss Chard:
One of the amazing supplements available on the market that can improve the quality of your hair is biotin. Biotin, also known as vitamin H or coenzyme R, is a water-soluble B-vitamin. It is very important for basic body function. Getting an ample supply of biotin can make your hair and also nails grow at much accelerated level. It can take several weeks to see the complete results. Swiss chard is one of the best natural sources of biotin.
6) Chicken:
Deficiency in protein can result in huge hair loss. People who have quickly lost weight find this out very well. Normally it takes months for the damage to show itself, but it will take longer before your hair grows back. Eating enough protein each day is really important to the quality of your hair. Chicken breast is a low-fat excessive protein alternative that will keep up your hair in its best shape. 

Benefits of Sex

Obviously, sex is great, awesome. We feel great after having sex. But not many couples know that sex have some great health benefits. Making love is also a good way to be in good health. Also, it is very obvious that sex improves the relationship between you and your partner. This article talks about top 6 health benefits of sex.
1. Sex Lowers Stress and Blood Pressure
A study done among 24 women and 22 men shows that sex lowers stress. They were given some tasks including public speaking which could increase their pressure, but who had sex performed better as they felt less stress. Another study shows that diastolic blood pressure is usually low who have sex regularly.
2. Sex Boosts Your Immunity
Sex could boost your immune system. Getting attacked by cold often is really disgusting. People who have sex once or twice in a week are less likely to have cold or other types of infectious diseases. A study done among 112 college students proves that sex boosts the level of immunoglobulin A or IgA.
3. It Cuts Calories
One session of 30 minutes of sex cuts 85 calories or more from our body. It might not sound very attractive, but 42 sessions like this one could cut 3,570 calories which is far better than losing one pound.
4. Keeps Our Hearts Healthy
During sex hearts pump quickly, so some couples might think that it is not good for our hearts which is not correct. A 20-year-long study shows that people who had sex twice or more in a week were less vulnerable to have a dangerous heart attack than who had sex only once or less in a month. Also, sex has no relations with strokes.
5. Protects us from Prostate Cancer
This type of cancer is very common in old men. Study shows that men who ejaculated regularly in their 20s are less likely to have prostate cancer later. Another study shows that who had 21 ejaculations or more in a month are less likely to have prostate cancer than who ejaculated from 4 to 7 times in a month.
6. Sex Improves Sleep
Sound sleep is extremely important for everyone. During sex oxytocin hormone is released which improves sleep. Sleep is good for weight, blood pressure, etc.
So, have sex regularly with your partner to boost your health and the nice relationship between you and your partner. Good luck for both of you!
Faisal Khan is a freelance writer. He loves to write articles on any topics, especially on health niche. His articles are very informative and easy-to-understand. 

The Cancer Cure With Soursop Fruit - How It Cures

A Miracle Plant from the Amazon Region
Latin Name: Annona Muriaca
"The time has come" - how many times we are hearing this sentence, nevertheless it is true because we are living in times of huge challenges, changes and shifts where secrets of many different aspect of life are getting revealed to be known by the public - people also are more courageous to speak out what all should know and YES, if millions KNOW a fact, those who are hiding solutions, will have to surrender.

Nutritive Values of Graviola
Iron, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, Selenium, zinc,
Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C
The biggest lie about Cancer Treatments and Chemo Therapy
The Powers of Graviola (Guanabana in Brazil - Soursop USA)
1) Beats 12 kind of types of cancer such as Breast Cancer, Abdominal Cancer, Ovary Cancer, Uterus Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Boon Cancer, Pancreas Cancer, Skin Cancer, Blood Cancer (Leukemia), Bladder Cancer, Liver Cancer
Salubrious way back to a healthy state
2) The Fruit contains a substance called ACETOGENIN that has been proven as 10.000 (ten thousand times) stronger as ACETOGENIN, the drug used for Chemo therapy all over the world with the result of 90% to 10% survivors only - a Bingo Game with the life of people in all nations because the cure is already known.
3) As it is a NUTRIENT it works from INSIDE OUT - eating up the cancer cells, any kind of viruses, bacteria etc. Nutrients have no side effects on our body!!! - unbelievable, miraculous, BUT TRUE (I had the honor to experience many people with cancer even in a very advanced state who were getting well with a Power Juice containing Graviola and there are 1000s in Latin America who had the chance to know about it since 9 years of applications. Solution, Real Cure and permanently heal without Chemo. In case that the doctors ordain Chemo this Special prepared Juice has the powers to protect the healthy cells from burning and allows just the cancer cells to be destroyed, no nausea, no hair loss, neither any other common side effects taking that power plant of healing simultaneously.
MY mother would not be alive without Graviola.
It is TIME TO SHARE and to SHAKE the World of Cancer and to shift the 90% to 10% into a 10% to 90% of survivors!!!
here is the chance to learn about a fact that there is something that has the power to cure cancer, that it has been scientifically proven and that it has been hidden away from people because it comes from Mother Nature and can not be patented in any way.
General Information: About the Plant:
Graviola is an ever green tree growing in the Amazon region of Brazil and in other countries that are touched by the Amazon Forest. It also grows in the tropical rainforest of North America. He grows up to 15 meter high covered with green, long and glossy leaves. His divine fruit is green sometimes a bit yellow shining, has the form of a human heart with a skin looking kind like a big cactus. Its white fruit flesh is eatable and people can buy it on the local Markets. The diameter of the fruit is 20 to 40 cm and local people are eating it out of the hand, the pulp is used to produce a refreshing sour-acid drink or as sorbet.
Indian Tribes use Graviola as medicine since Centuries
Graviola counts with a very long history in the tribal herbal natural medicine. There are Healing substances in every part of the plant: a part of the powerful effects of the fruit we find high effective substances in the leaves, the roots, the trunk, the bark and the seeds. Indian Tribes know about the value of that miraculous tree and they are using the different parts tor multiple and diverse diseases and health Imbalances. Some examples:
In Brazil Roots, Trunk and leaves are used as sedative tee and against nervousness, in other Latin America countries as sedative and as heart tonic medium, also for Diabetes. The leave tee is also used for lever problems and mixed with olive oil it is used for Rheumatism, Arthritis and Osteoarthritis pain in Peru. In Brazil they prepare a mixture out of an immature fruit mixed with Olive oil as extern treatment against Arthritis and Rheumatism.
Leaves are also used against Parasites in Brazil and against Catarrh in Peru.
Fruit, Seeds and Leaves are applied against fever, all kind of parasites, worms, diarrhea, in Brazil also to help increasing the milk of women after giving birth.
In other countries such as Haiti, West Indies and Jamaica are using Graviola as anti spasmodic, sedative, coughs and flu, as nerve strengthening tee, for asthma, hypertension and all kind of parasites, diarrhea and problems at childbirth.
Graviola and Science -
Cancer Research - Scientific Results on Graviola
The Graviola Fruit is already under research since the late 39 of last century - At that Time the science found out that the plant has components, natural principles and properties called "Annonacaeous Acetogenins", natural chemicals that are confirmed to be highly effective against many kind of tumor cells with components that are found as toxins that kills the cancer cells in a very specific way. Simply spoken Graviola has components that are able to isolate every cancer cell, to build a kind of bubble around it avoiding that the cancer cell can get any further nutrient, so it dies. The dead cancer cells are eliminated by the own body system without any side effects. Those components are hidden in all parts of the tree and in different combination they are used for many different kind of disease. They are documented as anti-microbus, anti-parasitic, antitumorous, anti-cancerous, anti-depressive and anti-spasmodic. Several study results have been published but few people reacted.
Since 1976 profound researches of the National Cancer Institute of the USA resulted in curing an "Adenocarcinoma" of the large intestine after short time. The therapeutic effect confirmed the power of Graviola and her components. This powerful component has been discovered by the German Research Scientist and Oncologist Helmut Keller and with three more Scientists they realized many studies on Graviola. As the Plant does NOT ALLOW any chemical process without losing the healing powers never nobody got to know about this effective cancer treatment. WHY??? - because it only works in natural form and a plant cannot be patented in any form, so the Pharmaceutical World and the Monopoles could not get any profit from it and that is the reason they hided the information.
Graviola contains very active, cytotoxic effects against cancer cells with a chemo therapeutic power that is 10.000 x stronger as Adriamicin, the drug that is used for traditional Chemo Therapy, - without any kind of side effects!
(Since a while the HSI is offering now the copies of the results that can be bought for 25,00USD)
After the confirmation that Graviola can cure naturally Cancer the National Health Institute has indicated 20 Labs to studies the plant during 20 years without any result to transform the active principles into a valid remedy. At the end they gave up and let the miraculous findings in the drawer of their institutes.
Since 1996 other groups of scientists did researches on Graviola and found out that the fruit possesses characteristics against tumor formation and that it produces selective toxins against different kinds of cancer cells, without attacking healthy cells. They confirmed the findings of their results were published 8 different clinical studies.
The different studies of different laboratories resulted in incredible findings that the Acetogenines of Graviola have an unbeatable component in prevention of enzyme formations, which are only found in the diaphragm by tumors and cancer cells. That is the reason, why they are poisonous only for cancer cells without attacking healthy cells. The Acetonines recognize the sick cells isolates the individual cancer cells and for missing nutrients the cancer cell dies.
In the year 1997 a small group of scientists found out, that Graviola contains also alkaloids which have an anti-depressive effect. In the same year the PARDU UNIVERSITY published the information that they discovered even more powers within Graviola. Their clinical studies confirmed that the "Annonacae Acetonine" in Graviola are so effective, that they do not only kill normal cancer cells, but that they are also very effective in killing those cancer cells that are resistant on Chemo Therapy. This investigation explained how that is possible: Those cancer cells that survive the Chemo Therapy are developing resistance against many other kind of drugs, called Multi-Drug-Resistant (MDR) what makes them immune against any treatment and leads the patient 100% to death.
After 20 Year of research the Pharma Industry got aware of the Plant and started research by their own seeking a form and way to transform the active principles and components into a cancer remedy. They also failed. Graviola does not allow any kind of chemical reproduction. It is reconfirmed that Graviola only works as it grows in nature and it beats cancer better then any synthetic drug or heavy poison rays. Until today many different groups of scientists are still researching to create a similar product as Annonacins and it still works only like it grown in Nature.
All that information has been kept in secret because Pharmacies could not transform it into something that would give them a huge profit. So they gave proof that they are not really interested in heal people but in making huge profits from those who are already sufficiently hidden by the disease itself. Why would somebody create so many unnecessary pain when there is something much stronger and without any life threatening side effect.
At the end of the nineties one of the Scientists who was part of one of the research teams broke the silence for reasons of consciousness and some of the reports were accessible for the medicine world. Simultaneously some people from Brazil got kind of divine guidance to go to the Amazon and to study the Plants of the Rainforest. They were integrating the native people to learn from them as their knowledge about healing plants of the Rainforest is reaching back in time for many centuries.
The good thing is that for one time in this world the science is NOT finding a way of manipulation - the power of healing cancer lies in Graviola and several further plants that God preserved to be used like the Almighty lets it grow. It is a blessing for Mankind and a gift from Mother Earth - A wake up call to become conscious and to start honoring the gifts we have forgotten that they exist. When we destroy the rainforests we destroy the lungs of our planet and without oxygen all life will die. We need to open up our hearts to understand that all what we experience has a solution and all what we suffer of different kind of disease has a natural way of cure in nature.