8 Perfect Home Remedies for Younger Looking Skin

In an age where synthetic treatments tend to be expensive and have long-term hazards on the skin, au naturelle is the way to go. Here we will explore proven ways on how you can have that coveted younger skin naturally.

Water is a vital source of moisture. Not only does it help improve circulation from the vital organs to the rest of the body, it also encourages cell renewal. When a person perspires or suffers from dehydration, he loses vital moisture, which causes skin drying. Be sure to replace lost moisture by drinking 8 glasses of water or two liters in a day.
Exercising leads to perspiration, which helps promote proper blood circulation and lets nutrients reach the skin's surface. It also helps release toxins in the body that cause premature aging. The result: fresh, youthful-looking skin and a healthier you.
Take Vitamins and Organic Supplements
This is especially true for individuals who are not to keen on eating vegetables and fruits, or those who are big on red meat. Taking daily all-natural supplements ensures that you're not lacking in the essential nutrients needed by the body. Supplements like XtendLife's Total Balance Unisex Plus contains micro-nutrients like vitamins, antioxidants and enzymes that are crucial in preventing premature aging and achieving younger skin naturally and safely.
Consume Healthful Foods
Numerous studies have revealed that less fat and red meat and more fish, vegetables and fruits results to fewer wrinkles. Also, betacarotene-rich foods like carrots and tomatoes provide Vitamin A which renews collagen, a natural skin protein responsible for the skin's firmness.
Citrus fruits and berries contain plenty of Vitamin C that promote collagen regeneration. Citrus fruits also contain bioflavonoids, which keep capillaries strong, thus preventing broken veins from appearing on the skin.
Fatty acids that replace lost collagen, provide moisture and prevent skin breakouts can be found abundantly in nuts.
Avoid Sun Exposure
You have probably heard that early morning sun basking is essential for Vitamin D conversion. However, exposure to the UV rays of the sun after 9am, destroys the skin's natural collagen, thus resulting to skin damage, wrinkles and premature aging. If you're aiming for younger skin naturally, get a tan elsewhere.
Say No to Smoking
Cigarettes have no known benefits to the body, be it the heart or the skin. They contain harmful carbon monoxide which impedes blood circulation to capillaries that supply nutrients to the skin. Further, it prevents the absorption of Vitamin C, a collagen proponent.
Sleep Sufficiently and Properly Positioned
Sleep is essential for achieving younger skin naturally, since growth hormone - which enables the cells to repair and regenerate - only functions when the body is at rest. An optimum 7 to 8 hour-sleep is recommended because every 2 to 3 hours starting at 8pm, the body performs special repair functions: hydration, regeneration, and resting. Inadequate sleep causes the blood vessels to constrict, so nutrients hardly reach the skin, making it look lifeless.
Sleep positions also contribute to wrinkling. Sleeping face down puts pressure on the blood vessels on the face,thus preventing fluid from distributing equally over the face. The result: puffy eyes, dark circles and wrinkling in the long-term.
Massage Some Olive Oil Onto Your Face
Applying extra virgin olive oil after exposure to the sun shields the skin from oxidation, a process where skin cells thin out and die. Olive oil contains antioxidants which prevent this destructive process from occurring.