My Top 3 Workout Tips for Women

Working out from home doesn't have to be time consuming or stressful. For those who have read The Four Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss (a favourite book of mine) you will know that often less is more.
Here are my top three workout tips for women working out from home:

  1. Know what you're going to do: Don't waste precious time deliberating about your workout for the day. Plan out what you're going to do before your workout so you don't have to spend minutes you could be exercising trying to figure out what to do.

  2. Mix it up: Your weekly fitness routine should include a mix of cardio, strength training, and stretching. Personally I like to mix up by weekly routine every 6-8 weeks.

  3. Do less: (This is my personal favourite). Focus on staple (core) exercises. Focus on 3-5 staple exercises each workout. The other important thing to remember is to not workout hard every day. By all means you need to push yourself, but that does not mean to the point of absolute exhaustion where your next workout will suffer because of it. Studies show that two high-intensity sessions per week are enough to achieve most fitness goals.
These are three workout tips that have helped me while working out from home. This of course, isn't an exhaustive list, but hopefully it will get you started in the right direction or give you some ideas that will help you to achieve great results when working out from home.