26 Healthy Yoga Postures

26 Healthy Yoga Postures

Consisting of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises, Bikram Yoga positions focuses on 100% of the human body, working from the inside out. The 26 Bikram yoga poses invigorate by stimulating the organs, glands, and nerves; each pose helping to move fresh oxygen through the body.

Benefits of Breath Yoga

  • Expands the lungs to their full capacity
  • Promotes mental relaxation
  • Helps with high blood pressure
  • Increases detoxification in the body and organs
  • Helps with sleep disorders
  • Decreases anxiety and irritability
  • Stimulates blood circulation and brings fresh oxygenated blood to every cell of the body
  • Prevents respiratory problems such as bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and shortness of breath

List of 26 Bikaram Yoga Poses

  1. Pranayama Series: This is an excellent warm up routine for the body
  2. The Ardha Chandrasana & Pada Hasta Asana: Stand straight, joining hands high above the head, tilting the waist to the side, forming a crescent shape.
  3. Utkatasana: People may seem to be in an awkward pose, because it looks like they are sitting partially and standing partially.
  4. Garurasana: This pose is meant to resemble the position in which an eagle stands.
  5. Dandayamana Janushirasana: There is a lot of flexibility require for this position, as a stretched foot needs to be clasped with both the hands.
  6. Dandayamana Dhanurasana: It is a challenging pose, where a person needs to stand on one single foot, clasping the other leg, with one hand.
  7. Tuladandasana: For this pose, the person needs to stand on one foot, the other leg stretched behind, hands stretched forward, so that the body looks like a stick being balanced.
  8. Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Paschimotthanasana: One of the legs needs to be stretched significantly in this pose.
  9. Trikonasana: A person needs to stand with the feet apart, in a way that the legs form a triangle. The person needs to then bend sideways, till the hand touches the side of the foot, to form another triangle.
  10. Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana: In the Standing Separate Leg, Head to Knee Pose a person needs to stretch, as each knee is bent.
  11. Tadasana: In this pose, a person needs to stand straight, one leg place on the thigh and hands joined in front.
  12. Padasana: Also called The Toe Stand Pose, this pose requires a person to squat, balancing their bodies on the toes of one foot.
  13. Shavasana: In this pose, a person needs to be completely relaxed in a way that the body resembles a corpse
  14. Pavanamuktasana: This is an excellent pose for getting rid of the gas from the body.
  15. Sit Ups: This is the simplest Yoga pose, which requires a person to sit up, after practicing the corpse pose.
  16. Bhujangasana: In this pose, a person’s body resembles the manner in which cobra stands, as it gets ready to strike.
  17. Salabhasana: This pose resembles a locust’s body.
  18. Poorna Salabhasana: Building on the pervious pose, this bikram yoga pose is more like a comple locust pose
  19. Dhanurasana: The body needs to be bent in a certain way, so that it resembles an archer’s bow
  20. Supta Vajrasana: This is one of the easiest poses, as compared to all the other bikram yoga 26 postures.
  21. Ardha Kurmasana: In this pose, a person’s body is supposed to resemble the body of a tortoise.
  22. Ustrasasana: This is also known as the Camel Pose, as the shape of the body, resembles a camel.
  23. Sasangasana: The back is bent in this pose, so that the head touches the floor and the body resembles the body of a rabbit.
  24. Janushirasana and Paschimotthanasana: This is quite a complicated pose, where the head needs to be brought to the knee.
  25. Ardha Matsyendrasana: Like the previous pose, this is a very complicated pose too, with which a person may need some assistance.
  26. Khapalbhati: This refers to a relaxing pose.