6 Major Causes of Blackheads on Skin

Causes of Black Head


Fried foods, sugary foods and foods high in carbohydrates and foods like chocolate, french fries and doughnuts have a big impact on your skins state of mind.

Non Removal of Make up

Not cleaning your face after dolling up with makeup can lead to clogged pores; something you’ve determined by now is the main cause of blackheads.

Washing Face

If your skin is not cleaned properly then the dirt accumulated in the skin pores can also lead to blackheads.When the skin pores get blocked then the bacteria causing acne starts growing in them.


The sebum oil, toxins and skin oil are also the major reasons behind Black Head on face and other parts of Body.

When pores become blocked or clogged with sticky sebum (oil), a plug is created. As this plug enlarges, it expands the pore, becoming a blackhead.

Alcohol & caffeine

Alcohol and Caffeine can have adverse effects on your skin’s health. They have role in oil glands of your body which stimulates the Black head formation.


Smoking not only blocks the pores, but leading to acne on Face. Avoid Smoking to control ACNE and Blackheads.