Dry Skin Home Remedies

Dry Skin

Dry skin is a very common skin condition characterized by a lack of the appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis.

Dryness of the skin is affected by the amount of water vapor in the surrounding air, the humidity. Dry skin is also known as xeroderma.

Why Dry Skin

over-washing with harsh soaps
overuse of sanitizers and cleaning agents (alcohol)
cold temperature
low humidity


When your skin is dry, Skin appears to be
  • Lost shine 
  • Lusterless 
  • Low brightness. 
  • Dry and rough skin 
  • Tight and dry 
  • Under eyes area looks dry and wrinkles appears at early age

Natural way to Cure Dry Skin

Olive Oil

Olive Oil

When your skin feels extra parched, you can dab a thin layer of organic extra-virgin olive oil under your moisturizer for an extra dose of antioxidants and good fatty acids.

It instantly grooms dry cuticles, works wonders on hands and elbows, removes makeup, and soothes and conditions itchy, dry skin all over the body.


Sliced papaya 

Apply a paste made of papita (papaya), avocado, and banana on your face, and let it dry for 15 minutes then using warm water wash your face (for making paste---mix avocado, one banana, and a half piece of papaya).

For removing dry skin and clearing scars, apply a paste of papaya.

Lemon Juice

Pure Lemon Juice
Take one teaspoon lime juice and one teaspoon avocado, mix it well and apply on face and let it dry for 10-20 minutes, it will clean the skin and remove dry skin.