Exercise for Regular TV Computer Users

Doing these Exercise will slightly enhance flexibility of your eye muscles and will improve eyesight.

Focus Test

Have a seat or just stand up. It will take only 2 or 3 minutes.

  1. Hold your thumb about 15 centimeters in front of your eyes and focus eyes on your thumb. At the same time, count from 1 to 10.
  2. Now take a small photograph and focus on it, and count 1 to 10, then move your head, and focus on another object that in front of you, and about 5 or 10 meters away. Once again, count from 1 to 10 while you look at the object.
  3. Repeat step 1 and 2 continuously for 2 or 3 minutes.

Drawing Test

These Drawing test exercises will make the muscles of eyes more flexible. 


You will not move your neck. With your eyeballs, you will first look at the right up, then right down, then left down and left up. Continue to do the same things for about 10 times.

Number Eight

Drawing Number 8

Sit straight or just stand up. Assume your eyes are pens, and you are going to draw the number 8 by moving your eyeballs in the shape of number 8. Do this exercise 10 times.


After each exercise rub you hands until you feel some heat then close your eyes and put your hands on your eyes and relax for a minute.