Understanding Types of Cough

Coughing is a body's natural defense mechanism against infection. So its Not bad. It is easy to figure out whether your cough is beneficial or not.
Types of Cough

Congested Chest Cough

If your chest is congested, coughing is your body's way of fighting respiratory disease by purging the mucous or phlegm from your chest.
Your cough will likely persist until your infection goes away. Signs of respiratory infection include wheezing and a temperature over 101 degrees. 
In most cases, you should see your doctor to treat the infection. In the meantime, natural remedies can soothe irritation and help you recover more quickly.

Dry Cough

Dry Cough for Women

If no mucous is present, you have a dry cough. This type of cough is likely due to allergies or asthma and serves no beneficial purpose to your body. Exposure to irritants like dust, mold, pets, grass, pollen or chemicals are probably to blame for your cough. Sometimes the cough is an indication of mild asthma. If you have a persistent cough and cannot determine a specific irritant, your doctor may be able to help with proper diagnosis.