4 Natural Home remedy to Remove Nits from Hair

Home Remedies for NITS in hair

Head lice are tiny gray-brown wingless parasitic insects that affect only humans. They live by sucking blood from the scalp. They cannot be caught from or passed on to animals. Nits are head lice eggs - tiny white specks that are stuck to the base of hairs.
nits_and_lice_life_cycle.gif (525×530)

Clean all Nits from Hair from Home Naturally

Apply the juice of onion into the hair follicles of the head to remove lice and shed off nits.

20 gm suhaga(borax) and 20 gm phitkiri (alum) mixed with 250 gm warm water and rubbed on the head kills and remove the lice and also helps to cure sores which were made by the lice

Paste of neem fruit helps to get rid of these parasites from our head 

Other natural home remedies involve applying real mayonnaise, olive oil, or Vaseline or Castor oil mixed with boric powder and then applied on the head. 
The mixture is  left overnight on the hair by tying it with a cloth or a disposable shower cap and then a head wash is given the next day.