Babies have between 75% to 80% water as body mass and as they get older, this reduces. On average, a woman will have between 50% to 60% water level and a man will have between 60% to 65% water level as body mass. The human brain consists of 85% of water and our bones will contain water from 10% to 15%.

The above level of water found in human bodies help to revive our systems as and when needed. The elements or properties found in water are imperative for survival of humankind. Water is used in diets and also to aid the reduction of body fat, the benefits of water can never be undermined.
For us to benefit from good water, it must be clean and chemical free, you can go with purified water rather than bottled to maintain the ecosystem clean and your body healthy; water as an element controls our appetite for food and this is the reason that we cannot survive without water for more than 2 days although we can survive without food. Water is an essential element for us because it helps to eliminate harmful toxins found in the body.
To remove toxins it's recommended to drink 8 to 10 glasses a day to start having a deep cleanse process through the skin (sweat), and metabolic waste. Lack of water is the worst for our bodies since we are made of water in a great proportion.
Don't forget to have a balanced diet that includes all necessary nutrients for the body. Avoid fried foods, chocolate, alcohol, desserts, sweets and the excessive consumption of red meat. Whole grains, non fat dairy, fruits, vegetables, legumes and limited consumption of chicken and fish should form the basis of the daily diet. In addition, no excess or binge eating, and alcohol because always leads to abdominal fat.
Daily consumption of natural water is an issue that should not be neglected. Again, recommended 2 liters per day (about 8 glasses) to eliminate toxins and purify the body. Unlike other beverages, water only gives benefits to the body. Of course, there is a proper way to drink water: away from meals (at least 30 minutes before or after dinner). Before, during and after physical activity, always in small sips and not large amounts at a time, try not to drink too late at night to avoid getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.
Water reduces the level of fat deposits in the body since the metabolism rate increases due to the properties found in water. Water in its own form provides endless benefits. You can use home water purification systems to ensure that you are drinking 100% clean water.