Natural remedies for arthritis

  1. Consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids is amongst the best natural ways to deal with joint pain, one can find it in cold water fish which include salmon, trout, sardines, and tuna.
  2. Olive oil, green leafy vegetables, contains lpha-linolenic acid (ALA), it is a kind of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. Green tea is also known for improving symptoms of arthritis.
  4. Ginger acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.
  5. Turmeric: Also recognized as curcumin, turmeric comes under ginger family and similar to ginger, it acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. 
  6. Boswell is among other rheumatoid arthritis natural remedies that are shown to chunk chemical replies leading to inflammation.
  7. Acupuncture needles have been successfully used in Chinese medicine and proved as great natural therapies for rheumatoid arthritis that endorse a akin pain-relieving result as recommended medications deprived of harsh side effects.
  8. Devi's claw is an herb popular in Africa has great pain relaxing abilities.
  9. Walking and regular exercise under trainer is also a best natural healing way for arthritis.
  10. Avoid work which requires extra efforts and energy.
  11. Arthritis may show symptoms like pain and limited functioning of joints.