Easy Self Massage Techniques for All Body Pain

Simple and easy to do, the following seven neck and shoulder massages help to ease soreness and tension from the muscles and leave you feeling relaxed, energised and stress free.
7 Easy Self Massage Techniques to Ease Stiff and Sore Shoulders
1. Sit comfortably or stand in a relaxed upright position. Gently stroke down your right shoulder with your left hand. Start at the base of your skull and gently stroke down your right shoulder to your fingertips with your left hand. Mould your hands to the shape of your body and use a firm yet gentle touch. Repeat 3 - 5 times then switch arms and stroke down the opposite arm.
2. Using small circular motions, gently massage the back of your neck with your fingertips. Take your time and work around your neck and base of your skull. Gently stroke with alternate hands along the back of the neck area you just massaged.
3. Using your thumbs, index and middle fingers, gently squeeze and release the flesh around your shoulders and upper arms.
4. Make a small fist with your left hand and gently tap your right shoulder blade a few times. This has a stimulating effect on the body.
5. Cross your arms by placing your right hand on the top of your left shoulder and your left hand on the top of your right shoulder and gently pull the tops of your shoulders a few times, then slowly glide your hands down your arms to your finger tips and gently pull your fingertips as your release the pressure. Do this 3 - 7 times.
6. Slowly breathe in and out through your nose. Place your left hand on your left shoulder. Place your right hand over your head and use it to gently guide your right ear down towards your right shoulder. Take it easy and do not use any force or heavy pressure which can ultimately cause more damage. Breathe in and out slowly through your nose, with each breath allowing your head to relax to the right as you relax your left shoulder. Slowly return your head to the centre. Repeat on the other side.
7. Using the back of your hands, gently stroke under your chin, your neck and throat area. Repeat this action several times then slowly stroke down the front of your body and across your lower back.
These seven simple massage techniques can easily be slipped into your day whenever your shoulders feel tense and your neck is stiff and sore. Practice them often and see how much freer and relaxed your neck and shoulders feel.