5 Natural Remedies to Combat Sinusitis

Those who have been unfortunate enough to experience a really bad sinus inflammation know the true misery caused by the pain and swelling that comes with it. Our facial bones, the ones around our nose, eyes and cheeks, are lined with mucus-producing membranes that functions as a filter against germs and also warms and moistens inhaled air. But when these membranes are congested and can't drain properly, the mucus starts to accumulate and end up becoming infected.
The most common culprits that result in a sinus infection are-
- Allergies caused by the environment (dust, molds, pollen, smoke)
- Colds and flu
- Dental infection
- Excessive consumption of dairy products
- Food allergies
- Fungal infection
The usual sinus treatments are taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, steroids and in extreme cases, surgery. It's a sad fact that people often take as much as five different medications just to treat a sinus infection. If you're among the rising number of people who're worried about being overmedicated, there are natural remedies that you can do to combat your sinusitis.
• Diet: It's crucial that you monitor what you eat during a sinus infection. Eat in moderation and try to ingest more beans, cold-pressed oils, lentils, soups and whole grains. Avoid chocolate, dairy products, eggs, flour products and fried and processed foods. Don't forget to drink plenty of water.
• Herbs An effective sinus home remedy often includes eucalyptus, peppermint and rosemary. Cayenne pepper, garlic, horseradish and onion are also good at dissolving and eliminating excess mucus. One very effective remedy would be to ingest a teaspoonful of crushed horseradish mixed with lemon juice. Your nose will immediately starts running so it's best if you're near a sink if you do this remedy.
• Neti pot: Using a neti pot has been the go-to sinus treatment for ages. It's simple and easy to do too. Just dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in 2 cups of warm water, fill your neti pot with your salt solution, stand over a sink and place the spout of the neti pot up one nostril. Tilt your head to the side and let the water run out of the opposite nostril. Repeat with the other nostril.
• Apple cider vinegar Apple cider vinegar is slowly developing a following among those who prefer natural remedies. When you feel a sinus infection is coming, combine 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 6 ounces of water, add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten and drink it 3 times a day for 5 days. Apple cider vinegar thins out the congested mucus so it can drain easily.
• Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) Grapefruit seed extract is a very effective and strong natural antibiotic. It inhibits the production of bacteria, parasites, viruses and about 30 types of fungi including the Candida yeast. When used as a sinus treatment, GSE is used as a nasal spray.
There are around 37 million Americans who suffer from sinusitis. Many of these victims can alleviate their condition through a simple diet change and making certain adjustments in their lifestyle and environment.