5 Natural Cures For Acne using Fruits and Kitchen Stuffs

There are a lot of fruits that you can use as natural cures for acne. In this article, you will discover 5 special fruits that can help you to heal your acne naturally. Bear in mind that some fruits may cause more inflammation in your skin (such as lemon, orange, and other sour fruits), depending on how sensitive your skin is. So, watch the effect of those fruits carefully. Here are 5 natural cures for acne that you can get from fruits:

1. Apple

The way apple can help to cure your acne is by eliminating toxins within your body. Apple has strong anti-oxidant within it that can help you to remove free radicals within your body. It will ease your body metabolism and cleanse your body from within. Eat some apples each day and excrete your bowel regularly. You'll see a gradual and consistent improvement in your skin health.

2. Avocado

Your skin really needs vitamin E in order to sustain its health. Vitamin E will help your skin to repair the damage that it has. Acne is one of the damages that your skin will constantly experience if you don't treat it properly. Avocado contains high level of vitamin E which will help you to maintain your skin health and repair your skin damage naturally. Drink avocado juice at least once a day. It will help you to boost the repairing process of your skin damage that is caused by acne.

3. Lemon

Lemon is useful to eliminate inflammation in your skin, as well as to eliminate acne spots, redness, and scars. It will act as an astringent as well as bleaching for your skin, and it is widely used as a skin treatment to fade acne scars and prevent aging. If you use lemon, you can effectively clear your acne redness and inflammation. Apply lemon juice in your acne area every night. It will help you to eliminate your acne redness naturally.

4. Banana (Banana Peel a Magical Remedy for Acne)

The major cause of acne is toxic accumulation within your body, and it will become worse as the toxins keep accumulating within your body. If you don't expel your bowel (i.e. toxins) regularly, you won't be able to clear your skin from acne. Banana will help you to prevent constipation and ease your digestive system. Thus, it will allow you to heal your acne quickly. Eat banana fruit every day to ease your digestive system and avoid constipation. You can also apply banana peel in your skin surface to remove bacteria from your skin as well as help your skin to heal your acne.

5. Watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit that contains plenty of water inside. It will help you to cleanse your body instantly as well as give rejuvenating effect to your skin. Watermelon is rich of anti-oxidant and it is a good source of vitamin A and C, which will help to cure your acne from inside. It also gives your skin a good refreshment and nourishment. Eat a slice or two slices of watermelon every day to keep your skin in a fresh and healthy condition.

Those are some of the fruits that you can use as natural cures for acne. If you use them daily and consistently, you will be able to become free from acne very quickly. Also, those fruits will help you to prevent your acne from coming back again.

How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads Naturally

One thing you should avoid doing is to try to pop your whiteheads. It will do you no good because this action will only aggravate and cause more blackhead, acne and pimples outbreak on your skin. If you are thinking of getting rid of whiteheads the best and most effective remedy is the use of natural home remedy to cure whiteheads. They are far more cheap and reliable.
How To Get Rid Of Whiteheads Naturally:
1. Fruits And Vegetables: The first step to get rid of blackheads is to eat the proper diet. You should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, because of the nutritional content they have. One of such nutrient is vitamins and zinc which is very good for your skin as it helps to heal the skin of any skin infection including whiteheads, blackheads, zits, pimples and acne.
2. Moisturizer: You should always keep your skin looking hydrated. Any part of the skin that is dry will be prone to whiteheads and blackheads. You must also make sure that the moisturizer that you are going to use is oil free. Drink a lot of water too, at least 9-10 cups per day.
3. Tea Tree Oil: This is another great natural home remedy for acne that you can use with great result. This tea tree oil has anti bacteria, anti fungal and anti viral ingredients. You should apply it on your whiteheads directly. This oil will get rid of whiteheads and blackheads fast.
Getting rid of whiteheads, blackheads and pimples is easier than you think. Just remember to drink a lot of water to keep your skin hydrated, and exercise daily or exercise for at least 3-4 time a week, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. These are very effective natural remedies to get rid of whiteheads.

Best Honey + Lemon Face Hair Removal - DIY

Excessive facial hair growth especially to women is both frustrating and depressing. It does not only grab confidence from most women but it is also a lot of money that is being spent for the treatments to remove excess hair permanently. However, there are always alternatives other than the expensive electrolysis, laser hair removal, and irritation depilatory creams.
Natural female facial hair removal methods are now spreading and have even been praised for its non-irritating and inexpensive form of hair removal remedy. Two of the easiest and most natural ways are waxing and plucking. 

Another one is termed as facial sugaring which can be made by heating sugar and lemon juice together then with the aid of cornstarch, applied to the hair then immediately pulled away against the direction of the hair growth. Painful as it is, it can also give soft, moisturized and smooth skin. 
You can also buy a ready made natural sugar mixture like MOOM Organic Hair Removal Kit which is available in any supermarket. Bleaching creams are also an option. However, make sure you try a 24 hour patch test first to check for any skin irritation before buying a product. 
Lemon is one natural bleacher. Using lemon with honey everyday can result in visible changes in your hair. When bleached, facial hair becomes lightened in color and breaks off in the long run. One reason of excessive facial growth is due to high levels of testosterone. Lowering down testosterone using the all natural spearmint tea can also significantly lessen the growth of the hair.
On one hand, make sure to try and test out products first before applying it on your face to avoid skin burns and irritation.

Face Masks for Different Skin Types

Some of the best DIY face masks ever created are easy, cheap and conveniently homemade. You'll be tempted to taste these nutritious and delicious recipes that are intended to treat your face.
Here are a few basic recipes for homemade face masks based on your particular skin, no matter if you have oily, dry, sensitive or combination skin.
1. Oily Skin Face Mask
If your skin is somewhat oily or greasy, try a yogurt or plum facial mask.
Plain or organic yogurt is a superior hydrating agent for the skin since it's loaded with lactic acid, which helps to effectively shed dead skin cells and revitalize new skin cell growth.
Plums have anti-oxidant vitamins A and C that protect your skin against free radicals and also increase skin's pliability, suppleness and overall appearance. Both of these particular vitamins are typically used in oil-control and anti-acne products for skin care.

Recipe: Poach and thoroughly strain four ripe plums, and let them cool. Mash them together and combine a few tablespoons of plain or organic yogurt, a small spoonful of sweet almond oil, and add just enough cornflour to make a workable consistency so you can easily apply it to your face. The sweet almond oil is rich with anti-microbial properties that stop bacteria from spreading which is the main culprit in acne.
Caution: This recipe is very sticky and messy!
2. Dry Skin Face Mask
Avocados are one of the healthiest foods on our planet. This makes sense since they contain the two essential fatty acids omega-6 and omega-9 (which contribute to skin's suppleness and help the regeneration of skin and tissue), vitamin E moisturizing properties, and chlorophyll (the essential matter in plant life, which helps to regenerate our skin cells). Avocados are perfect for dry skin since they absorb easily into the skin.
Recipe: Completely smash up a ripe avocado. Add in a small spoonful of super-hydrating liquid honey and blend them together well before applying to your face.
3. Sensitive Skin Face Mask

Butter is an outstanding source of vitamin A. And, since vitamin A helps to revive skin's texture and accelerate blood flow to collagen fibers found deep within the skin, it's excellent for eliminating wrinkles and fine lines.

Recipe: Cut off a tablespoon from a stick of unsalted butter and let it acclimate to room temperature. Once the butter is soft, add in a small amount of rolled porridge oats and a tablespoon of creamy plain yogurt. Mix the ingredients well until they are just smooth enough to apply to your face easily. The combination has a cool and calming effect.
4. Combination Skin Face Mask
Bananas are a good source of nutrients that help skin stay supple and enormously soft when they are used topically. Simultaneously, they are wonderful for combination skin types since they are non-oily.

5 Teeth Whitening Tips

Have you ever noticed a friend of yours who is pretty jolly at other times is silent and suppressing her smile when she is in a group? Have you wondered what the reason might be? Do understand that most likely it is because of her pale looking teeth. To avoid any embarrassment she might be finding it a better option to remain serious. But I am sure you wouldn't want any such situation for yourself. Isn't it? So you must be wondering 'How to get White Teeth'. Just check out for yourself a few wonder tips that would help you get bright white teeth.

How to get White Teeth Fast?

1. If your teeth are too pale and actually needs an immediate remedy, go to a dentist for bleach, to get bright white teeth. This may prove to be expensive. But it is to be done only once. After getting this done you can follow the other tips given below.

2. The next remedy for your question is to brush your teeth every time you take your food. If all times it is not possible, you can do as much time as possible. At those times when you cannot brush, you clean your mouth with lots of water and gargle with salt water.

3. Another proven answer to get good teeth is Sesame Oil. Needless to say, it is one of the safest methods too. Just take a ¼ mouthful of pure sesame oil and keep it in the mouth and rinse the mouth well especially the teeth. Let it mingle with the saliva and slowly it will become thinner. In the process, it will completely remove the stains on the teeth. Now spit it out and wash your mouth well and do your normal brushing after that.

4. Yet another simple solution to your question is salt. Yes, using salt in your paste while brushing, mixing salt in water and washing the mouth with that water after brushing would help remove discoloration and.

5. Above all, the best solution is not any tips to remove the stains or the paleness, but to avoid forming them and helping to get bright white teeth. Isn't it right? Yes, what is the use of applying any of these tips if we keep on adding stains to it? So is we stop taking too much of caffeinated drinks, wine and stop smoking, the root cause itself will be eliminated and it will become easy to get bright white teeth. Along with this, if you are going to add fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, more so, if they are raw and whole, that would add more power to the process.

Lemon for Hair Care

The antioxidants found in lemon juice aid in treating health problems like diabetes and indigestion. On the other hand, potassium controls high blood pressure and heart problems.

Lemon's high vitamin C content makes it an excellent agent to fight infections. Lemon juice can calm the mind and the body as well as ward off mental health issues like depression. If you are suffering from nausea, drinking lemon juice will help stabilize and re-energize your body.

With its rich content of nutrients that keeps the hair and skin healthy, it is no wonder that lemon is on top of the list of alternative treatments for hair loss and other health problems.

Lemon makes an excellent ingredient for homemade treatments for hair loss. It helps reduce dandruff and regulates the flow of blood in the scalp, nourishing and strengthening the hair follicles. It also keeps the sebaceous glands regulated, thereby producing oils which keep the scalp moisturized and the hair shinier.

Lemon Hair Shampoo

A home-made shampoo using lemon juice combined with water, henna, and egg can help strengthen the hair follicles.


Mix 5 tablespoons of henna with 1 cup of warm water. Add the egg and stir the ingredients to form a thick paste. Then, squeeze the lemon to extract its juice.
Massage the mixture onto the scalp and hair. Allow the mixture to sit until such time that the home-made shampoo will dry on the hair. Afterwards, rinse the hair with warm water to remove the residue.

Lemon Hair Mask

Lemon hair mask conditions the scalp and strengthens the hair, preventing the further onset of hair fall and hair loss.


Mix equal parts of lemon juice and coconut water into a bowl. Then apply the mixture as a hair rinse. Let it sit for 30 minutes. Afterwards, wash the hair with a mild shampoo to remove its smell.
If your using any hair loss treatment make use it is clinically tested such as Leimo Laser Comb to help regrow your hair. Such device have been tested to be effective in stopping DHT (dihydrotestostrone) which is the cause of hair loss.

 Leimo Wet product's formulates and produces unique and innovative hair care products which includes the Personal Hair Laser which we have proven to regrow hair with its unique 100% natural hair care treatments. LEIMO's natural ingredients are of the purest and highest grade essential oils to deliver the cost effective results our clients demand.

 Hair loss is a battle for most people who are experiencing it, it is a sensitive issue and a lot of people out there are embarrassed to talk about it. But with the LEIMO system, they can  use it in the privacy of their own home and takes steps to help reduce the amount or hair fall and  bring back dormant follicles back into a growth phase. The LEIMO system does not only stop the hair loss, it also helps to grow the hair back!

 Do your own research and decide on a solution, you don't have to lose your hair early. Either it is hair transplantation or natural cures for hair loss, you can get started easily to prevent hair thinning, and take meaningful steps to regrow your hair. You are sure to be amazed at how much improvements you can see from those results.

Common 5 Mistakes Women Make with Curly Hair

Curly hair can be an easy and effortless way to style your hair or become your very own worst enemy. These techniques and unique methods come straight from learning under a curly hair guru. People traveled from all over the world just to have a curly haircut and style done with these tricks and truthfully achieving show-stopping curls is easier than one would think. When you learn to stop making these five common mistakes, gorgeous shiny curly hair can be yours on a daily basis. Are you making these curly hair mistakes right now?
1. The Wrong Haircut:
This is the most important aspect involved in achieving great curly hair and the most overlooked. Many hairdressers make so many mistakes cutting curly hair simply because they treat it the same as straight or wavy hair. However it is drastically different, the shape of your cut is of the utmost importance. If you have naturally curly hair then when you go in for a haircut try to avoid having it straightened and flat ironed when you have it styled. Hairdressers can straighten your hair and cut it perfectly and it will look wonderful, that is until you have to wash it and try styling it yourself. It is much easier to see the natural finish of a curly haircut after-wards and this is when any small changes can be made. If a haircut is done on perfectly straight hair, then how will you ever know how your curls will lay once you wear it curly?
2. Avoiding Layers:
You MUST have layers in your hair if you ever want to ever style it curly. This is critical because without them you will end up having that dreaded triangle top hairstyle. The hair would therefore end up flat at the roots because of the weight and then stacked on the ends because of the curls. The only way to get body and shape out of your curly hair is with layers cut into the shape. They should be rounded to give a more flattering shape.
There is this misconception that with layers you will end up with frizzy hair that poofs out everywhere. This is a myth and a direct result of not receiving the right haircut and style. If you have curly hair, I am sure you've had to go home and restyle your hair after going to get a haircut. This leads me to mistake #3.
3. Combing Wet Hair
It's common knowledge that combing dry curly hair just creates uncontrollable frizz, but what about if you comb you hair wet? When you get your hair cut at the hairdresser's they comb and comb your hair during the cut and then if you decide to style it curly what happens next? They reach over and grab the diffuser (which almost every curly hair person fears and rightfully so) and then proceeds to scrunch and blast your hair after having already combed out any natural curls. Leaving your once slightly curly hair in a disastrous state of frizzy fuzz.
The trick to solve this is once you have combed your wet hair it must be rinsed with water again. Even after a haircut. This reactivates the curls to form without any frizz. Combing is best when done with a conditioner then rinsed to return it to its natural curly state.
4. Scrunching
This is how most people were taught to style curly hair. This will just create a bigger, curly mess to deal with. Do not touch your hair! This is so important, once it has been rinsed with water any scrunching, towel drying, running your fingers through it will just make the curls unruly. Decide on where you want to part your hair. First comb with the conditioner on. After, rinse your hair and then when it is soaking wet you can take a towel and gently blot the ends. It will seem very wet at this point but still avoid towel drying your hair.
5. Wrong Products and Application
Curly hair is generally drier than straight hair and it needs moisture. If you want that shiny bouncy finish for your curls, then make sure you used the proper professional products to achieve these results. A lightweight cream used sparingly and dispersed evenly into the palms of your hands is better than any spray or mousse, which both offer no moisture or structure for the curls. Additionally they usually leave the hair feeling even drier and slightly crispy.
It is all about HOW you apply the product though. This method has been tested and if you avoid the mistakes made mentioned before; you will end up coaxing out your beautiful natural curls.

Home Remedies for Dandruff

  • Mix 2 teaspoons pure vinegar in 6 teaspoons water and apply it on the scalp before going to bed. Tie a towel around the head. Wash your head next morning. After shampooing, rinse again with vinegar water. Treat your hair like this once a week for at least three months.
  • Mix 1 teaspoons lemon juice with 2 teaspoons vinegar and massage on the scalp. Wash your hair with an egg shampoo.
  • Take 1 part almond oil, 1 part pure sulphur powder, 2 parts 'surgical spirit' and 4 parts distilled water or rose water and mix well. Rub on the scalp.
  • Take 2 cup water, add 4-5 tablespoons dried thyme and boil for 10 minutes. Cool, strain, and use the mixture to massage scalp. Keep for half an hour.
  • Dissolve 2 aspirins in any dandruff shampoo and wash your hair.
  • Massage the scalp with almond oil. Dip a towel in boiling water and wrap it around the hair. Repeat it thrice or four times when the towel gets cold.
  • Make a shampoo by mixing 100 g each of amla (Indian goose berry), reetha, and shikakai, and boil in two litre of water until the liquid reduces to half. Use this shampoo for one month. Dandruff will vanish and your hair will become thick.
  • Grind fenugreek (methi) seeds soaked in water overnight. Massage this paste on scalp and hair and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with a mild shampoo.
  • Wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar. Then cover your head with a towel or a shower cap and leave for about 30-40 minutes. Rinse with plain water. Repeat 2 times a week until your dandruff goes away.
  • Mix 100 g witch hazel and 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice in 200 ml water. Shampoo your hair and apply with cotton to the scalp when the hair are still wet. Repeat several times until the dandruff is treated.
  • Try a shampoo with selenium sulfide or salicylic acid.

  • Grow Hair Longer and Stronger - Natural Way - No Side Effects

    The key to healthier hair is nutrition. Nutrition from within through proper diet, and nutrition externally from shampoo and conditioner.

    So the best hair tip for healthier hair is have a perfect diet. But as you know, that’s tough to do in today’s fast-paced, fast food world.

    Hair Formula 37 was carefully formulated to pick up where your diet leaves off, and provides a potent nutrional boost that is guaranteed promote healthier hair that grows fast.

    Tips for healthy long hair

       1. Wash your hair gently but thoroughly several times a week. Use a top quality shampoo that is formulated for your type of long hair – dry, normal, combination, or oily. Scrub the hair on your scalp and massage down to the ends of your long hair.

       2. Use a top quality conditioner on your hair every day. Pay special attention to long hair’s ends, adding extra conditioner and pressing into the ends of your long hair gently.

       3. Rinse long hair with warm, then cool water – not hot. Hot water can damage your long hair, causing it to look frizzy and become difficult to manage and style.

       4. Dry your long hair gently with a soft towel or cotton T-shirt, squeezing out excess moisture. Never wrap long hair in a towel, twist, and place on top of your hard to dry, as this will cause hair to become damaged and rough.

       5. Consider using a leave-in conditioner or detangler. If your long hair is curly or thick, these leave-in styling products can keep hair soft and manageable.

       6. Invest in a top quality hairbrush with natural bristles and wide toothed comb to detangle your long hair. Comb through wet hair from roots to tips, making sure the ends are completely tangle free without pulling on the ends to make them so.

       7. Dirty brushes make dirty long hair. Be sure to remove hair that gets stuck in your brush or comb every day. Then wash and dry your brushes and combs once a week. To clean hair brushes and combs, soak in warm water and shampoo for 5 minutes, rinse, and let dry on a towel overnight.

       8. Make every attempt to let your long hair dry naturally, but if you must use a blow dryer, keep it on a cool setting and avoid pulling long hair while you dry it.

       9. Choose hair accessories wisely-not all of them are suitable for women with long hair. Avoid elastic bands and opt for soft cloth ‘scrunchies’ instead. Use styling combs and bands with strong teeth, as week ones will break off in. your long hair and get tangles. Experiment with up-dos, braids, and other hairstyles that suit you, but be sure you don’t tug, pull, or wrangle your long hair in any way that can cause damage.

      10. Trim your long hair every 6-8 weeks to remove split ends and excess hair weight that can make hair oily, frizzy, or dry.

      11. Protect long hair from perspiration when you exercise, chlorine when you swim in a pool, and the sun when you are outside in the summer months. Pull long hair off face and neck, apply extra conditioners when needed, cover hair in a hat, and cleanse hair thoroughly after it has been exposed to excessive sun, salt water, chlorine, sweat, or other elements.

      12. Your lifestyle shows in your long hair. Excessive stress, lack of sleep, smoking, and poor eating and exercising habits make it harder to keep your hair healthy. Eat a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and protein, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, get some rest, avoid cigarettes, and your hair will boast its health.

    6 Essential Beauty tips for Men

    So how can you be a natural with your looks? You want the results to just come and stay. Before going to work, out to the club, restaurant, or wherever, do you spend a lot of time grooming? Most guys do... We're image concious more than ever before. But what most of us want are natural men's beauty tips... Because a natural look shows up on a man's face. Exactly where the attention lies. So today, I'm going to share 5 secret tricks for natural men's beauty to sky-rocket your handsome factor. So what are they...

    1. Sleep

    With insufficient sleep, men develop saggy skin, droopy eyes, and bags around eyes. You must get consistent sleep... 7 to 8 hours each night. If you have trouble sleeping peacefully for this long, start a good physical exercise routine like fitness boxing... You'll sleep very well each night.

    2. H20

    Water is necessary for hydrating your skin. Not enough water and you'll never have natural men's beauty. Water protects against a "weather-beaten" appearance, fine lines, and male pattern baldness. Essentially, water is a great anti aging tool. Drink water regularly throughout your day.

    3. Interval fitness training

    Obviously, if you want to be naturally better looking you've got to have a great exercise program. Physical exercise is key for men's beauty because:

    a) You will project more confidence
    b) You'll get firmer and younger looking skin
    c) You'll get more toned and have a better sculpted face

    There's a lot of scientific research on the benefits of fitness for men's beauty. Use interval training for lightening fast results when you work out. What I mean is that you should train in rounds - like boxers and MMA fighters. Here's an example of an interval training cardio workout:

    a) Walk on a treadmill for 1.5 minutes
    b) Run at speed 6 for 1.5 minutes
    c) Walk for 1.5 minutes
    d) Run at speed 8 for 1.5 minutes

    Repeat this 3 times...

    4. Live Clean

    Use organic products for your skin. Organic ingredients with antioxidants will provide you with anti aging benefits... Essential for men's beauty. We can't cover up fine lines! I've found the best body washes to be Live Clean brands and Dial Anti-Oxidant brands.

    5. Vitamins

    Vitamin D, E, B-vitamins, and biotin are key for men's beauty. B-vitamins and biotin help fight balding and vitamins D and E are great for your overall appearance and skin. Vitamin E increases oxygen intake. Why should you care? Not enough oxygen intake increases risk of cancer.

    So there you have it. 5 surefire ways to achieving natural men's beauty. Follow these religiously and be consistent. You'll notice an improvment in your appearance and better men's facial features.

    6. Do every thing periodically

    Flu Fighting Foods

    Do you read the ingredient list on all of your food and beverage labels before your buy them?  If a 2nd grader can't pronounce the entire list of ingredients on the food label, you are probably consuming too many processed foods and chemicals.  The goal is to get back to eating REAL food and making WATER your primary choice of a beverage.

    1)  Eat a vegetable-based diet to create an alkaline environment in your body.

    Vegetables help create an alkaline environment in your body.  Viruses cannot live in this environment.  Kids need at least 2-3 (1/2 cup each) servings of vegetables daily.

    Have cut up vegetables sitting out for kids to snack on before dinner.  Include a salad with every dinner meal.  Throw some shredded carrots into the muffins.  Add some pumpkin to your pancakes.  Throw a handful of fresh spinach into the smoothie.  Don't assume your kids won't eat their vegetables.  My kids now ask for salads and carrots.  Be a good role model, as adults should be eating 4-5 servings daily.

    Go organic if it is on the "dirty dozen" list.

    The "dirty dozen" list contains the twelve fruits & vegetables most heavily sprayed with pesticides.  This list was compiled by the Environmental Working Group from approximately 87,000 studies by the USDA and FDA of 47 fruits and vegetables between 2000 and 2007. It is estimated that if you avoid eating the non-organically grown produce on this list, your pesticide exposure can be reduced by up to 80%.

    Here are the "dirty dozen" listed in decreasing order of pesticide content:  Peaches (worst), apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, kale, lettuce, grapes, carrots and pears.

    Buying organic produce is a little more expensive initially, but preventing pesticides, which tax your immune and lymphatic systems, from entering your body is worth it.  You will also begin to notice that when you are fueling your body with REAL food that contains live enzymes, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, your appetite decreases.  This is because you are now nourishing your body's cells and no longer just feeding your mouth with empty calories.

    2)  Satisfy your sweet-tooth without sugar.

    Sugar creates an acidic environment in your body and lowers your immune system.  This includes the corn syrup that is found on your ingredient list.  Great substitutes for sugar or fake pancake syrup are raw honey, 100% pure maple syrup or agave nectar.  We use raw honey to replace the sugar in muffin recipes and real maple syrup to sweeten our oatmeal.

    Honey is also a great cough suppressant.  You can give your child a teaspoon of honey to calm his or her cough or stir it into a cup of warm water or herbal tea.  Please note the children under the age of 12 months should not consume any honey (even in baked goods), as their intestinal tract is not developed enough to handle the botulism spores.  Corn syrup and molasses also contain botulism spores and should be avoided in infants under 12 months of age.

    Use fruit to satisfy your family's sweet tooth.  Fruit, like vegetables, produce an alkaline reaction in your body and therefore decrease your risk of getting a cold or the flu. Kids should consume 2-3 (1/2 cup) servings of fruit per day and adults should aim for 3-4 servings daily.

    Try frozen berries topped with organic yogurt and a little honey or agave nectar for a real treat.  Apples with a little peanut butter are a great after-school snack.  You will be amazed to notice that when you increase your fruit intake, your intense sugar cravings will go away.

    3)  Get outside and move your body daily.

    Be sure to get outside for at least 15 minutes daily to get fresh air and sunshine.  You get vitamin D from the sun shining on your skin.  Vitamin D helps turn on the body's immune response.  This could be as simple as walking your child to school or taking a 15-minute family-walk after school.

    Ideally, you will move your body for a total of 30 minutes daily.  One of the most important reason to get your body moving is for the stress-reduction benefits.  Excess stress increases your body's acidity and will cause you to be more susceptible to the invasion of viruses.  Exercise also helps increase your intake of oxygen and viruses do not like an oxygenated environment.

    4)  Get plenty of sleep.

    Lack of sleep will increase your level of cortisol, which is a stress hormone.  Cortisol increases the acidity of your body, which then increases your susceptibility to cold and flu viruses. Recent research validates the need for adults to get between 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night.

    Kids ages 5-12 need 10-11 hours of sleep per night.  For the best sleep, they should not have a TV in their bedroom or it should be unplugged.  Younger kids need up to 12 hours per night and most adults will need 7-8 hours of restful sleep per night.

    5)  Keep Your Nose Clean.

    To prevent viruses from entering your body, you need to keep your nose clean.  The Neti pot (Food Co-op) is a small ceramic pot designed specifically to flush out your nose.  Just add warm salt water to the pot, tilt your head, pour the water into one nostril and watch it come out the other nostril.  You can also swab the inside of your nose with warm salt water.

    10 Beauty Tips Every Women Should Know

    It isn't so much about looking younger than how old you are anymore. Today's older women, whether in Hollywood or on Main Street, USA, tend to be more about embracing their best selves, their finest health and looks, at every age.

    The next time you are "people watching," notice the number of stunning older women you will find in the world. When Dove came out with its type of pro-age beauty products, (as opposed to anti-aging), they used older types of every race, posing tastefully without clothes, to prove a place. We, as a society, should embrace our looks and our way of life at every age rather than fighting to appear forever 39. Getting older only means we've been privileged to live long enough to determine the maps of our lives drawn in to the design of our looks.

    1. Use Sugar being an Exfoliant

    "Once a week or so, take a normal size bowl of sugar in while you shower," suggests Scott P., a picture designer. "Put a bit of soap in your face and then scrub the sugar in until it dissolves. In the beginning it will feel quite abrasive, but following a minute or so, it should feel happy," says Scott. "There's no specific kind of sugar to use, just grab several packets from the coffee shop. Same effect because the fancy exfoliating soaps, but at without any cost." [Editor's note: this might be a little harsh for a woman's face, but it is a great idea for the body.]

    2. Change Your Moisturizer

    "As dry climate approaches, change your lightweight moisturizer for some thing balm intense with hydrating ingredients," recommends Enrique Ramirez, esthetician and who owns face to face nyc day spa. "Baume Excellence by Decleor Paris is excellent and will keep your skin looking nice dewy all winter long."

    3. Go Raw Vegan

    A good thing cash-flow business for his skin was adopt a raw vegan diet. "I lost over 20 pounds and felt amazing," says Adam. "My skin was perfectly clear, I possibly could tell my pores were completely open, and that i could even feel my skin breathing better. A large number of people told me, ‘you're glowing!'"

    4. Show The feet Some Love    "Feet would be the most ignored body part within the shower." Since this can lead to Athlete's Foot or staph (eww!), prevention is essential. Dr. Benabio suggests rubbing hand sanitizer in your feet for at least sixty seconds (or until all of the alcohol has fully evaporated) to get rid of infections. This is especially important before hitting a baby shower at your gym-ick, think how many sweaty feet will be in there before you!

    5. Banish Blemishes having a Deep Cleansing Mask

    Senior Technical Recruiter Adam W. was using his girlfriend's mask to pay off up skin before stumbling upon a men's mask of their own. "I saw Menaji Skincare's Deep Cleansing Masque inside a magazine and decided the time had come to get my own product rather than stealing hers all the time. Now my girlfriend is stealing mine!! She uses it as being a nightly spot treatment - or when needed - and it immediately gets dry and clears up her blemishes without having to be too harsh."

    6. Use Ice (inside your Mouth!) to Reduce Puffiness and Under eye circles

    Did you know you can help eradicate puffiness and dark under-eye circles by putting a cube of ice on the top of your mouth with your tongue? Well, based on celebrity esthetician and author of Skintervention, Scott-Vincent Borba, you are able to! "Allow the ice to melt and also the cold will penetrate and help de-puff and lighten under eye circles underneath the eyes. You can also freeze BORBA water or pure Acai juice rather than plain water to provide a skincare antioxidant kick!"

    7. Control Hair Having a Leave-In Conditioner

    "I have medium length wavy hair and employ a leave-in conditioner after washing my hair," says marketing manager Jack A. "As it's drying, I place a little more on my hands and arrange it through my hair. It offers invisible control, feels neat and is not sticky or heavy."

    8. Prevent Ingrown Hairs with Men's Shaving Cream

    "A surprising fact for ladies who are prone to painful ingrown hairs is the fact that using a men's shaving cream might be the solution to their problem," says dermatologist Dr. David Bank. "Recently, there's been an increase in men's? shaving creams containing antiseptics, soothing agents, and moisturizers,? that are used to prevent infection of cuts and defend against ingrown hairs."

    9. Save your time, Organize Your Samples

    La based professional organizer John Trosko was overwhelmed with the skin care samples he'd recently accumulated, so he chose to save a little time in the morning and organize! "Using a small company card box, I ripped apart every individual sample, stacked like samples before one another and added a category tab," says John. "Now I'm able to test out different products without spoilage or fear, and my skin looks better and better."

    10. Fight Acne with Hot Peppers

    Business consultant Daniel C. accustomed to use jalapeno juice mixed with water to prevent pimples, but now swears by Therma Skin Capsaicin Face Cleanser for acne and rosacea. "I've discovered that the extract from hot peppers, Capsaicin, rocks ! for killing and preventing pimples,".

    Turmeric Facial - A Healthy Choice

    Turmeric usage is found mostly in India where people use it for almost all purposes like cooking, facial, etc. it is a spicy plant having anti septic and anti microbial properties. It is an antioxidant substance that removes free radicals from your bodies. Below are some tips on how to use turmeric as a best remedy for people who suffer with acne skin problems:

    Turmeric can be best used in cooking, because as a potent antioxidant and anti inflammatory agent, it is wonderful for skin care ingredient when taken internally.

    Add turmeric supplement to your daily life. It strengthens the liver, and improves the functioning of the digestive tract, and may help clear acne when taken internally.

    Use turmeric as a face cleanser. Millions of women in India use turmeric instead of a facial cleanser every day to exfoliate and brighten their skin.

    Add a little amount of turmeric to your moisturizer or other treatment products.

    Apply kasturi turmeric externally which helps clear acne, inhibits growth of facial hair, and brightens the complexion.

    Add a turmeric enhanced skin care product to your regimen.

    Healthy Skin Tips

    Healthy, younger looking skin is what everyone dreams of. Healthy, younger looking skin is not hard to achieve. Looking after your appearance and maintaining a regular routine and healthy diet can help to give you perfect looking skin, free from spots and blemishes.
    Below are 10 tips that will help you on your way to clear, beautiful skin.
    1. Your outside appearance reflects what's on your inside. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and sunflower seeds.
    2. Try and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. This will help to keep your skin moist, refreshed and supple, which will help the skin fight off developing wrinkles and blemishes.
    3. Moisturize! Applying moisturizer after a warm face wash or a warm shower is the best remedies for skin. Moisturizing helps to restore the oils that our skin has and helps to keep the skin hydrated. Moisturizing for men is just as important as the oils in men's skin can be lost more easily than those in women.
    4. Protect yourself from sun and tanning studio's. The sun and tanning studio's are the main reasons for premature aging. By applying self tan spray or keeping your face well protected from UV rays can help to prevent premature aging.
    5. Keep up regular exercise. Regular exercise helps to keep the skin elasticity which prevents wrinkles. Exercise is also good for your body as a whole as it helps to maintain a low amount of body fat.
    6. Taking vitamins and minerals helps to keep goodness in the skin. Vitamins and minerals have been developed to help your body. By taking one multivitamin can help to keep your skin fresh and clean.
    7. Try and maintain a constant sleep pattern. Sleep is the body's time to restore itself and to re-energies the body's organs and skin. By maintaining a regular sleep pattern, you will feel more energized and your skin will become more healthy and fresher looking.
    8. Do not scrub and wash too hard. By doing this it removes the required oils that the skin needs to regenerate. When washing, wash lightly and in circular motion. This helps to keep the blood flow in your skin and does not allow the essential oils to escape.
    9. Do not squeeze spots. Although very tempting, by squeezing spots and black heads, the disease spreads and your acne will not disappear. By not squeezing your skin can heal the spot on its own and scars will not be formed. Constant squeezing of spots will cause scarring of the skin.
    10. Finally, the most important thing you can do to help achieve, younger healthier looking skin is to stop smoking or never to start. Smoking causes premature aging and yellowing of the teeth and skin. The tobacco that is released into the air dries out your skin, while the smoke you inhale constricts the flow of blood to blood vessels, therefore preventing your skin of essential nutrients that your body supplies. By 

    Winter Skin Care Tips

    Once the weather has turned crisp and people start bundling up from the cold, most skin care regimes go out of the window. Skin takes a beating during the winter months and becomes tight, dry, dull and lacklustre from neglect and adverse weather conditions. Some people even develop skin conditions such as flaking, cracking and eczema. The secret to beautiful skin during the summer months is to keep up skincare regimes all year round and that includes during the frigid winter months.
    One skincare routine that most people stop during winter is the religious application of sunscreen. Despite the lack of sunshine, skin can still be damaged during winter by harmful UV rays and glare from snow, causing wrinkles and aging especially in the fine skin around the eyes. Sunscreen should still be applied on a daily basis - use a broad spectrum sunscreen and apply it to all exposed areas, including the hands and face at least half an hour before going outside.
    Skin also needs intensive moisturization during winter. Skin loses its natural oils because of the harsh weather conditions and indoor heating which saps the skin of its natural hydration, making it more fragile and prone to damage. The body and face should be moisturized on a daily basis, especially those areas that are covered up by winter woollies, as this will stop the skin from drying out and will maintain the natural oils.
    Sometimes the facial moisturizer that worked well in the summer months will need to be changed in the harsher winter months. An oil based moisturizer should be considered as the oil will create a protective layer and will retain more moisture. However, care should be taken in choosing the type of oil because some clog the pores and cause even more skin problems.
    Non-clogging oils such as avocado, mineral, sandalwood or primrose should be used and Shea oil should be avoided. Look for products containing humectants - these are substances such as glycerine, sorbitol and alpha-hydroxy acids which draw moisture into the skin and keep it hydrated. Apply a specialized eye area cream nightly to keep the eye contour area looking plumped up and fresh.
    Hot showers and baths can also damage the skin by stripping it of its natural acid mantel, which leads to dry skin. Taking cooler baths and shorter showers will help to maintain the skin's natural defences and lipid barriers and will help to prevent that winter crocodile skin. Oatmeal or baking soda in the bath can help relieve itchiness. Indoor heating dries out the air, so a humidifier might be useful in preventing the skin from drying out.
    The skin on the hands and feet is also affected by winter cold because the cold and dry weather strips away what little moisture the hands hold. Hands and fingers can become dry, cracked and itchy so gloves should always be worn when outside. Don't use wet gloves or socks as these also cause cracking. Moisturize the hands and feet every night before going to sleep with an intensive moisturizing butter that contains petroleum jelly or glycerine.

    Top 10 Health Tips

    Here are top ten tips to nourish your body and keep it functioning at optimum levels.
    1) Focus on improving your eating habits rather than participating in restrictive diets. Always keep in mind that what you eat and drink has a direct impact on how you look, feel and perform.
    2) Go to the grocery store at least once a week to buy some fruits, vegetables and nourishing food. Leave the junk food on the shelves, because what you buy, you will eat. Also, don't buy the junk food for your kids, spouse or relatives. They don't need it either.
    3) Try to focus on fueling your body with nourishing food rather than filling your belly with empty, sugar-loaded calories. Your body is a wonderful machine that needs nourishing food to function at optimal levels.
    4) Try to eliminate casual calories that often contain no nutritional value. They include: soda, juices, candy, energy drinks and triple mocha caramel double fudge latte coffees. Remember, consuming too many calories will cause you to gain weight. It doesn't matter if these calories come from foods or drinks.
    5) Don't fall victim to diet and weight-loss marketing professionals. Carbohydrates do not make you fat. Protein does not make you fat. Fat does not make you fat. Consuming more calories than your body burns will cause you to gain weight. It's that simple. Bottom line: Don't eliminate or dramatically restrict your intake of carbohydrates, protein or fat.
    6) Eat smaller portions more frequently throughout the day to help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Stabilized blood sugar levels not only help increase energy, they also will help you burn unnecessary body fat. Try to include some carbohydrates, protein and fat in each meal.
    7) When eating fast food or dining out, order the meal as "cleanly" as possible. That means asking for sauces, dips and dressings on the side. Try to order a meal that contains some carbohydrates, protein and fat. Always keep in mind that the chef does not care if you are overweight or unhealthy. Order food with your health and fitness in mind.
    8) Try to eliminate all deep-fried foods. They are loaded with trans-fatty acids. And yes, this includes french fries. I know they taste good, but they have a negative impact on how you look and feel.
    9) Try to limit your intake of breads, bagels, potatoes and pastas (these are not the best source of carbohydrates) and replace with fruits and vegetables that will nourish your body with valuable nutrients. Fruits and vegetables also help to slow the aging process and boost your body's immune system.
    10) Read food labels. Not all brands are equal and the manufacturers do not care if you are overweight or unhealthy. For example, some items are labeled "fat free," yet if you read the food label you will see that the product contains "mono and diglycerides". This is fat! Also, try to limit foods that contain "hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils" as these oils can contribute to heart disease.

    Tips to Nourish your Skin

    You can make your own nourishing products and follow a regular skin care routine to keep your skin nourished and healthy. If you have dry or normal skin, you should use a face wash twice a day, a face scrub once a week and a face pack once a week.  If you have oily skin, you will need to use a face wash thrice a day, a face scrub twice a week and a face pack once a week.
    Some easy-to-make nourishing skin care products are listed below.
    If you have dry skin, you will need: avocados, walnuts/almonds, brown rice, pineapples, black /Bengal gram flour.
    •    Face wash: Soak a cotton ball in fresh pineapple juice and gently rub your entire face with it. Pineapple juice is mildly acidic and will cleanse your skin without leaving it dry.
    •    Face scrub: Lightly grind a little brown rice to obtain a coarse flour.  Soak about 1 tablespoon of the nuts in a little water overnight and then grind it into a thin paste. Add one teaspoon of rice flour to this paste and use the mixture to cleanse and moisturize your skin.
    •    Face pack: Blend an avocado to obtain a thin paste. Mix this paste along with 2 teaspoons of gram flour to form a smooth paste. This face pack will help to nourish and moisturize your skin.
    If you have oily skin, you will need: Lemons, oranges, strawberries, Bengal gram flour, Fuller's earth
    •    Face wash: Soak a cotton ball in a little fresh Lemon juice, gently rub your entire face with it and then rinse it off. Lemon juice is a relatively strong natural acid and will dissolve the excess oil on the surface of your skin as well as unclog blocked pores.
    •    Face scrub: Crush 3 to 4 berries and mix the juice with a teaspoon spoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of flour. Use this paste to exfoliate your skin and even out your complexion. Berries have astringent properties and are also rich in antioxidants and vitamin A which helps to nourish and fortify the skin.
    •    Face pack: Mix about 3 tablespoons of fresh orange juice and 1 ½ tablespoons of Fuller's earth and use the paste as a nourishing and cleansing face pack.
    If you have normal skin, you will need: grapefruit, watermelon, cucumber, honey, banana, brown rice, Fuller's earth.
    •    Face wash: Dip a cotton ball in a mixture of fresh grapefruit juice and watermelon juice and massage your face with it. Grapefruit juice helps to cleanse the skin while watermelon juice helps to nourish and moisturize it.
    •    Face scrub: Mash or blend ½ a banana and mix in a few spoons of coarse brown rice flour to obtain a gentle, nourishing exfoliating scrub.

    Face pack: Mix fresh cucumber juice, honey and Fuller's earth so that you have a smooth paste. Use this paste as a face pack to cleanse, nourish and soothe your skin.

    Healthy Life Style Tips

    Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be hard. It just takes the motivation to change our bad habits into good, healthy ones. Below is a list of 10 healthy lifestyle tips to get you started. Once you start, you can come up with more healthy choices that work for you.
    1. The first thing is to eat a balanced diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and get rid of the high sugar, processed foods. Along with eating better is getting the right nutrients in the system. 
    2. So the second thing is to take vitamins and minerals to help your body work properly. 
    3. The third tip is to quit all those nasty unhealthy habits. Smoking, drinking, drugs, chewing tobacco, whatever your vice may be quit now. You are in charge of your health and living a healthier lifestyle means getting rid of the things that may kill you. 
    4. The fourth thing to do is exercise. Exercise makes you feel good and can motivate you to get other things done as well. 
    5. Along with exercise, number five is making sure you see a doctor each year for an annual physical. This is more important in women, but men should be seeing a doctor every 2-3 years to make sure there are no big health concerns. 
    6. The sixth is to surround yourself with a strong support network, or a group of people who will be there for you and participate in a healthy lifestyle as well. 
    7. Your family and friends can help you with the seventh tip, have fun and enjoy life. 
    8. Eighth tip is to create a good balance between work and play. 
    9. The final two tips are to accept yourself for the unique individual you are and love what you do. If you can accept yourself, the good and the bad, it will show in all you do. Your job is something you will be doing for at least the next 20 years, so you should love it. If you don't keep looking until you find something you do love.
    Start with those healthy lifestyle choices and see how you feel in the next few weeks. You should feel more energized, motivated, and positive.

    Best Weight Loss Healthy Slimming Snacks

    Snacking is often regarded as an unhealthy habit but the truth is that smart snacking can promote rapid and lasting weight loss. Getting hungry between meals-especially between lunch and dinner, is common and frequently the cause of diet failure. Healthy snacking keeps metabolism at it's maximum. Thinking ahead and planning for healthy snacks on hand will keep you on track with your goals.
    Most common snacks are high in carbohydrates. While carbs are needed for immediate energy healthy snacking will combine carbohydrates with good protein sources. Protein does not satisfy hunger as quickly as a carbohydrate, but it lasts much longer and aids in regulating blood sugar levels that can encourage snacking if allowed to run wild.

    Protein beverages, fruit combined with low-fat or skim cheese or Greek style yogurt and whole wheat crackers are good examples of balanced snacks.
    An ideal snack is between 100-150 calories with at least 10 grams of protein.
    • Nonfat latte made with nonfat milk or soy milk
    • Mini pita bread with a quarter of an avocado
    • Two rice cakes with one wedge light cheese
    • One 100-calorie pudding cup
    • 1/2 cup nonfat cottage cheese with 1/2 cup blueberries
    • 1 ounce turkey jerky with one slice rye cracker
    • One individual carton light nonfat yogurt with 1 tablespoon raisins
    • Toasted whole-grain waffle with a sprinkle of cinnamon-sugar
    • One stick mozzarella cheese with one sesame breadstick
    • 3/4 cup tomato soup made with nonfat milk
    • Three hard-cooked egg whites mashed with a little Dijon mustard and a sliced tomato
    • 15 baby carrots with 2 tablespoons fat-free ranch dressing
    • 12 ounces tomato juice
    • 10 soy crisps with a small peach
    • One frozen fruit bar
    • 1 cup whole strawberries with 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup
    Healthy snacking is the perfect way to support your weight loss goals and is well worth the little extra time and effort required to organize yourself to get maximum results.

    Eatable Snak for Better health

    Finding healthy snacks for kids with food allergies can be a challenge, but is important in providing nutritional needs while keeping the child safe. Snacks should be carefully chosen so they provide nutritional value, but do not cause an allergic reaction. Always check the ingredients to verify that the product is safe for the child and does not contain any ingredient that could possibly cause an allergic reaction.
    Kids like fun, tasty snacks, which can sometimes be difficult to provide when the child has food allergies. Some foods that are safe for children, but also are healthy, fun and good to eat are fruit kabobs, which are also fun to make. Cutting up different varieties of fruits and placing them on a kabob is a fun and healthy way to satisfy a child's hunger. These make great snacks as well as another fun food, "ants on a log". These are simple celery sticks with soy nut butter or sunflower butter spread on them with raisins sprinkled on top. Low-fat yogurts can provide a tasty dip for cut-up fruits or spreading some hummus that is sesame-free on whole grain crackers or pita triangles offers a delicious and nutritious snack for kids.

    Other great snacks for kids with food allergies include dried fruits that are unsweetened, rice cakes that are topped with sunflower butter, popcorn that is air-popped and drizzled with oil, apple slices with sunflower or soy butter spread on them and whole-wheat tortillas cut into triangles and toasted with fresh salsa, bean dip and guacamole. Mixing 100 percent orange juice with vanilla flavored soy milk and pouring into Popsicle molds can provide a tasty cold treat for children to enjoy or freezing bananas on a Popsicle stick then dipping them into a yogurt and rolling them in rice Chex or puffed rice is definitely a fun and nutritious treat for children. Smoothies can also be easily made for kids as a beverage treat that provides good nutritional value. Using frozen berries blended with a milk alternative along with a banana in a blender for 30 seconds will make a quick and delicious smoothie.
    These fun and delicious snacks can provide a safe and healthy way to satisfy kids with food allergies. With more and more children under the age of five developing food allergies, becoming creative with healthy safe foods will keep the child from feeling deprived and most importantly keep them safe from having an allergic reaction.

    Health Benefits of Papaya Soap

    Almost, if not all, fruits are right for you. It is a basic fact that fruits possess lots of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber that does wonders for the body. But there are few fruits out there that possess the same wide-ranging benefits that the papaya fruit can provide. Whether it is used as a standout ingredient in health drinks or for skin beautification products like the papaya skin whitening soap, the papaya fruit has a multitude of benefits that go beyond just consuming its sweet orange flesh.
    While it is more commonly found in tropical countries like Mexico, it is available all over the world can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike. The papaya is an excellent source of nutrients like vitamins A, C and B. It also contains potassium, lycopene, and dietary fiber. Because of its unique flavor, it is also used as an ingredient in many different dishes.
    One of its health benefits is the fact that it is a potent health snack. Compared to other fruits, the papaya is low in calories but at the same time remarkably filling and sweet. It can also lessen the risks of developing certain types of cancer because of its lycopene, fiber and several different phytochemicals. It can also boost the immune system and your digestive system as well.
    One of the unique properties that make papaya such a lovely fruit is the papain enzyme. Naturally found in papayas, the papain enzyme essentially helps to breakdown protein which helps out the digestive system. As a matter of fact papain has been used in powder form as an excellent meat tenderizer because it can breakdown the meat fibers easily. Papain can even be applied on the skin to treat minor cuts, burns and sting wounds. This is why some families use their powdered meat tenderizer, mix it with some water to create a paste like consistency, which is then applied to the wound. This is a quick and easy home remedy and pain relief for minor wounds.
    The same papain enzyme is found in the papaya skin whitening soap. It is also a sizeable exfoliating capability that strips the body of dead skin cells to allow for new layers of skin to the surface. This leaves the body feeling softer, smoother and lighter. Moreover, because of the exfoliating effect, it can also prevent and remove signs of acne and the scars they leave behind. Through constant and regular use of the papaya skin whitening soap, you will develop a fairer skin in just a few weeks, with virtually no side effects because of the natural ingredients from the papaya.
    The papaya fruit has many benefits that people can make use of in their lives. Take advantage of all these benefits by not only adding the papaya in your daily diet to get the many different health benefits, but also using it as a product in your daily life, like the papaya soap for better skin complexion. Do this on a regular basis and you will begin to see the many papaya benefits for yourself.

    Amazing Health Benefits of Papaya

    Papayas offer not only the luscious taste and sunlit colour of the tropics, but are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium and magnesium; and fibre.

    As a natural remedy, papaya not only aids digestion but also helps prevent constipation. It provides relief from piles and also has anti-cancer properties. Papaya has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels, prevents the formation of urinary stones, prevents intestinal infection by parasites and aids in the proper functioning of the body's immune system. For lactating mothers, according to traditional beliefs, papaya also helps to stimulate milk production.

    Papaya is a rich source of antioxidant nutrients like carotenes, vitamin C, vitamin B, minerals, fiber, etc. All these nutrients boost the health of the cardiovascular system, apart from providing protection against colon cancer.

    It Helpful for the whole body and not only for the stomach but it has been proved that it can reduce Colon cancer risk. It works against heart disease also.It reduces Cholestrol from forming.If taken regularly they are also a good remedy for Inflamatins and Infections.

    When had with honey, the papaya seeds are known to be antihelminthic for expelling worms. So chew and swallow two teaspoonfuls of papaya seeds after the main meals during a day.

    Papaya's fibre is able to bind to cancer-causing toxins in the colon and keep them away from the healthy colon cells. In addition, papaya's folate, vitamin C, beta-carotene, and vitamin E have each been associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. These nutrients provide synergistic protection for colon cells from free radical damage to their DNA.!

    Papaya consists of two very important enzymes called papain and chymonpapain which help digest protein in the body. However, of the two enzymes, papain is the most abundant and most active enzyme. Nevertheless, these enzymes are most concentrated when the fruit is picked green. After picking the powerful duo diminishes as the fruit ripens.

    Papayas are an excellent source of the three very powerful antioxidants - vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A (through their concentration of pro-vitamin A carotenoid phytonutrients). Papayas may be very helpful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. The nutrients found in papaya help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. When cholesterol becomes oxidized, it is able to stick to and build up in blood vessel walls. This formation is dangerous to the human body as it forms plaques that can eventually cause heart attacks or strokes. The Ayurveda experts have regarded papain as a remedy for abdominal disorders. It is a good medicine for dysentery, hyper-acidity, dyspepsia and constipation. Pimples are removed by rubbing the white pulp of raw papaya on the face. It brings lustre to the face and removes wrinkles.

    Papaya contains carotene which also helps for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Regularly eating of papaya will help a person to maintain vitality and good health.

    Foods that Cleanse Liver

    Natural health practitioners recommend liver cleansing as the ideal way to remove gallstones. A liver cleanse helps to improve your digestion, which is essential for good health. Several allergies start to disappear, when you periodically cleanse your liver. Liver cleansing can also help to boost your energy levels. In addition, cleansing of the liver reportedly helps in alleviating upper back and shoulder pain.
    One of the main functions of the liver is the production of bile. The bile is moved into the common bile duct through numerous biliary tubes. The common bile duct passes it to the gallbladder which acts as a storehouse. The stored bile is released for the digestion of fats. Apart from this, the liver stores glucose and vitamins. It also helps in the metabolism of protein and fats. Liver is also an important detoxifier.
    The formation of gallstones affects the functioning of liver. You will only notice the presence of gallstones in an advanced stage. This is one of the reasons why many people opt for periodical liver cleansing. This helps in flushing out the gallstones in their initial stage of development.
    A liver cleanse can be easily done from your own home. Here is a widely known liver cleansing recipe, using the following the ingredients:
    * 1 cup olive oil
    * 4 table spoons Epsom salts
    * three cups of fresh grapefruit juice
    * grape fruit
    Choose a day that you are generally feeing well for the liver cleanse. No medications should be taken on that day. For breakfast, eat food without fat. The best method is to have a fruit diet. Select a time to start the liver cleansing procedure. It is better to start in the afternoon. You should stop eating four hours before taking the first course. So if you plan to take the concoction at 1900 hrs, stop eating at 1500 hrs.
    First, mix 4 table spoons of Epsom salts with the three cups of fresh grapefruit juice. This should make four servings. Drink the first serving now. After two hours, take another serving.
    After another two hours, squeeze the grape fruit into a cup. Remove the pulp. It should be at least half the cup. Now add this to the olive oil and shake well to make it watery. Take the concoction and lie down immediately and go to sleep.
    Next morning, on awakening immediately take the third serving of Epsom salt mixture. After two hours, take the remaining serving. After another two hours you can start your normal diet with fruits.
    After completing the recipe, you would probably get diarrhea. When this happens, gallstones will be flushed out with the bowel movement.
    You can undertake a liver cleanse twice in a year. Spring is an ideal time. Never undertake liver cleansing during winter.
    If you are doing a liver cleanse for the first time, it is best to go under the guidance of a natural health practitioner. You want to ensure that you are getting the procedure right and take all necessary precautions. The maintenance of your liver health is crucial; do not overlook the importance of cleansing away your gallstones.