Best Honey + Lemon Face Hair Removal - DIY

Excessive facial hair growth especially to women is both frustrating and depressing. It does not only grab confidence from most women but it is also a lot of money that is being spent for the treatments to remove excess hair permanently. However, there are always alternatives other than the expensive electrolysis, laser hair removal, and irritation depilatory creams.
Natural female facial hair removal methods are now spreading and have even been praised for its non-irritating and inexpensive form of hair removal remedy. Two of the easiest and most natural ways are waxing and plucking. 

Another one is termed as facial sugaring which can be made by heating sugar and lemon juice together then with the aid of cornstarch, applied to the hair then immediately pulled away against the direction of the hair growth. Painful as it is, it can also give soft, moisturized and smooth skin. 
You can also buy a ready made natural sugar mixture like MOOM Organic Hair Removal Kit which is available in any supermarket. Bleaching creams are also an option. However, make sure you try a 24 hour patch test first to check for any skin irritation before buying a product. 
Lemon is one natural bleacher. Using lemon with honey everyday can result in visible changes in your hair. When bleached, facial hair becomes lightened in color and breaks off in the long run. One reason of excessive facial growth is due to high levels of testosterone. Lowering down testosterone using the all natural spearmint tea can also significantly lessen the growth of the hair.
On one hand, make sure to try and test out products first before applying it on your face to avoid skin burns and irritation.