Food with Rich Anti Oxidants

1. Pomegranates – This fruit has received a lot of attention in recent years. And, the truth is that it really is due to recognition it gets.

Pomegranates' polyphenols are more effective than most other antioxidants at fighting free radicals. They are highly concentrated in the juice. Experts suggest that everyone could benefit from a glass of pomegranate juice each day.

2. Berries – Blueberries rank higher than any other fruit when it comes to packing in the antioxidants. Wild blueberries are a better antioxidant food than cultivated. Cranberries and blackberries also rank really high, but any berry is a good choice.

3. Pecans - Nuts are often overlooked as potential antioxidant foods, but they are very healthy. Among the nuts, pecans have the most antioxidants.

4. Walnuts – Walnuts rank second among nuts as great antioxidant foods.

5. Hazelnuts - Hazelnuts are also antioxidant rich, but they are not a very popular nut in the US. Consider adding them to salads or using them as a snack. Nuts are also healthy because the fat in them is a healthy fat that helps to prevent heart disease.

 6. Artichokes – Many of us don't eat artichokes on a regular basis, but we should. Toss them in a pasta salad, make an artichoke dip or sauté them in a little butter as a side dish.

7. Beans – Red beans carry the highest level of antioxidants, but any bean is a good choice. Beans are actually the best antioxidant food among the vegetable family.

8. Russet Potatoes – Potatoes are a great source of all sorts of vitamins, and they rank very high among the antioxidant foods.

9. Plums and Prunes – Prunes are slightly higher in antioxidants than plums, simply because they are dried and, therefore, concentrated. But either is packed with vitamins.

10. Green tea – Green tea contains polyphenols and catechins that are extremely effective at neutralizing the body's free radicals. Experts agree that one of the reasons that Asians have a higher life expectancy than many other races is their high consumption of green tea.