4 Good Reasons to Get a Breast Reduction

Contrary to popular belief, not every woman wants to increase the size of her chest. Some women would much prefer a breast reduction instead. There are several good reasons for wanting this surgery.

It is common for women to feel some discomfort when they have large breasts. For example, the sheer weight of a larger chest can put a lot of pressure on the straps of any bra. If your straps are always digging into your shoulders, leaving indentations or even rashes that hurt, it is time to consider surgery to reduce the cup size.
Not surprisingly, a large chest can make working out difficult or even uncomfortable. If you want to lose weight or simply stay in shape but find it hard to exercise, it might be worth it to look into breast reduction. You should not let this issue hold you back from getting into shape or even having fun with the sport of your choice, which is why surgery may be a good option in your case.
Discomfort is not the worst thing that you might encounter when you have a large chest. Outright pain is not uncommon. You might have back problems due to the issue, possibly because your bones have become deformed over time as a result of the extra weight. Of course, muscles might be sore as well. This can make it hard for you to even stand comfortably, let alone be active. Some women even have breathing problems too. These medical problems are why insurance often covers the costs involved with breast reduction.
Even if your larger chest is not technically painful, you might simply be tired of the attention you get from it. It's not always good or even desired, especially if you have had it from a young age. Whether you get frequent stares from men or have been bullied for being naturally endowed, you deserve to get rid of the problem through surgery when necessary. Plus, it might simply be hard to find clothes that fit, especially if you are thin everywhere else. You can eliminate this problem and simplify your life a bit with this operation, which is why so many women opt to get it.
Your doctor will let you know if you are a good candidate for breast reduction. If so, your next step is to contact your insurance company to find out if the expense will be paid for. As long as it is clear you are in pain or have developed medical complications as a result of your overly large breasts, you should qualify for coverage of the procedure.
By: Andrea Avery