4 Tips To How to Grow A Mustache

Do you ever want to look more mature and masculine? If you do, then having a mustache will help you look more manly and more mature!
Currently, many people and celebrities are beginning to have mustaches to make them look more handsome and cool. You can look at some examples such as Brad Pitt  and George Clooney who are the epitome of cool handsome guys who have mustaches. Here are 4 tips to grow a mustache!

1. Eat more protein

Eating more protein will give you a healthy brushy mustache! This is because protein is the basic building block of hair. If you consume more protein, the more facial hair you will get. Therefore, if you eat more protein, you can grow a mustache.
One of the best sources of protein are foods such as beef, pork, fish and chicken. You should eat one portion of these proteins daily to help grow your mustache significantly.

2. Massage your upper lip

To get hair growing on your face such as a mustache, you need to have good blood circulation in your face.
This is because when you have good blood circulation to the face, it brings vital nutrients and protein for your hair to grow. Hair is hard to grow if you don't have good blood circulation.
Hence, a good way to increase facial hair, particularly your mustache is to massage your upper lips.
To massage your upper lip, all you need to do is to apply firm circular pressure starting from the bottom of your nose and then continue this pressure out to the edges of your lip. Do this regularly at least five times a day, and you can achieve your mustache!

3. Drink alcohol

Drinking alcohol will significantly help grow you a good thick mustache! This is because alcohol stimulates the release of testosterone! When you have high levels of testosterone in the body it increases facial and body hair!
Remember, it is always best to drink alcohol in moderation. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to disease of the liver and other major issues.

4. Shave your upper lip regularly

To help increase facial hair, you need to shave your upper lip as often as you can. When you do this, you help stimulate mustache growth. Even if you currently have no mustache, you still need to shave your upper lip every day as this will still help increase the growth of facial hair.
Do this once in the morning and once at night, and the results will be a healthy mustache!