Home Made Cellulite Body Scrub

Home Made Treatment Using Coffee Ground

You can give yourself an enjoyable cellulite body wrap at home. This can be really fun to do on a rainy day, or if you need a pick me up and are low on funds to go to the local spa. Here is what you will need:

used coffee grounds, warm if possible & seaweed (kelp works great)

Here is what you do:

Apply the warm coffee grounds to the troubled area, layer the seaweed over the grounds and wrap the area with plastic wrap. Place absorbent towels around the area, and kick back reading a book or listening to some soothing music. After 30 minutes, remove the towels and plastic wrap, discard the seaweed and as much of the coffee as possible and get into a warm shower.

The remaining coffee grounds will be washed away.

You will notice the reduced appearance of cellulite almost right away! I love this easy do it yourself cellulite wrap. If you can't get seaweed, you can wrap the coffee grounds with the plastic wrap, but it is more difficult to do. Another alternative is wrap the area with gauze prior to the plastic wrap.

Using Sea Salt to make a Homemade Cellulite Cream

This is is actually a recipe for something more like a scrub than a cream. The scrub contains two different types of sea salts and some varieties of oil. It will produce the same impressive effects as a cream and will be as good as any anti-cellulite treatment creams you can buy at the drugstore.

To make it, you most assemble the following ingredients:

Salts you will need: Dead Sea Salt and Celtic Sea Salt

Oils you will need: Vegetable Oil (also known as "salad oil"), Lemon Oil, Juniper Oil, Lemongrass Oil, and Eucalyptus Oil

Other ingredients: A few drops of ginger

To start, put the vegetable oil into a mixing pan and add each other oil into the pan one by one. As you do this, mix the oils together thoroughly so that things are nice and even. After making a nice oil mixture, you will want to slowly sprinkle both salts into it. Mix the salt together with the oil in a gentle manner.

When you are finished, put it in a plastic container with a tight lid, label it so you do not accidentally think it's food, and place it in your refrigerator.

How to Use It

After about a day, you can start to use your homemade cellulite cream. Simply rub it on the area of your body that has a cellulite problem and massage. Repeat more than once during each session. Do this regularly over a couple months, and you should start to see results.

Lemon And Honey Body Cellulite Homemade Wrap

o ½ a lemon 
o 5 tbsp honey 
o 2 tbsp salt (preferably sea salt)

This recipe is excellent for softening the skin, encouraging the circulation of the blood in the area and also removing excess water as well. As such, it will improve the appearance of cellulite in no time! All you do is grate the rind of the lemon and squeeze the juice. Add the zest and juice to the honey and stir. Then add the salt to the body cellulite homemade wrap and make sure it is well blended. Lather it on the areas you wish to achieve cellulite reduction in and cover it with strips of an old towel. Leave it in place for around 15 minutes et voila!

Essential Oil Body Cellulite Homemade Wrap

o 5 drops lavender oil 
o 100g green clay (if you do not have any use an clay face mask) 
o 1tbsp Aloe Vera

This one is more of an unusual household ingredient body cellulite homemade wrap! Many women have lavender oil in the home to burn, to have in the bath or to help them sleep. Aloe Vera is usually in the medicine cupboard. However, clay is a little bit harder to come by so it can be substituted for a mud facemask. Simply mix all of the ingredients together and then spread it on the body cellulite area. You can leave it to set or again wrap it in towel strips but only leave it for ten minutes.

Cellulite Exercises 

The first step to fighting cellulite is to burn off fat. Biweekly cardiovascular exercise sessions produce max results at a higher intensity. Biking, running, and swimming are all good hobbies to take up if you are serious about burning off the flab and slimming down your legs, stomach and thighs.

Implement a weekday or two for an isometric strength training regime in order to firm flabby legs, thighs and buttocks to prevent cellulite from developing. If exercise machines are your thing, be sure to include the leg press, hip abduction, and seated leg curl machines into your weekly workout.