8 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

1. Start your day with lemon juice This is one of the best therapies to eliminate belly fat. Pinch some yellow juice into a glass of warm water and add some salt to it. Continue drinking this every morning to boost your metabolism and to get rid of that paunch.

2. Stay off from white rice Replace white rice with various wheat products. Include brown rice, brown bread, whole grains, oats and quinoa in your diet.

3. Avoid sugary substances Stay away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil. Consuming these foods can increase body fat around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.

4. Drink plenty of water If you want to get rid of your belly, then drink sufficient amount of water every day. Drinking water, after regular intervals will help to boost your metabolism and remove toxins from your body.

5. Eat raw garlic Chew two to three cloves of garlic every morning, and drink a glass of lemon water after that. This treatment will double up your weight loss process and make your blood circulation smooth in your body.

6. Avoid non-veg food To eliminate belly fat, it is recommended that one should avoid non-vegetarian food as far as possible.

7. Load up on fruits and vegetables Eat a bowl of fruits daily in the morning and evening. This will fill you up with many antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

8. Spice up your cooking Use spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper in your cooking. These spices are loaded with health benefits. They help to improve your insulin resistance and reduce levels of sugar in your blood.

Clean Your Kidney

Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?

It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley or Cilantro ( Coriander Leaves ) and wash it clean.

Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.

Parsley and cilantro (coriander) are known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

Both have similar impact but Parsley is preferred choice. Difference between Parsely and Cilandro. Parsely doesn't have the smell whereas cilandro (Dhaniya Leaves) Smell. Parsely is used in Salads. Both leaves look similar to each other but by close observation, you can notice both are different.

Healthy Tips for Hearing Sense

Many believe that age-related loss of hearing is inevitable, that it should occur as we get older but did you know that by including certain foods in your diet you can improve hearing? You heard me right, hearing can be improved not only by reducing exposure to noise, having implants, having hearing aids, or by having your ears regularly cleaned by professionals but also by making lifestyle changes particularly in the kind of food you eat.
Studies have shown that those suffering from varying degrees of hearing loss also suffer from nutritional deficiency as well. Improve hearing by including the foods that will be mentioned later in this article in your daily diet and you will have gone many steps forward not only in benefiting your ears but your overall physical health as well.
Food rich in Vitamin D will help improve hearing because Vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium which is required for us to have strong bones. Lack of this vitamin causes osteopenia in adults, a condition where the bones of the ears harden and become porous.
Sources of Vitamin D: cod liver oil, fish oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna fish, liver, and egg yolk.
Food rich in Vitamin A in combination with Vitamin C and E and magnesium work together to prevent the formation of free radicals that form during noise exposure. Studies have further shown that exposure to noise also lessens blood circulation to the inner ear.
The vitamins and mineral mentioned also works by scavenging and destroying these free radicals.
Sources of Vitamin A: a) vegetables that are dark green and yellow and yellow fruits like broccoli, squash, spinach, turnip greens, carrots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and apricots; b) animal sources are liver, milk, butter, cheese, and whole eggs.
Sources of Vitamin C: fresh vegetables and fruits like broccoli, green and red peppers, cauliflower, cabbage, collard greens, brussel sprouts, lemon, pineapples, strawberries, citrus fruits.
Sources of Vitamin E: wheat germ, green leafy vegetables, margarine and vegetable oil (soybean, corn, safflower, and cottonseed).
Sources of Magnesium: dairy products, meat, fish, poultry, green vegetables, legumes.
Interrupted or poor blood circulation, high blood pressure, and stiffening of the bones in the middle ear, are some of the causes of tinnitus or ringing in the ears, a condition that is often associated with hearing loss.
Food rich in Vitamin B12 or cobalamine help improve hearing by regulating the formation of red blood cells, assisting in the metabolism of homocysteine, and preventing tinnitus.
Sources of Vitamin B12: dairy products, eggs, lean beef, shellfish
Food rich in Folic Acid lowers the production of homocysteine which is thought to be the cause of some kinds of hearing loss and boosts circulation of blood to the inner structures of the ear.
Sources of Folic Acid: beef liver, spinach, asparagus, green peas, broccoli, avocado, lettuce, peanuts, tomato juice, whole eggs, strawberries, papaya, banana, and cantaloupe.
Food rich in Manganese also improve hearing because this mineral aids in the formation of connective tissues, and bones, plus it is also necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and nerves. If you have low levels of manganese, you will likely be suffering from tinnitus.
Sources: apples, apricots, avocado, beans, pineapples, berries, raisins, celery, egg yolks, legumes, and pine nuts
By Tina Sherman

White Sore Inflamed Taste Buds on the Tongue

what are the reasons behind swollen taste buds on the tongue? Life-style! The life-style of a person can often provoke the taste buds on the tongue to become inflamed, white (sometimes red in color), and sore, causing a difficulty in eating, and even a loss of appetite - and little to do with telling lies.
What are the taste buds on the tongue responsible for?
Papillae (one of the small protuberances which compose of the senses of smell, touch, and taste), and which distinguish between being bitter or salty, sweet and sour, and umami ([savory, meaty, or brothy] the taste of the food additive MSG [mono-sodium glutamate that is usually found in Chinese foods, snacks, and many seasonings, etc.]).
However, when the taste buds become inflamed, sore, or swollen (for many reasons), not only are they painful as it becomes more difficult to eat, but they also greatly affect the taste of food (food may become diminished in taste).
What are the main causes for the taste buds to become inflamed, white, and sore?
  • Eating overcooked, very hot, very spicy, or acidic (grapefruits, lemons and limes) foods (most common together with cuts on the tongue [also quite common, and usually caused by accidental biting of the tongue]).
  • Smoking (exposure to cigarette smoke [even second-hand smoke]).
  • The ingestion of corrosive chemicals such as: insecticides and certain poisons.
Any of the above may cause the taste buds to become inflamed and sore by them being irritated (the taste buds are actually white [when inflamed they become larger to the human eye only - giving the appearance of large white spots]).
Treatment - If not treated (after prolonged periods) they may cause any of the following: allergies, endocrine disorders (dental problems, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and hypoadrenalism [Addison's disease]), infections (oral yeast, and thrush), mineral and vitamin deficiencies, mouth and tongue ulcers, and stomach infections. Treatments may include the following:
  • Baking soda placed directly on the taste buds to relieve swelling and pain.
  • Glycerin (glycerine) placed on the tongue to help reduce swelling (when caused by accidental biting).
  • Herbs (garlic, ginger and pepper mixed together and added to foods [soups] to reduce inflammation).
  • Honey (a teaspoon of honey mixed with warm water [taken similar to gargling, but can be swallowed] to facilitate healing).
  • Ice placed on the tongue to relieve pain.
  • Salt water gargling (half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water).
  • Tea tree oil gargling (a natural oil extract from the Melaleuca altermifolia tree [found at most good health stores]).

Easy Weight Loss Methods

Everyone mostly looking for loosing weight without doing any other hard activities such as exercises, running and all.

The Simple No Harder way for loosing weight without doing any thing is even more tricky, and its still possible.

Dairies in your Diet

Majority of us consider dairy foods as culprits of a strict diet. However, we failed to consider that consuming yogurt, cheese and milk can set forth positive effects to anyone’s weight loss endeavors. It’s a good practice to eat at most 3 cups of yogurt a day. Maintain this approach for at least 12 weeks and you’ll surely end losing more weight particularly in the abdominal area. This technique is proven more effective than those who take calcium pills in the same period of time.

More fat cells mean more belly fat. And probably one of the best way to avoid the accumulation of fat in this area is by consuming calcium-rich foods. Calcium interrupts the process of storing excess fat in the belly. Aside from Calcium, dairy products are also rich with linoleric acid, a compound that can also help prevent and get rid of stored fat in the abdominal area.

No Junk Foods

It’s easier to resist the temptation if they are simply not available. Why not stock up fruits, vegetables, and other healthier foods? Junk foods have high sugar content and are usually made out of refined carbs. Eating them will cause a boost in blood sugar levels which brings upon a negative effect to your metabolism while increasing your appetite.

No Alchohols & Night Snacks

If You have Late night snacks everyday, then it will be directly reflected on your belly fat. The best way to resist late night hunger is by following a low glycemic diet. Appetite often increases together with blood sugar levels. Be strict in keeping your diet and always remember that late night snacks are usually not for nourishing but to simply a bodily reaction to cope with emotional distress. Read a book or do worthwhile pre-sleep activities to keep your thoughts away from eating.

What you drink is more important than what you eat if you are highly concerned in losing belly fat. It’s alright to occasionally drink alcoholic beverages but doing it in a daily basis will definitely worsen your case. This also goes true with foods having high sugar content.

Best Tool: Sleep

The direct relationship between sleep and weight gain has been proven by several studies. Individuals who only allocate up to 6 hours of their day for sleep end up gaining a few pounds more than those maintaining at least 8 hours of sleep in a regular basis. Snoozers are also less prone to obesity compared to those who usually wake up during the middle of the night.

Leptin and Gherlin are two hunger hormones which tend to carry out abnormal productivity if you lack sleep. If you sleep less than the required time, you’ll sooner or later feel hungry and satisfying it with a small amount of food is near impossible. There are several ways to improve your sleeping habit and guarantee that it won’t be interrupted. One of them is by maintaining the right temperature for sleep. It’s also a good practice to drink a glass of hot milk before sleeping since it can introduce relaxation.

The best ingredients for dull skin

These are simple mixtures you put together using natural ingredients and then apply to your face.
So what are the best ingredients for dull skin?
You're looking for natural exfoliators to slough off the dull skin on the surface and moisturizers to bring your skin alive.
Fortunately, nature is full of perfect solutions in the form of fruits which work to tone and cleanse our skin gently but powerfully.
They're also rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Rich in antioxidants, fruits work to fight the free radicals in the environment and help our complexions.
Here are of the best to use on your face:
  • The banana helps to cleanse, moisturize and soften skin. It makes a fine face pack just on its own. Just mash it up and apply it to your face.
  • Papaya and pineapple are both powerful but gentle exfoliators and can be used individually or blended together.
  • Coconut is a sublime moisturizer. Adding in some coconut oil to your fruit pack works wonders with dry skin.
Fruits work wonderfully but for a real power experience, you need to add in some Thai herbs. Lemongrass, Kaffir lime, tamarind and others work synergistically with the fruits to deliver even more power effects on your skin.
You can choose a herb depending on your type of skin. Kaffir lime works well with oily skin, for example.
Another nice routine is to use herbal face packs as part of a regular de-stressing session. As the herbs gently work on your face, you can lie back and relax your mind and lower the stress that contributes to a dull face.
You can't halt the march of time but you can do your utmost to minimize its effects. Using a face pack for glowing skin is one of the best things you can do to banish dull skin and look your best.

Home treatment For ACNE - Proven Steps

1. Oatmeal and Yogurt: Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal with one and half tablespoon of yogurt, apply the mixture to the affected area and let it dry. In some time wash it off with warm water and apply moisturizer.

2. Honey and Cinnamon: Mix honey with cinnamon and apply it to the affected area before going to bed. As you wake up in the morning, wash your face with warm water. It not only will help to reduce the redness and speed up the healing process, but will leaves your face feeling and looking smoother.

3. Aloe Vera: A certified ingredient that plays a major role in most homemade remedies for various skin and health conditions, fresh aloe Vera gel is extracted from the fresh plant. Apply it to the affected area, leave for some time and wash off.

4. Garlic: We all know that garlic is a great antiseptic (that's why it's highly recommended to those having a cold or flu), but it can also use its antiseptic features to help with acne problems. Cut fresh garlic and rub it on the parts of your body with pimples. It will kill and dry out the acne.

5. Lavender Oil: This is a very simple process which involves applying the lavender oil on the affected part of your skin. Continuous use of the oil will help you fight acne on your face, back and upper chest.

6. Sugar: If you want to get rid of acne don't eat sugar. Instead mix one tablespoon of white sugar with two tablespoons of brown sugar. Drop in a little water and rub the paste on the affected area. Leave for a couple of hours and rinse off with warm water. It works very well in getting rid of acne and leaving you with a fresh and smooth skin.

7. Mint: Extract fresh mint juice and apply it on your face before going to bed.Rinse off the next morning. Repeat this process daily and you'll see results very quickly.

8. Egg Whites: Break an egg, separate the whites from the yolk and apply it on your face, back or upper chest, depending on where you have the acne. Leave it for about 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. Apply your moisturizer and you are good to go.

9. Raw Potato: The best type of potato to use for this treatment is an organic white potato. Slice the raw potato and place the slices on those areas where you have acne. It works by minimizing the swelling and inflammation associated with acne breakouts.

10. Ground Orange Peel: Just like the raw potato, organic orange works miracles. After grounding the peel, apply it to the affected areas to reduce acne breakouts and also soothe the skin.

Best Sexual Tips of All Time

Drink eight glasses of water a day. The more water you drink, the more semen amounts you will have since semen is partially composed of water.

Abstain from masturbation and pace your bouts of sexual activity. The more often you orgasm the less amount of semen you are going to have for each successive orgasm, especially if you orgasm often.

Eat a healthy diet. Diet plays a huge role in the amount of semen a man produces, and a poor diet is sure to produce smaller amounts of semen. So avoid things like processed and refined foods, junk food, and caffeine and you will also have the added benefit of feeling better. Some examples of foods to add to your diet are celery, yams, low fat meats and dairy, nuts, and legumes.

Avoid alcohol, recreational drugs and smoking. All of these adversely affect the amounts of semen a man produces.

Take an herbal supplement specially for increasing semen volume.

Wear loose underwear and pants. When you wear tight underwear or pants this pulls the scrotum up tight to the body and your own body heat can then affect not only the volume of semen, but the quality of your sperm.

How to get rid of Pimples

Spots, pimples, acne, breakouts, bumpy - uneven skin... it's a nightmare for anyone of any age.
I used to suffer dreadfully with it, nothing worked for me... apart from a small number of products (face washes, scrubs etc) - but only temporarily.
A reason that they don't work and why I no longer used them is because they drastically alter the PH levels on your skin, stripping away essential oils.
This leaves your skin sore and brittle; causing easy damage to it.
After using them, your skin is left without its natural oils and PH balance, and so your skin tries to compensate by excreting more oils.. in an attempt to re-balance them.
This means a higher level of oil/grease on your face, clogging up your pores and causing dirt to get trapped in them. This turns into sebum (the white substance which appears in spots) and contains bacteria which can spread - causing more spots to form.
You're skin needs something which isn't going to strip away any layers of skin or cause a sharp alteration of your natural oil level or PH balance.
This is where black tea comes in.
Natural compounds found in black tea are excellent for your skin, soothing but strict.
The caffeine content in the tea is high, meaning its a great source for you to use - especially on your eyes.
The skin around your eye area is thin, and I mean paper thin. This means it is easy for stuff to get absorbed into the skin and deeper down - which can be both bad and good!
The bad is that any dirt or grease will likely get trapped quite easily here and cause spots to form. Not only that, but stress, lack of sleep, diet, skin care: these can all cause those dark circles under your eyes (usually called 'black bags').
The good is that the caffeine in tea can help promote and enforce higher levels of blood flow, meaning more blood to return to the eye and will flush out the darkness.
Tea is a natural astringent, meaning it will dry up and tighten skin. This is really important when dealing with spots, acne, pimples etc...
This is because, drying out the spot will effectively get rid of it and tightening the skin will cause the pores to close and prevent any dirt or grease getting into them, which gets trapped and causes more spots.
The other compounds in the black tea act as a soother, reducing and removing the blotchy/red patches which can appear on your skin; sometimes these are bumps on the skin which aren't quite spots but aren't flat.
Black tea is a great way to treat your spots because it works quickly and used as part of a daily skin care routine will leave you with cleaner, healthier and brighter looking skin.
How to apply black tea to spots
You'll need:
  • A tea bag
  • A cup
  • Hot water
  • Cold water
  1. Find a cup, fill with warm water (A mix of 2 parts hot water and 1 part cold water works best).
  2. Dip the tea bag into the water, leaving it to saturate the water for a few minutes.
  3. When the water is a dark brown, take the tea bag out and a dab it onto the spots or acne area.
  4. Repeat this for a few minutes; the tea will dry quite quickly and so you can use a lot of the water.
  5. Leave overnight, don't wash off straight away!
  6. In the morning you can now use a plain face wash to remove any tea residue which might be left.
  7. You'll notice your skin feels firmer, softer, your spots will reduce and any red marks will fade.
You can use the tea bag (or two) on your eyes after apply to the spots. You can do this by place them on your eyes and leave for a good 15 to 30 minutes.
Do this nightly and you'll see a big difference! The darkness will fade underneath your eyes.
Using black tea will allow you to get rid of spots, acne, reduce blotchy skin, close pores, reduce black bags under eyes and prevent hair loss.

Top 8 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Belly Fat FOREVER

1. Start your day with lemon juice This is one of the best therapies to eliminate belly fat. Pinch some yellow juice into a glass of warm water and add some salt to it. Continue drinking this every morning to boost your metabolism and to get rid of that paunch.

2. Stay off from white rice Replace white rice with various wheat products. Include brown rice, brown bread, whole grains, oats and quinoa in your diet.

3. Avoid sugary substances Stay away from sweets, sweetened drinks and foods rich in oil. Consuming these foods can increase body fat around various areas of your body like abdomen and thighs.

4. Drink plenty of water If you want to get rid of your belly, then drink sufficient amount of water every day. Drinking water, after regular intervals will help to boost your metabolism and remove toxins from your body.

5. Eat raw garlic Chew two to three cloves of garlic every morning, and drink a glass of lemon water after that. This treatment will double up your weight loss process and make your blood circulation smooth in your body.

6. Avoid non-veg food To eliminate belly fat, it is recommended that one should avoid non-vegetarian food as far as possible.

7. Load up on fruits and vegetables Eat a bowl of fruits daily in the morning and evening. This will fill you up with many antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

8. Spice up your cooking Use spices like cinnamon, ginger and black pepper in your cooking. These spices are loaded with health benefits. They help to improve your insulin resistance and reduce levels of sugar in your blood.

Bad Breath and Bright Teeth

1. Brush your teeth regularly and use a tongue cleaner. Brush your teeth with a toothbrush to remove those food particles that stayed in your mouth the whole day. When you are asleep, foul-smelling bacteria will invade your mouth and they may cause morning breath. You may use tongue scrapers to also clean your tongue to remove bacteria found in your tongue.

2. Gargle by means of a mouthwash. Brushing alone can't remove all those bacteria. It is important that you rinse your mouth with a mouthwash that is available in stores.

3. Avoid eating for at least 30 minutes after you brush. Don't eat first when you just finished brushing because this completes the process of cleansing your mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach.

4. Gargle or wash your mouth with water after you eat or drink. Rinse your mouth with water right after you eat or drink in a place where you don't have the time to brush your teeth. It can at least lessen the buildup of plaque in your mouth.

5. It is improper to rely on candy and chewing gums. These substances can bring your hygiene issues complications if they are left in the mouth for an amount of time. The candy and chewing may cause cavities and it can worsen bad breath. They contain sugar and plaque may damage your teeth.

6. Floss after your brush. There may be some tiny bits of food that may be left between your teeth and they may cause bad breath. That is why you need to floss daily.

7. Avoid food like meats, fish, onion, garlic, eggs and poultry. These are disreputable for causing bad breath. It is recommended that you eat fresh fruits and vegetables to help cleanse your mouth. They are known to maintain fresh breath. Why don't you try to chew fresh spearmint, peppermint, parsley or even basil?

8. Drink plenty of water every day. It is good that you keep your body hydrated by simply drinking 8-10 glasses of water each day. In this way, it can assist your body to cleanse and tackle bad breath.

9. Have an appointment with your dentist for regular check up. If you suffer from a very bad breath, it is really necessary to consult your doctor to solve your problem. He or she may give you pieces of advice to have fresh breath.

The Best Ingredients for Dull Skin

These are simple mixtures you put together using natural ingredients and then apply to your face.
So what are the best ingredients for dull skin?
You're looking for natural exfoliators to slough off the dull skin on the surface and moisturizers to bring your skin alive.
Fortunately, nature is full of perfect solutions in the form of fruits which work to tone and cleanse our skin gently but powerfully.
They're also rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Rich in antioxidants, fruits work to fight the free radicals in the environment and help our complexions.
Here are of the best to use on your face:
  • The banana helps to cleanse, moisturize and soften skin. It makes a fine face pack just on its own. Just mash it up and apply it to your face.
  • Papaya and pineapple are both powerful but gentle exfoliators and can be used individually or blended together.
  • Coconut is a sublime moisturizer. Adding in some coconut oil to your fruit pack works wonders with dry skin.
Fruits work wonderfully but for a real power experience, you need to add in some Thai herbs. Lemongrass, Kaffir lime, tamarind and others work synergistically with the fruits to deliver even more power effects on your skin.

You can choose a herb depending on your type of skin. Kaffir lime works well with oily skin, for example.
Another nice routine is to use herbal face packs as part of a regular de-stressing session. As the herbs gently work on your face, you can lie back and relax your mind and lower the stress that contributes to a dull face.
You can't halt the march of time but you can do your utmost to minimize its effects. Using a face pack for glowing skin is one of the best things you can do to banish dull skin and look your best.

How to Remove Old Scars and Black Spots on the Legs

There's always a chance that cuts, scrapes, or insect bites on the legs, no matter how small or minor, will eventually result in ugly dark scars. People don't take such scars lightly as they greatly affect someone's self-esteem. To help with this problem, skin specialists and beauty experts have three basic tips on how to remove old scars and black spots on the legs.

1. Let the wounds heal properly first.

Prevention is always better than cure, so preventing severe scarring is among the most helpful tips from experts. When the cuts, scrapes, or insect bites are still in the healing and scabbing stage, it is important not to scratch the scab off. Of all the tips on how to remove old scars and black spots on the legs, this may be a crucial step that many people are unaware of. Scratching and picking on the scab invites infection, worsening of the injury, and indenting of the scar.

2. Ask a dermatologist or skin specialist for advice how to remove old scars and black spots on the legs.

Before slathering bleaching creams or skin lightening lotions on your legs, consult a professional first on the best approach for improving the appearance of the scars. Dermatologists and specialists will prescribe the topical treatments in right concentrations, according to the severity of the scars or spots. They will also let you know for how long you need to treat the scars to achieve the best possible improvement.

3. Protect the skin from the sun's rays.

Newly formed skin is very vulnerable to hyperpigmentation or darkening due to sun exposure. Even during scar treatment, sun exposure can compromise the whole process and make the scars even darker. Therefore, while in the process of treatment, it is important to protect the new skin from hyperpigmentation by applying lotion with at least SPF 15 or higher on the legs.
By Gregory J McCoy

Chin Fat Reduction Exercise using Lazy methods

1. Cucumber: have more cucumbers in your three meals, for in 7 days it will make you lose weight, and by that time you will not particularly miss those tasty foods. This is a very good way to cut back on oils. Principle: cucumber is crispy and delicious, it contains acid and biological activity of enzymes, can promote metabolism, can treat a sunburn, freckles and skin allergies. Cucumber is also diuretic heat to prevent constipation. Fresh cucumber acid can effectively inhibit the carbohydrates into fat, so eat cucumbers for weight loss and prevention of coronary heart disease are highly desirable.
2. No food after 3pm, do not eat anything after 3pm. Of course, do not gobble any food when its time to eat, so that you can lean a few kilograms a week. Principle: when we are sleeping, the body consumes less energy, the excessive intake of energy saved up to become fat. Note this method is to eat breakfast and lunch to be fed to supplement the nutrients necessary for a day. Health Tip: If you are really hungry, you can drink plenty of water, or eat an apple.
3. Meal Replacement, eat less for each meal and replace soybean milk as a part of three meals, Soya milk is especially good for a girl, but the attention is no sugar, it is best to buy your own set of soybean milk machine and make it everyday yourself, as it is convenient and inexpensive. Principle: soya milk extracts containing mainly high-quality vegetable protein-rich soybeans, in addition to soya protein, it also contains large amounts of soya isoflavone (Isoflavone), soybean glycosides (Saponin) and other ingredients. These ingredients can inhibit the body's absorption of lipids and carbohydrates, to play burning body fat results.
4. Have more apple in your diet. Principle: Obese people are almost always due to overeating of stomach expansion, beyond the control of appetite. Apple diet can stomach shrink after weight loss becomes easy to control appetite, and taste become normal, not like spicy food or greasy food. Apple diet can promote the formation of blood leukocytes to enhance the body's resistance and immunity, while promoting neurological and endocrine function, helps beauty. Apple has the advantage of eating to lose weight without starving, hungry eat apples. Because it is a low-calorie food, regardless of how much to eat, is no less than daily intakes of calories, and yet much, and therefore, to reduce weight naturally. It is also improving dry skin, allergic dermatitis, constipation and other symptoms.
5. Leaves lose weight. The lotus leaf, cassia seed, licorice, lemon, boiled soup, the number of discretion. Adhere to 2 weeks are effective, and you will find yourself visiting the toilet regularly. Principle: China since ancient times regarded as lotus leaf a slimming medicine as the leaves will react to a simple diuretic, laxative effect.
6. Eat more bitter gourd. This is the better move, as it is good detoxification. Principle: bitter gourd contains a highly biologically active lipid energy, this substance acts on the human body is only an important part of the small intestine to absorb fat, polysaccharides and other substances in the heat absorption of macromolecules, but does not affect the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients absorption. More commonly known as "Fat Killer" special effect elements can reduce the intake of fat and polysaccharide 40% -60%. "" "Eat bitter gourd, will be able to lose weight without dieting.

Top Tips For Eye Exercises That Improve Eye Vision

Our bodies have magical amazing abilities to heal themselves. Often, western medicine serves to correct the symptoms and not the cause of diseases or physical problems. This phenomenon also occurs for eye wear, that corrects the refractive problems for your eyes. Common ones are short sightedness, long sightedness and astigmatism.

The first exercise is palming:

  Palming is more of a relaxation technique, rather than an eye exercise. However, its importance should not be overlooked. With our fast paced society, we often over use our eye power, sitting long hours in front of a computer, or hitting the books to pass exams. Rub your palms together till they feel warm, and then place them over your closed eyes for a moment of relaxation.

The second exercise is eye ball rotation:

The first thing that you have to do is to rotate your eyes from top to the sides and then to the bottom. Then next come an extra thing that you to do. Learn to focus at things at different corners of the eye. This will help to retrain the power of image focusing by your eye balls, which can help to improve your eyesight. 

The final exercise is to practice focusing on objects:

 Take a solid object, and place it a various distances and locations in front of you. Do not move or rotate your head, but rather rotate your eye balls to focus on a particular object that has shifting distances and locations. You will need a friend or partner to help you in this.

The best method is still to get rid of your glasses, and seek to regain your natural perfect eye sight. I have thrown away my glasses several years back, and was thankful that I am saved from a lifetime of eye wear inconveniences and costs.

I now have perfect vision in my right eye, and near perfect in my left. I have searched for natural ways to improve my vision, and have found one that actually works for me. Do check out the scientifically proven, natural and easy way to improve your vision, without burning a hole in your pocket.

by:Jim Kirk

4 Tips To How to Grow A Mustache

Do you ever want to look more mature and masculine? If you do, then having a mustache will help you look more manly and more mature!
Currently, many people and celebrities are beginning to have mustaches to make them look more handsome and cool. You can look at some examples such as Brad Pitt  and George Clooney who are the epitome of cool handsome guys who have mustaches. Here are 4 tips to grow a mustache!

1. Eat more protein

Eating more protein will give you a healthy brushy mustache! This is because protein is the basic building block of hair. If you consume more protein, the more facial hair you will get. Therefore, if you eat more protein, you can grow a mustache.
One of the best sources of protein are foods such as beef, pork, fish and chicken. You should eat one portion of these proteins daily to help grow your mustache significantly.

2. Massage your upper lip

To get hair growing on your face such as a mustache, you need to have good blood circulation in your face.
This is because when you have good blood circulation to the face, it brings vital nutrients and protein for your hair to grow. Hair is hard to grow if you don't have good blood circulation.
Hence, a good way to increase facial hair, particularly your mustache is to massage your upper lips.
To massage your upper lip, all you need to do is to apply firm circular pressure starting from the bottom of your nose and then continue this pressure out to the edges of your lip. Do this regularly at least five times a day, and you can achieve your mustache!

3. Drink alcohol

Drinking alcohol will significantly help grow you a good thick mustache! This is because alcohol stimulates the release of testosterone! When you have high levels of testosterone in the body it increases facial and body hair!
Remember, it is always best to drink alcohol in moderation. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to disease of the liver and other major issues.

4. Shave your upper lip regularly

To help increase facial hair, you need to shave your upper lip as often as you can. When you do this, you help stimulate mustache growth. Even if you currently have no mustache, you still need to shave your upper lip every day as this will still help increase the growth of facial hair.
Do this once in the morning and once at night, and the results will be a healthy mustache!

Daily Tips to get No Break Powerful Nails

Nails are a protective horn at the end of our most sensitive extremities: fingers and
toes. They can often become injured from accidents or crushing weight such as
heavy walking or running. They can also become infected from bacterial or fungal
infections as well as separated from the nail bed or chipped from harsh weather.

The nails are often a reflection of our overall health or nutritional deficiencies. Some
ways to listen to what your nails are trying to tell you are:

  1.  Iron/Protein/Calcium Deficiency = brittle, concave, ridged, white half moons
  2.  Too much salt = external fibrous growths
  3.  Nervousness / hyper thyroid = separation of the nail bed
  4.  Respiratory Difficulties = bluish discoloration
  5.  Bronchial Difficulties = yellowish discoloration
  6.  Anemia = pale nail beds
  7.  Vitamin A Deficiency = peeling nails
  8.  Zinc Deficiency = poor nail growth
  9.  Vegetable Quality Oils Deficiency = thin, brittle nails
  10.  Consumption Extremes in Diet (especially meats and refined foods) = washboard 
  11. ridges

What we eat actually does affect the appearance of these external parts of our
bodies. Start paying attention to your hands (and feet!) and feeding your body right.
The food we put IN the body affects the health of our nails, but that doesn't mean to
completely ignore the food we put ON the body either. Contrary to many fabulously
smart marketing campaigns you don't need to spend a lot of money on chemically
enhanced products to experience strength and beauty on your outside.
Natural oils are an excellent way to treat the external condition of the finger and
toenails. Different oils affect the body differently. A great way to determine what oil
would suit your body best is to examine your heritage and connect to the
predominant oil in that part of the world.
Once you have determined which is best for your particular body's need use some
time in the evening to take a "nail bath" (remember ... the skin is our most
absorbent organ ...)
1. Allow your nails to soak in a small bowl of oil or gently rub the oil into the nails
2. Cover with cotton gloves, cotton socks
3. Sleep

Top Three Oils to Treat Your Nails Right

1. Coconut Oil: one of the few significant plant sources of lauric acid. This medium 
chain fatty acid, which is also found in human milk, enhances brain function and the 
immune system.
2. Palm Kernel: when unrefined, this high saturation oil is the one of the most stable 
of oils providing strength and ultimate saturation to the skin.
3. Olive Oil: the most stable vegetable oil, high in vitamin E, provides support to the 
liver and gallbladder (yes, no matter how you take it into the body).

4 Good Reasons to Get a Breast Reduction

Contrary to popular belief, not every woman wants to increase the size of her chest. Some women would much prefer a breast reduction instead. There are several good reasons for wanting this surgery.

It is common for women to feel some discomfort when they have large breasts. For example, the sheer weight of a larger chest can put a lot of pressure on the straps of any bra. If your straps are always digging into your shoulders, leaving indentations or even rashes that hurt, it is time to consider surgery to reduce the cup size.
Not surprisingly, a large chest can make working out difficult or even uncomfortable. If you want to lose weight or simply stay in shape but find it hard to exercise, it might be worth it to look into breast reduction. You should not let this issue hold you back from getting into shape or even having fun with the sport of your choice, which is why surgery may be a good option in your case.
Discomfort is not the worst thing that you might encounter when you have a large chest. Outright pain is not uncommon. You might have back problems due to the issue, possibly because your bones have become deformed over time as a result of the extra weight. Of course, muscles might be sore as well. This can make it hard for you to even stand comfortably, let alone be active. Some women even have breathing problems too. These medical problems are why insurance often covers the costs involved with breast reduction.
Even if your larger chest is not technically painful, you might simply be tired of the attention you get from it. It's not always good or even desired, especially if you have had it from a young age. Whether you get frequent stares from men or have been bullied for being naturally endowed, you deserve to get rid of the problem through surgery when necessary. Plus, it might simply be hard to find clothes that fit, especially if you are thin everywhere else. You can eliminate this problem and simplify your life a bit with this operation, which is why so many women opt to get it.
Your doctor will let you know if you are a good candidate for breast reduction. If so, your next step is to contact your insurance company to find out if the expense will be paid for. As long as it is clear you are in pain or have developed medical complications as a result of your overly large breasts, you should qualify for coverage of the procedure.
By: Andrea Avery

Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern baldness

Female pattern baldness involves a typical pattern of hair loss in women, due to hormones, aging, and genes.


A hair grows from its follicle at an average rate of about 1/2 inch per month. Each hair grows for 2 to 6 years, then rests, and then falls out. A new hair soon begins growing in its place.
Baldness occurs when hair falls out and normal new hair does not grow in its place. The reason for female pattern baldness is not well understood, but it may be related to:

  1. Aging
  2. Changes in the levels of androgens (male hormones). For example, after reaching menopause, many women find that the hair on their head is thinner, while the hair on their face is coarser.
  3. Family history of male or female pattern baldness

    Hair loss can occur in women for reasons other than female pattern baldness, including the following:

    1. Breaking of hair (from treatments and twisting or pulling of hair, or hair shaft abnormalities that are present from birth)
    2. Certain skin diseases that lead to scarring of the hair follicles
    3. Certain autoimmune diseases
    4. Hormone problems, such as too much testosterone, or too much or too little thyroid hormone
    5. Too little iron
    6. Too little vitamin B (biotin) or other vitamin deficiency
    7. Medications such as chemotherapy and beta blockers
    8. Patchy hair loss (alopecia areata)
    9. Syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection
    10. Temporary shedding of hair after a major illness, surgery, or pregnancy


      Hair thinning is different from that of male pattern baldness. In female pattern baldness:

      1. Hair thins mainly on the top and crown of the scalp. It usually starts with a widening through the center hair part.
      2. The front hairline remains
      3. The hair loss rarely progresses to total or near total baldness, as it may in men

        Itching or skin sores on the scalp are generally NOT seen.

        Exams and Tests

        Female pattern baldness is usually diagnosed based on:
        1. Ruling out other causes of hair loss
        2. The appearance and pattern of hair loss
        3. Your medical history
        The doctor will examine you for other signs of too much male hormone (androgen), such as:
        1. Abnormal new hair growth, such as on the face or between the belly button and pubic area.
        2. Changes in menstrual periods and enlargement of the clitoris
        3. New acne
        A skin biopsy or other procedures or blood tests may be used to diagnose skin disorders that cause hair loss.
        Looking at the hair under a microsope may be done to check for arsenic or lead. Looking at the hair this way does not accurately diagnose nutritional problems.


        The hair loss in female pattern baldness is permanent, if not treated. In most cases, hair loss is mild to moderate. You do not need treatment if you are comfortable with your appearance.
        The only medication approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat female pattern baldness is minoxidil. It is applied to the scalp.
        • For women, the 2% concentration is recommended.
        • Minoxidil may help hair grow in about 1 in 4 or 5 of women. In most women it may slow or stop hair loss.
        • You must continue to use this medicine for a long time. Hair loss starts again when you stop using it.
        If minoxidil does not work, your doctor may recommend a medicine called spironolactone, taken by mouth:
        • Spironolactone may help if your hair loss is caused by too much androgen, a male hormone.
        • The drug is not FDA-approved for female baldness.
        • It can cause increased potassium levels in the blood. It should not be used in women with kidney failure or who are pregnant.
        Hair transplants remove tiny plugs of hair from areas where hair is thicker, and place them in areas that are balding. This can cause minor scarring where the hair is removed, and carries a slight risk for skin infection. You will likely need many transplants. This can be expensive. However, the results are often excellent and permanent.
        The use of hair implants made of artificial fibers was banned by the FDA because of the high rate of infection.
        Stitching (suturing) hair pieces to the scalp is not recommended. It can result in scars, infections, and abscess of the scalp.
        Hair weaving, hairpieces, or a change in hairstyle may disguise hair loss and improve your appearance. This is often the least expensive and safest way to deal with female pattern baldness.

        Outlook (Prognosis)

        Female pattern baldness is usually not a sign of an underlying medical disorder.
        Some women say it the baldness affects their self-esteem and may cause anxiety.
        Hair loss is usually permanent.

        When to Contact a Medical Professional

        Call your doctor or nurse if you have hair loss and it continues, especially if you also have itching, skin irritation, or other symptoms. There might be a treatable medical cause for the hair loss.


        There is no known prevention for female pattern baldness.

        Alternative Names

        Alopecia in women; Baldness - female; Hair loss in women; Androgenetic alopecia in women

        by: Kevin Berman, MD, PhD,

        4 Effective Acne Home Remedies to Reduce Acne Pimples and Black Spots on Your Skin!

        I am sure there are times when you must have had to put up with the nightmare of acne. Those black spots and gigantic acne pimples popping up on your body and face can be really embarrassing to you. Sometimes you might not want to go outdoors because of the outbreaks on your skin. If you are in a situation like this, then I guess today is your lucky day. There are some acne home remedies that are very effective in reducing your acne pimples and black spot. Here are 4 of them:
        Home remedy #1 - Proper Hygiene: 
          The first and foremost of these acne home remedies for combating acne pimples and black spots is keeping your skin clean. If you have an oily skin, then you must ensure that you wash your face at least twice a day. Make sure that you use a gentle wash that has salicylic acid in it. This would exfoliate your skin and prevent it from drying out.
        Home remedy #2 - Increase Your Water Intake:
           I am sure you must have heard this one. If you want your skin to look glowing and beautiful, then you should ensure that you drink a lot of water daily. Medical researchers recommend at least 8 - 10 glasses of water per day to help remove the toxins in your body that causes acne pimples and to keep you skin hydrated.
        Home remedy #3 - Apply Garlic:
           I know the smell of garlic is very weird and annoying but applying garlic on your face can kill acne causing bacteria on the surface of your skin. Just wash a clove of garlic and grind it, then apply all over your face. You would be amazed at the results.
        Home remedy #4- Apply Lime Juice and Rose Water: 
          The moment you discover that your pimples are drying out apply a small amount of lime juice and rose water on them. Doing this would prevent acne scars from forming on your skin.
        Following these easy acne home remedies would reduce the intensity of your acne. If you really want to remove acne of your skin completely then you should use a double combination method to combat your acne condition. What I mean is both on the skin surface and inside your body.
        By Temi Olatunde

        6 Effective Ways to Reduce Belly Fat Without Breaking a Sweat

          You may always be thinking what are some of the effective ways to reduce belly fat while admiring those models in the magazines. Most people would kill for those 6-pack abs or those flat bellies on super models. But I have news for you: you might already have them and none of these steps involve exercising "yet".
        You see, the fastest way to get six pack abs is really to lose those fats that are hiding them. Most men have their six pack abs already, but they are just hidden by a layer of fats. I bet it never really crossed your mind. Time to sit up and take note of these very simple tips to shed your belly fats.
        Here are five simple tips that can help you uncover those six pack abs:
        1. Cutting your calorie intake
        We tend to eat more than we really need. This is a natural human conditioning as part of our evolutionary fight for survival. We need to eat till we are stuffed before our brain allows us to stop eating. But remember, you are in charge here. You can stop yourself once you are no longer hungry. More importantly, become aware of how many calories you are taking in. You need not know how to calculate the exact amount you are consuming, but at least find the right kind of food that does not contribute to higher calories.
        2. Cut down on sweets
        Most men think that they do not take sweets. Most women confess they have a weakness for confectioneries. But really, sweets are everywhere. That can of cola that you are drinking can contain as much as 7 spoonfuls of sugar. Tell me you don't take sweets! How many cubes with your coffee, how many bottles of ketchup you take? You have to absolutely reduce your sweets intake.
        3. Cut down on food that contributes to high carbohydrate
        You really do not need to finish all the fries on the plate. Potato, bread, rice and noodles are pure carbohydrate. They are essential, but certainly not in huge quantities. Continue your carbohydrate intake, but cut down to smaller portions. For fast food lovers, so sorry to say that you have to really cut down on those french fries that we have all grown to love.
        4. Drink lots of water
        Water helps to keep our internal systems in top working condition. It flushes out the toxins and brings food (fuel) around our bodies. Also, it burns calories as the body tries to warm up the water. Most importantly, when you are thirsty, your body sometimes interpret it as you are hungry.
        5. Eat smaller meals, but eat more often
        Instead of 3 solid meals a day, try to break them into smaller meals. In this way, you are training your body to realize that it does not need to store food (fats). Instead, the body learns that food is always available when its hungry. This helps to boost your metabolic rate and cuts down on fat build up.
        6. Breakfast should be your daily priority
        Breakfast is one of the most important element in your quest to shed off your gut. I shall not need to go into details but you have to understand that for most people who missed their breakfast, the potential of going hungry very quickly can cause a person to compromise those healthy food and may lead us to over consumption of unhealthy, fatty food.
        These 6 effective ways to reduce belly fat may sound easy but ask yourself, how many of us really keep to any of these 6 ways. Choose any step to follow, get discipline, and each time you have finally manage to keep, include any step and so on. Once you begin to see the results, I strongly believe you will have bigger faith and stronger control towards getting that elusive 6 pack abs.
        By Andrew Choong