Top 6 Oral Care Tips to Prevent Teeth Problems

Oral care is a major element of the basic human hygiene and healthcare. This consists of taking proper care of your teeth and gums. A preventive care of your teeth and gums can help to avoid many painful and other costly problems brought about by cavities and other mouth problems. However, many people overlook oral care and this leads many severe problems. A regular visit to your dentist is one amongst the most important things you have to do to ensure you have sturdy plus healthy teeth. Other than this, there are other simple dentistry tips that can help prevent severe teeth problems. Below are a few oral care tips.
Basic Oral Care Tips
1. Brush two times a day
Most people might consider this almost insignificant. However, brushing your teeth at least twice each day is your very first step to dental care. During the day, small food particles accumulate on your teeth surface and between the teeth. The bacteria in your mouth, then converts the food particles into acids. These acids then blend with saliva and this leads to plaque. Deposition of plaque causes cavities plus tooth decay. It's therefore very important that you brush your teeth at least twice a day to reduce plague build-up.
2. Brush your teeth properly
Most people brush for as little time as 30 seconds; this is not enough to eliminate all the plagues. Make sure you always brush at least 2 to 4 minutes. Most dentists, recommend that you brush your teeth after every meal, however, if this is not possible; make sure you do it before and after bedtime. This is very important.
3. Floss and use mouthwash daily
Fluoride makes your teeth healthier, brighter and stronger. Although most toothpastes contain fluoride contents, you can still choose oral intake in form of tablet. Actually if you offer fluoride to children at their early stages of development, then they will develop strong and healthy teeth.
You also need to use mouthwash each and every day. This is because, mouthwashes are very important for proper oral care. They leave your mouth clean and your breath very fresh. They also consist of great antiseptic properties that eliminate bacterial plague.
4. Watch your diet
Taking low sugar diet can help protect your teeth. Dentists around the world recommend low sugar consumption since high sugar diet can cause tooth decay. Avoid starches and sweets; they will only cause cavity formation. If you really have to eat sugary foods, ensure that you brush your teeth immediately after eating. Also make sure you avoid tobacco and other tooth discoloring products such as black tea, berries and red wine. Such foods will only affect the appearance of your teeth.
5. Replace your toothbrush after every 3 to 4 months
With time, the bristles of your toothbrush will be frayed. Such a toothbrush will not do a good job. Therefore, for proper cleaning of your teeth, make sure you change your toothbrush every 3 or 4 months.
6. Visit your dentist regularly
Tartar and plaque are likely to form despite how firm your oral hygiene is. It's therefore very important that you visit a dentist regularly. He or she will help clean the plague deposits and also detect and take care of cavities to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. Always make sure you have your teeth polished at least twice every year.
Your oral health has a great impact on your overall wellbeing. If you follow the above oral care tips, your teeth and mouth will always be in good condition.

Common Dental Problems In Adults

Good health is important. Equally important is dental health. There are several dental problems in adults that could really make your life miserable. We tend to not take these things seriously, because we take it for granted. But the reality is that nothing can make your day worse than dental problems. We need our mouth and teeth to stay healthy at all times, because they are amongst the most important parts of our body. We eat and chew our food thorough the mouth and teeth, we talk to people, and smile at them while establishing connections. There are several kinds of dental problems, but the good news is that with a few simple steps, they can all be prevented.
Bad breath
Bad breath is amongst the topmost dental problems in adults. The most common cause for this is bacteria on the tongue, which can be caused due to spicy food, liquor, cigarettes and so on. This is a really embarrassing problem to have, so you should make sure that you use a good mouthwash after every meal. If you are a smoker, the best way would be to quit - but if you can't, try rinsing your mouth with a strong mouthwash after every cigarette. It could also be caused by cavities, in which case you can have it treated. If you suffer from chronic bad breath, it is best that you visit your dentist straightaway.
Toothache is also a very common problem. There are several causes for this. It could be due to a cavity which is rotting your teeth and causing it to hurt. It could also be due to overconsumption of starchy food such as sugar, which combines with plague - a substance that covers the teeth. The result is a set of acids which attack teeth enamel and cause decay. To prevent this, all you have to do is go slow on candy and starch ridden food such as crackers or beer. It is not a pleasant thought - especially if you love beer, sweets and junk food. But let's case it - these measures are much better than having to go through painful treatments such as root canal therapy.
Sensitive teeth and mouth ulcers
Tooth sensitivity is also one of the common dental problems in adults. So if your teeth hurt every time you have something cold - like ice cream, or a drink, it is advisable to get yourself treated by a good dentist. There is nothing to worry about - it doesn't mean that your teeth are falling off or that you are growing old. Apart from these, there are also mouth ulcers which are sometimes extremely painful. While there are plenty of gels available which can help you every time they pop up, the wiser thing to do would be to take prevention measures and get to the root cause. It could be that your body heat is higher than average, due to which spicy food rake up your system. It could also be caused by smoking, or by illnesses.

A Parent's Guide To Sleepless Nights

It's every parent's nightmare: the child who won't sleep. After they've finished a marathon running up and down the stairs, built and destroyed pillow forts, careened close to traffic on their three-wheelers-after they've done everything they could to make you pull your hair out-as a final punishment, their hectic days turn into sleepless nights. And you've tried everything-warm milk, lullabies, threats of no morning cartoons-but they keep going, throwing away not just their sleep but yours. You've had it. You're asking what did you do to deserve this? Is this the payback your mother always threatened you would have as a parent? Is this some test of your love, to stretch it past the borders of sanity into twilight hours?

But maybe this isn't normal. Maybe this is just as unwanted for your child as it is for you. Maybe this is child onset insomnia.

The symptoms are simple but can be easily dismissed as youthful stubbornness: difficulty falling and staying asleep, extreme emotional sensitivity during the day and loss of appetite. The results are similar to that of adults with the condition, but are usually read as typical child behavior. What eight year old wants to go to sleep at bedtime? But a handful of children suffer from insomnia. However, the root cause is most often a high metabolism rather than the stressful triggers that keep adults from sleeping. Nevertheless, it is imperative that children be screened for anxiety disorders as well as depression if they show symptoms of insomnia.

Outside of these natural causes of sleepless nights, attention should be paid to external factors that could complicate your child's sleeping patterns. We all know sweets and caffeine are no good for us, but do you find yourself relenting and letting your child have a few sips of soda, a few bites of a candy bar, as a treat during the day? Even in small amounts, caffeine and sugar can set off a metabolic switch that will steer your child's biological rhythms off course. As attentive as we are, sneaky sources will become sleep-wrecking substances, such as the caffeine found in dark chocolates and the sugar that gets dumped into processed food, even fruit packs we buy from the grocery. When in doubt about a food, check with your doctor to see if it could be a culprit.

Another external factor that can be readily fixed is the amount of television and computer time your child gets late in the day. These act as a stimulant on the mind and make it difficult for a child to relax into sleep. More than that, studies have shown that the artificial light from screens affects the body's release of melatonin (a naturally occurring hormone released when the sun goes down to induce sleep). It would be wise to limit access to media after dusk and let the body's natural rhythms go unimpeded.

So what is to be done? After raking through your cupboards for stimulants and limiting the amount of computer time-what is to be done if your child is still struggling with sleepless nights? Look for holistic methods that avoid prescription therapy, such as herbs, melatonin, soothing music, audio stories and the gentle pastime of reading a good story following a nice, warm evening bath to help your child's body and mind relax.

Tamanu Oil Benefits

Tamanu oil benefits are many and there are no negative side effects to using this oil. This oil originated in the Polynesian and Melanesian communities many centuries ago as a naturally-based remedy for the skin. It has only been recently though, that a renewed interest in this oil has been ignited. Let's look at some of the benefits you can receive from this oil.
Tamanu Oil has Healing Qualities
Tamanu oil comes from the nuts of a Tamuna tree. Its healing qualities are more potent than many of today's products for skin care. Research has shown that the Tamanu oil benefits range from stimulating growth of new skin to it being an anti-inflammatory and many things in between.
It has effectively been used to treat athlete's foot, ring worm and forms of dermatitis. Since this oil helps heal infected wounds and can be used to treat burns. This is because it contains lactone, which has antibiotic qualities, and Canophyllol, which is an antibacterial agent.
There have been favorable results in treating psoriasis, blisters, eczema, insect bites and even age spots with this oil. As you can see this is a quite versatile item to have at home. It can be used to reduce body and foot odor because it is a natural deodorant. This is one way to cut out some of the chemically-laden deodorant products. Since this oil helps to stimulate skin growth as mentioned above, it is a great treatment for many scarring problems. It is effective against acne for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, but it also helps minimize the look of acne scars because of new tissue growth. This is not the only scarring that can be helped; most of the types of scarring including stretch marks can be helped with this oil.
Because of the Tamanu oil benefits including anti-inflammatory results, this oil can even relieve pain. It also helps reduce swelling in many conditions along with helping rashes abrasions and sores to be less inflamed. This helps the healing take place easier.
Applying the Tamanu oil can act as a preventative measure too. It can keep skin conditions from happening in the first place. One example of this is applying it to a baby's bottom to prevent diaper rash.
For Topical Use Only!
The Tamanu oil is for topical use only. It comes from the fruit of the Tamanu tree and is not edible. So use this oil on your skin and do not ingest it. Also, if you have a nut allergy, check with a medical professional before trying.
Forms of It
The Tamanu oil can be found in various forms and products. Choose the one that best suits your particular needs. It is all a natural product and contains no chemicals.

Types of Home Blood Pressure Machines And Its Benefits

One of the best ways to manage high blood pressure or hypertension is to monitor or check the pressure at home. Home monitoring makes it easy to control hypertension, analyze the effectiveness of your medication and avoid possible health complications. Blood pressure machines can be bought without any prescription and it can help to improve your health condition. There are a vast variety of machines available today and some of these machines include semi-automatic, self-inflate and automatic.
There are several benefits of using these pressure monitors at home and some of the most significant benefits include the following.
Early Diagnosis: With the help of these machines, it is possible to diagnose hypertension at an early stage and change lifestyle patterns accordingly.
Better Control: It is also possible to control hypertension by monitoring your own BP at home. By using these devices at home, people are motivated to control their diet patterns, medications and physical activities to improve their health condition.
White Coat Hypertension: Some people experience anxiety while monitoring their BP in a hospital or clinic which may increase their BP. This is known as white coat hypertension. However, when home monitors are used, correct readings can be procured.
Self Monitoring: These machines are quite useful in monitoring hypertension in people of all ages which include teenagers, children and elderly people suffering from hypertension. One of the best ways to know if the medications are effective is through proper monitoring of BP regularly. It is then possible to induce changes and adjust medications accordingly.
Types Of Home Monitors:
Depending on the type of monitor, the features of these machines vary from one another. Most of these monitor devices are sold in pharmacies, online and offline departmental stores and so forth at affordable price rates. However, all devices include the same basic parts such as:
Gauge: Both aneroid and digital machines have gauges in it. The aneroid monitors are often used in clinics and hospitals. It has a gauge with a dial on it. The dial points to a number which relates to your BP.
Cuff: It is made of two layers. The outer layer of the cuff is often made of nylon where as the inner layer is made of rubber. The inner layer inflates with air when the bulb at the end of the tube is pumped. The outer layer also includes a fastener which keeps the cuff in place.
The two different types of monitors include the digital and manual devices.
Manual Device: It is one of the most commonly used devices in hospitals and it includes an inflatable arm cuff, a gauge and a stethoscope. It is less expensive than the digital monitors but quite difficult to use.
Digital Device: These devices also include a cuff and a gauge but it functions automatically. The cuff inflates automatically with a touch of a button. It calculates the heart rate automatically and monitors the pressure. It can also deflate automatically. It is known to be one of the most efficient blood pressure machines available today.

Looking to Get Neat Upper Lips and Shapely Eyebrows

Among the solutions available for exfoliation, the one way to get a long term solution is through waxing. The reason for this is through this method, you get rid of unwanted hair for a longer duration, as against shaving or bleaching. This is applicable for both men and women. There are products available for your arms, legs, and even facial hair like upper lip and even eyebrows.
What does it take?
There are products available that help you get rid of unwanted hair from the comfort of your home. Unlike the famous norm that these procedures are best done at a salon from a professional, you will be surprised to learn how easy it is to do it yourself. Purchase the product of your choice, check for its suitability to your skin and go ahead.
Caution needs to be exercised while doing this for your eyebrows, because the eyebrows are shaped and not just removed. So, it is important that you pay sufficient attention to intended shape of your eyebrows. First determine the shape that you want for your eyebrow, and then place the product appropriately to shape them well. It may take you multiple attempts, so it will be good to try it on something other than yourself. Alternatively, you can ask help from a friend or family member, so that you can get the required assistance in getting the shape right.
Always remember, that the product should be used when the hair growth is significant for removal. If you try using the product for very little hair growth, it will cause pain and the exfoliation may not be successful. Another key application area is the upper lip. This is relatively easy as against doing the eyebrows.
If done right, it will take you ten minutes to do your upper lip. One of the important steps in doing this is to ensure you divide the area into sections. This helps you focus on individual strands instead of doing it at one go, ending up ineffective. It is said that upper lip is usually a five step process, so you will need to repeat the procedure five times before you complete your upper lip. Apply the product or the hot gel on your skin, and pull, to get rid of the unwanted hair. Once you are through with the above, you can then relook at the area and if there are individual strands left out, you can optionally use tweezers.

How to Use Egg White and Lemon Juice to Cure Acne

Nature has a way of providing remedies virtually to all known skin diseases. Surprisingly, most of these natural floras are around us, in our garden, kitchen and grocery stores. Can you imagine using egg white and lemon juice to cure acne? It sounds ridiculous, isn't it? But it's absolutely true. Research has shown that the combination of egg white and lemon juice are perfect match with effective properties for acne treatment.
The egg white is very rich in protein and can be used to cure and heal the skin. Lemon juice too contains citric acid which helps remove dead skins while helping new ones to grow.
Application: Egg white
  • Splash your face with cold water, and then rinse it softly with warm water.
  • Break the egg into a bowl, remove the egg yoke and leave the egg white behind
  • Dip a cotton wool into the egg white and apply gently on your face
  • Rinse after 20 to 30 minutes.

Application: Lemon Juice

  • Wash your face with warm water or preferably steam clean your face by putting it over a pail of hot water with a towel over your head to prevent the steam from escaping. This will help open up the pores.
  • Apply the lemon juice with a cotton ball gently (dilute with water if it burns). This will help remove the dirt and oil that have clogged on the skin. Repeat this twice. You may leave it overnight but if you find it too strong for your skin, wash it off after 30 minutes in cold water.

How to get Clear and Tighter Skin [EGG DIY]

Everyone doesn't have beautiful skin and if you do there is still an requirement for maintaining your looks. As we age our skin changes, and it can wreaks havoc on our pocket books because we are forever trying to keep up with the latest skin care products that promises miracles. I'm not saying that they don't work, but sometimes people want to try something new, especially if it is inexpensive and effective. It can sometimes be overwhelming trying to prevent premature aging and if you are way past that process then I'm pretty sure you have an whole anti-aging kit that you use religiously to avoid looking your age.

Let's face it, we all are going to get old, but what's more imporant is that you use what you got and maintain your skin's appeal for as long as you can. Look younger and age gracefully because we have no other choice.If you are looking for a new, cheaper and effective way to tighten your skin and clear if from acne, then you should try "The egg white facial mask." Are you willing to set aside your expensive face mask for at least one week? If so, let me then tell first the benefits of the egg white skin care mask.

Benefits of egg whites

Egg contain a lot of protein, which provides the body with nutrition and energy to start the day, if you eat them from breakfast. However, you may not know that they are also nourishing to your face. People who use it consider it to be a short-term facelift. Because after rinsing the mask from your face you instantly see a difference in your skin. When the egg white begin to dry it tightens your skin reducing fine lines and introducing firmer looking skin ( An egg, a simple food that sits in your refrigerator can reduce the signs of aging in one use.

Great for Oily Skin

Egg white face mask shrinks pores, and when you rinse it off you are also eliminating dead skin cells too. If you have acne problems this is an natural way to get rid of pimples. It dries out the bumps and in as little as one day you see them begin to diminish. This is my favorite acne remover I use it at least twice a month or more. Apply this facial mask to your face to get rid of whiteheads as well. Add just a dash of lemon to throughly remove whiteheads and for oily skin throw in some honey, oatmeal to exfiolate and firm the skin.

How to Make Egg Facial Mask
It is quite simple it takes less than a minute to create. First grab an egg, then crack it just a little. Allow the egg white only to drain into a bowl. You can put the left over egg yolk in the fridge if you want or toss it out. Use a fork to whip up the egg until it turns into a frothy mixure and apply to your face and neck. Allow the egg to stay on your face for about 15-20 minutes til completely dry. Rinse and your done.

Now, wasn't that the most simplest homemade skin care remedy you've made? Continue to  use it for brighter, clearer and tighter skin. Remember, it is only a temporary facelift, but it works fantastic at keeping the acne away.

Home Remedies for Getting Naturally Thick and Long Eyelashes

Women have always wanted to get naturally thick and long eyelashes because of the simple reason that they are considered to add to the beauty of the eyes and also to the oomph of a woman.
It is for this reason that those who are not endowed with long and thick lashes naturally look to cosmetic enhancements like using the mascara, fake eyelashes and eyelash enhancing products available in the market in abundance.
What most women fail to realize at the time of opting for cosmetic treatments is that no artificial enhancer or cosmetic product can ever be a substitute for natural beauty.
Celebrities who use fake eyelashes which extend right till their cheeks have often come in for a lot of flak for being obsessed by falsies.
The chemicals used for sticking fake eyelashes to the upper eyelid have been known to have hideous side effects if used for a prolonged period of time.
And eyelash enhancer 'treatments', which are sure to burn a hole in your pocket, have not always worked on everyone.
The mascara can surely add volume as well as some length to the lashes of the wearer but they can make them look lumpy as well if not applied properly.
The question, then, is what to do if you have not been blessed with comely lashes naturally?
I have always contended that natural treatments work best. Not only do they cost a lot lesser but are also free of side effects.
Home Remedies to Get You Naturally Thick and Long Eyelashes
  1. Women who have thin eyelashes or not very long ones should, first and foremost, pay special attention to their diet and opt for foods that are healthy and nutritious.

  2. Try to keep your eyes make up free as far as possible when you are not going out or can afford togo without eye makeup.

  3. Never go to bed with your eye makeup on. Remove it all with a wet tissue or a cotton ball dabbed with some moisturizer or baby oil and apply some nourishing oil (like castor oil, olive oil or almond oil) to the lashes and allow it to stay on overnight. This oil can be applied using an old mascara brush or gently rubbing it on with fingers. To get rid of the stickiness next morning, just slash your eyes with fresh water.

  4. Applying petroleum jelly overnight is a similar manner has also been known to help.

  5. Some women lose their eyelashes at a very fast rate and are worried over that. To get stronger lashes, mix some egg white with a few drops of castor oil, apply it and keep it on overnight. Doing so regularly has also been known to help.

  6. A very common cause of weak eyelashes is eye dandruff. Check out for that at regular intervals and talk to your doctor if you doubt that you suffer from it because such dandruff weakens the lashes.
Following these simple and time tested home remedies, you can get naturally long and thick eyelashes soon.

Hair Care Tips 2013

You can never absolutely guarantee that you won't have a bad hair day but there are certainly products and techniques that can help you recover from one, so that whenever you go out, you are almost always looking your best. It's a constant battle too, because everything seems to fight against great looking hair - the weather (if over exposed) can damage it, the use of hair straighteners and tongs can cause damage over time and if you dye your hair on a regular basis, this too can take its toll.
So, let's just briefly look at a few options that can help you and your hair fight back.
Squeeze and Leave - When we have finished shampooing our hair we very often put our conditioner on without squeezing out the excess water in our hair. This will mean that the conditioner is not as concentrated as it could be and will not work as efficiently. Once you have squeezed the hair and applied the conditioner, try using a comb to pull the conditioner through the length of the hair to ensure that it is blended in and then leave it for at least ten minutes before rinsing.
Cold Water - This is an old favourite and only for those who can stand the cold! After you have finished rinsing the conditioner from your hair, doing a final rinse with cold water is said to greatly help. The cold water apparently helps the cuticles to seal and gives your hair a healthier and shinier look and feel.
Damage Remedy Creams - Similar to a hair mask, these products are designed to repair the hair. They are not particularly cheap but they apparently promise that your hair will feel nourished and look shiny after treatment.
Heat Sprays - Many times, it's the frequent drying, straightening and curling that tend to cause much of the damage; it is therefore advised that you use a specific spray for drying, straightening and curling which will help to protect the hair from becoming dry.
Clip in Hair Extensions - If used correctly and wisely, hair extensions are something else that may contribute to the overall health of your hair. If you choose to wear extensions from time to time, you will be able to cut back on the colouring and dying and even some of the heating will be applied to the extensions rather than your own hair.
So, those are just a few ideas to help you with your battle for healthy hair.

Common Workout Mistakes

Working out is one of the best things you can do for your body. You can lose weight, increase your flexibility, strength, and stamina, and do wonders for your overall wellbeing. However, if you're not mindful of the things you do, you might end up doing more harm than good to your body.
You need to make educated choices when it comes to fitness. You want to be able to reap all the benefits and stay away from unwanted consequences. Personal Trainers Singapore can help you select the right options and make sure that you get fit and healthy the correct way.
Listed below are the some most common workout mistakes:
 Not eating properly :

Hopping on the latest diet craze might seem like a tempting option when you're trying to lose weight. Don't do it. Going on the latest faddish diet will rob your body of necessary nutrients, thus causing you to feel wearier and hungrier than normal.
 Focusing too much on one aspect :

If you want washboard abs, it doesn't mean that you can achieve them by performing only crunches every single day. You need to first lose excess weight and fat and cardiovascular exercises, such as running and swimming, are the best. Specific muscle toning can be incorporated a few times in your weekly routine, but make sure proper execution is followed to avoid injury.
 Not getting enough rest :

Your body needs enough time to recover and replenish its energy in order to perform at its optimum level day after day. Pulling an all-nighter and rigorously working out the following day will increase the chances of possibly harming your body. You want to build your body, not destroy it. Make sure you give yourself adequate time for sleep and relaxation.
 Wanting to do it all at once :

When you hit the gym, you can be barraged with overwhelming gym equipment choices. You might think that using all of them and not stopping until you are exhausted is the fastest way to achieve your fitness goals, but it is not. You need to learn the proper usage of the equipment to avoid harm and get ideal results.
 Not asking for help :

Getting help is priceless, especially when you are trying to achieve your goal in fitness. Whether it is regarding the use of gym equipment or proper execution of exercises, having someone you can rely on will definitely increase your productivity.

Some Health Benefits Of Almonds

Almonds contain the most nutrients in comparison to all other nuts. They are particularly rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids that help to lower LDL (aka bad cholesterol) and increase HDL (aka good cholesterol). The vast health benefits of almonds allow them to be part of the "Super foods List". Just a handful of almonds a day provides much of the recommended levels of minerals, vitamins and protein you need in your healthy food diet.
The Ancient Romans referred to Almonds as "Greek nuts" since they were first cultivated in Greece and generally in the Mediterranean. Almond trees are mostly found in sunny dry and warm climates. Spanish missionaries are credited for taking the almond to the United States which is now responsible for almost 80% of the worlds almond production. More specifically, California produces over 1 million tons of almonds every year.
The most common health benefits of almonds are:
1. Crazy About Your Heart - Go Nuts!!! - According to studies, eating a handful of almonds regularly can reduce the risk of a heart attack by at least 50%. Almonds are a good source of folic acid which helps fight fatty plaque that builds up in the arteries. High levels of Vitamin E are also found in almonds, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects your cells from free radical damage and assisting in the formation of red blood cells.

2. Prevents Constipation - Almonds are rich in fiber which helps for proper bowel movement which in turn aids to clear the intestine. To help with constipation it is wise to drink a lot of water after eating almonds.
3. Pregnancy Aid - Due to the folic acid mentioned above, almonds help reduces the incidence of birth defects in newborn babies. Folic acid is a B-Vitamin that helps in the growth of cells and ensures the healthy growth of the fetus.
4. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels - Almonds contain potassium which helps in regulating blood pressure. Moreover the sodium content in almonds is low; this too is also instrumental in controlling blood pressure. Almonds also have a stabilizing effect on sugar and insulin levels after meals, offering protection from diabetes. They also contain magnesium which is another mineral that helps your body regulate its blood 
sugar levels.
5. A Super Alkalizing Food - Almonds are the only nut and one of the few proteins that are alkaline forming. When your body is not alkaline enough, you risk having a poor immune system, osteoporosis, low energy and a tendency to gain weight.
6. Reduce Alzheimer's Risk - Almonds contain riboflavin and L-carnitine which are nutrients that boost brain activity and can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
7. Aid in Weight Loss - According to the California Almond Board, eating approximately 23 almonds, you will consume 160 calories but you will also intake 6 g of protein and 4 g of fiber, both of which make you feel full. In 2007 a study in Spain revealed that people who ate nuts in general, twice a week, were over 30% less likely to gain weight than those who never or almost never eat nuts.

Tips For Sugar Addict

This isn't (really) a rant about sugar because let's face it you've heard it all before. You are well aware that too much sugar makes you fat and has ominous links to type 2 diabetes. You know the facts, so I'm not going to patronise you with a concoction of sensationalist stats. There is one question I need to ask though, it's nothing special, but it is important 'are you addicted to sugar?' Take a minute, think about it. Addiction is when you cannot control a behaviour or action, can you control how much sugar you eat?

Firstly you aren't alone; sugar addiction is probably more common than alcoholism, drug addiction and gambling. Why? Simple, sugar is everywhere, not just in your cup of tea, cake, biscuit or can of coke. Sugar has sneaked its way into the most unlikely of foods such as soups, bread and even ketchup.
Secondly sugar acts in the same way as certain illegal drugs. At least if we are as closely related to our cousin the rat as scientists seem to believe. Researchers showed that a whopping 94% of rats preferred the taste of sugar and sweeteners to cocaine. Food addiction is plausible because brain pathways respond to sugar in the same way as addictive drugs act.
Thirdly sugar is toxic; by now you are probably beginning to see the bigger picture. Sugar is addictive and like any addictive substance it is toxic. The reaction mightn't be as obvious as what comes with a cocaine overdose, but don't be lulled into a false sense of "it's only sugar", overtime excess sugar consumption is deadly. Teeth decay, diabetes, bad skin, nutrient deficiencies, obesity all come hand in hand with sugar addiction.
If sugar is addictive who are the pushers? Stop reading now if you are worried about the answer.
It's you, it's your partner, it's the kids, it's the food industry - it's anyone who feeds your sugar habit!
Everyone who knows you, who knows that you are overweight or struggling with type 2 diabetes is responsible for helping you to keep away from sugar rather than feed your habit.
A drug addict is locked in a room, an alcoholic goes to a clinic, yet a sugar addict cannot avoid their addictive substance. This lack of industry support, lack of societal support is not to be underestimated. It takes a very strong reserve to kick a sugar habit.
Having worked with many people who struggle with severe sugar cravings, I have come across some sure-fire ways of battling sugar addiction.
  • Take every hour one step at a time. Start by giving up sugar today - just today. Focus on tomorrow when it comes.
  • Give up sugar. This sounds harsh but like any other drug, you can't just cut back if you are truly addicted, it's all or nothing. Getting the taste is just a tease and will bring back all those feelings that come with a sugar hit.
  • Ditch white bread. It has a high Gi which means it's quickly broken down and digested. It won't be long before you start getting cravings. Instead go for wholegrains, they are much more satisfying.
  • Beef up protein. Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates so including a little protein in every meal will keep you feeling fuller and cravings at bay.
  • Fulfil your life. It's difficult to give up something you love without replacing it with something else. Sugar is a crutch for many people, if you give it up, focus on something else that will cheer you up whether that is exercise or watching your favourite soap.
  • Naturally sweeten up. Berries, and spices like cinnamon and nutmeg will sweeten your foods and reduce cravings.
  • Eat 3 meals per day. Eat little and often. For many people, if they don't eat regularly, their blood sugar levels drop, they feel hungry and are more likely to crave sweet sugary snacks.
  • Get support. Tell your family and friends that you are off sugar, so when they call around they aren't weighed down with cakes and biscuits.
    - via Catherine Matthews

Some Substitutes For Harmful Foods

Unfortunately our lifestyle prevents us from eating healthy. Problem reflects badly not only on health but also on our figure. Here are 10 useful foods that you can choose to replace 10 proven harmful foods. Here is a detailed list:
1. Apple sauce instead of oil, butter and sugar

Apple sauce is the best friend of a healthy diet. It not only adds sweetness to prepared, but contains significantly fewer calories than sugar. Added instead of oil in cakes or chocolate cakes, it can save you all those extra calories which are then converted into fat laid.
2. Nonfat yogurt in place of mayonnaise and sour cream

It contains much less fat and calories than mayonnaise and cream, but the texture is almost the same. The next time you prepare something that requires milk sauce, use nonfat yogurt. Feel free to mix it with herbs and seasonal vegetables, thereby replacing the calories with a huge serving of protein.
3. Mashed avocado instead of butter or oil on the stove

Not all fats are bad for your body: those containing avocados are "highly qualified" and help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels and prevent any heart problems.
4. Mashed bananas instead of sugar, oil and grease

Pieces of banana are delicious addition to morning oatmeal or porridge. You can give them a much more important role in your kitchen, replacing them with sugar and butter. Bananas are high in potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. Another plus is that well maintained your digestive system.
5. Nuts such as croutons in salad or chips in milk

Unsalted nuts to fresh salad will add a solid dose of protein to your meal. Also, instead of dense, salty croutons or super sweet pellets in your milk, you can use a handful of nuts. Walnuts and almonds are the most beneficial for heart health. Just do not overdo it - even a small handful of nuts contain a lot of calories.
6. Oatmeal instead of breadcrumbs

You eat fried chicken? Replace fairly salty breadcrumbs with oats and a little spice. They are rich in fiber and healthy carbohydrates. Like most whole grains, they contain nutrients such as vitamin B and iron.
7. Soda, tonic substitute

Here is a suggestion for a healthy return when you are outside. While drinking cocktails, ask the bartender for a soda, not tonic. It has high sugar content but no soda. Also a little juice and soda most of your cocktail will reduce the sugar in it. Maybe you will not feel the change of tonic and soda, though toner is much sweeter than soda.
8. Whole wheat flour instead of white flour

Most grain products we consume daily are defatted. This means that you should start buying whole grains, wheat and cereals and breads and tones replace pasta in your kitchen. If the meal includes white flour, use whole wheat or at least make it 50/50. It is absurd to make a difference and will significantly improve the health of your kitchen.
9. Pumpkin bars successfully replace pasta

Use a vegetable peeler to make long, thin slices of zucchini. They jump when boiling with pasta and simply bake or sauté cook for a few minutes. It is possible to use as a substitute vegetables and other high cholesterol food such as lasagna. This is one of the easiest ways to reduce calories in your kitchen to enhance the presence of vegetables.
10. Mashed potato cream soups

Autumn is the season of soups. There are many ways to insert more nutrients in them, adding soup with sweet potatoes instead of cream, for example. Not only will you have fewer calories, but the potassium content in sweet potatoes will lower your blood pressure and risk of stroke. Also, if you purchased a semi soup shop, be sure to check the content of sodium and always choose those with less.
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Eye Bags a Big Problem for Many Women

Many women are distressed by under-eye bags. The problem is usually temporary but can be long-lasting. Here, you can learn about what can cause the problem and what you can do about it.
There are two basic kinds of bags. There is the temporary puffiness that everyone gets from time to time due to fluid retention in the area. There is also a more permanent kind of bag that can accompany the aging process and is due to a gradual increase in the fatty tissues below the lower eye lids.
Fluid retention can be related to something as simple as the way that you sleep. The fluids may gather mostly on one side because you tend to sleep on that side. If you sleep on your stomach, you are more likely to see bags in the morning. Other causes of fluid retention include:
· Excess salt in the diet
· Alcohol use
· Tobacco smoke
· Crying due to the salt in the tears
Bags can also be caused by "leaky" blood vessels. The tiny vessels beneath the skin can become leaky for a number of reasons. Allergies can cause leaks that lead to swelling around the eyes and in other parts of the face. Leaky blood vessels can also accompany the aging process. A related issue that sometimes accompanies aging is poor fluid circulation.
Inflammation is sometimes involved in the problem. Dermatitis, which is a general inflammation of the skin, can affect the area. Periorbital cellulitis is a type of inflammation and infection that affects the eyelids and the skin around the eyes. If you just have under eye bags, the problem is probably not cellulitis, because there would be a more generalized swelling with that condition.
The problem can be somewhat "circular". Inflammation can cause blood vessels to leak. Leaky blood vessels can stimulate the inflammation process. So what started out as a temporary problem may be experienced more often as one problem leads to another.
Over time, the blood vessels can repair themselves, if they have the right tools. The nutrients in the foods you eat provide the tools the body needs to repair all kinds of damage. Certain nutrients can also keep inflammation in the body to a minimum.
The increase in the size of the fat pad below the lower lids is often accompanied by a general decrease in the skin's fatty tissue layer, as we get older. This can make the problem even more noticeable because the rest of the skin starts to sag and the bags get pulled down even further.
There are surgical procedures for correcting the problem but that expensive solution is not without risks. Before you consider surgery, you should try the "nutraceutical solution".
Nutraceuticals are vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins or other nutrients present in foodstuff that are known to have medicinal or "pharmaceutical" activity. Some of the latest research has focused on the benefits of applying nutraceuticals directly to the skin. When it comes to the problem of eye bags, the results have been quite impressive.

5 Makeup Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Now you look like a clown who pounded every type of cheap makeup onto your face. Don't worry -- makeup mistakes happen to everyone. Even if you have been wearing makeup since your teens, you can still have an accident here and there. Embarrassing as they are, makeup mistakes can be avoided -- and easily correct. Find out the top five makeup mistakes people make, and what you can do to avoid or fix them.
Dark Liner, Light Lips
Applying lip liner with lipstick plumps up your puckers. However, if your liner is significantly darker than your lip color, you end up looking trashy and tacky. Avoid doing this by matching your lip liner as close to your lipstick as possible. When in doubt, make your liner lighter than your lip color. If you have already made a mistake, fill in lips with liner. It always looks better to wear color in unison.
Extra Long Eyeliner
Eyeliner is tricky, and you need a steady hand to apply it. However, if you have made a mistake, and have extended eyeliner too much on the outer corners of your eyes, then shift your intended look to "cat eyes."
"Cat eyes" have been popular for the past few seasons, and the trend is not going anywhere soon. Just draw another line above the eyeliner you already have on, and tilt the outer corners upward to create a sexy "cat eye" effect.
Clumpy Mascara
Everyone wants lustrous eyelashes, but some people go overboard with mascara, and their lashes end up looking clumpy and untidy. For cleaner application, start from your lash line, wiggle mascara wand from left to right, and go upward. Doing so separates lashes, and applies formula evenly. And if you have already added one too many coats of mascara, then use a lash comb to comb out the clumps.
Dramatic Line of Blush
Flushed cheeks give you healthy glow. However, if you use a strong hand, your blush can look harsh, obvious and unflattering. To make blush appear natural, use a bigger makeup brush that blends well. A lot of cheap makeup brands offer quality brushes. Eco Tools brand, sold at most drugstores, is easy to use and affordable.
When applying blush, avoid using too much at once. Try building color little by little. Also, apply blush first to the apples of your cheeks, and brush color on in circular motion, while gently moving upwards and back to your hairline and ear.
Obvious Foundation Line on the Jaw
A noticeable foundation line around your jaw makes you look like you are wearing a mask. Avoid this incident by selecting the right color, and applying foundation in natural light. Also, during application, blend foundation beyond your jaw line, down to your neck. Doing so eliminates a harsh, obvious line right on your jaw. For better blending, use a makeup sponge or foundation brush.
Sick of wasting money? I was, especially on makeup and skincare that don't work. That's why I created Cheap Makeup Reviews, a review blog about cheap, affordable, drugstore makeup and skincare.
My blog's purpose is to provide other women with honest reviews on their favorite cheap makeup brands, with a side of beauty tips, makeup tutorials, and other useful information about beauty and skincare.

A Woman's Guide to the Top Common Causes of Hair Loss

In order to discuss the problem of losing hair one strand too many, first, we must understand what actually causes hair loss. There are lots of causes, but let us narrow it down to the five of the most common culprits.
It Runs In the Blood or With Age
When hair thinning or baldness runs in your family, chances are, it will start to manifest on you when you are as young as 25. This hereditary condition is referred to as androgenetic alopecia or female pattern hair loss. This said condition is clear to fifty percent of the American female population. Every time a hair falls out, it will typically be replaced with a new hair follicle with the same size. Women with androgenic alcopelia, however, will have a much thinner replacement. The hair follicle replacement continues to shrink until they would just stop growing.
You Reap What You Sow
One of a woman's most common causes of hair loss is, sadly, self-inflicted. Thanks to our obsession in hair coloring and styling, we can kiss our healthy scalp and follicles goodbye a decade or two sooner than we expected. If you think cornrows are cool now, you might want to reconsider, especially when balding comes as its result.
Your Medical Condition
When you have iron deficiency or anemia, hair loss is one of the things it can cause along with paleness of the skin, weakness and extreme fatigue. A chronic auto-immune disease like Lupus can also cause loss of hair accompanied by rashes on the scalp. Hypothyroidism, which is more common in women over 50 years old, can make your nails, skin, and hair become more brittle as well. There are also a number of prescription drugs that causes a woman's hair to shift into a resting stage before it starts shedding several months after. However, this shedding will only last until the medication is over.
Your Hair Is What You Eat
An important aspect of a healthy hair is a healthy diet. Your hair especially needs a good source of Vitamins A, B, C and E, plus its major building block - Protein. An insufficient amount of protein in your diet can cause hair strands to go weak and brittle.
It Can Be Hormonal, Too
There are several hormonal factors to consider when your hair is alarmingly thinning. We are talking about contributing factors such as menopause, pregnancy, or cessation of birth control pills. Actually, when the cause is hormonal, there is no reason to be alarmed, because its effect is only temporary. The re-growth can sometimes take a long time to occur though. Some women take hair growth supplements to aid faster replacement of the amount of hair they lost.
If you have a glorious crowning glory, yet you are at risk of losing it one day based on what was discussed above, chances are, you can still save it by starting a healthy diet and lifestyle, or find a hair loss cure that is reliable and effective.

Health Benefits of Oregano

The uses for oregano and oil of oregano are many. Whether it's fighting diarrhea, intestinal gas, and digestive problems, it also works well against a sore throat and breathing difficulties. Oil of oregano can also fight against bee stings and many snake bites. Some reports have even suggested it as a treatment for dandruff and skin disorders.
The benefits of oregano have really gone unnoticed. Oregano is probably the world's most complete natural medicine. But it has to be the real thing. If it's NOT genuine oregano and oil of oregano, it won't have the powerful effects that the real will have.
Oregano may be what you've been searching for, but maybe you'd never heard about the value and availability.
Oregano oil is very powerful in fighting:
* Yeast, fungus (skin and blood-borne)
* Allergies, hay fever, and sinusitis
* Infections (cold and flu).
One doctor learned about its strength first hand. He suffered from a blood-born fungal infection that literally put him out of work. He had to close his practice and move home to live. He had tried everything, until finally; he discovered the powerful antiseptic property of wild oregano. It saved him and he got his life back again.
In my opinion, the anti-allergic effectiveness I've received has been the most impressive. I started using it a few years ago and made it through one of the worst pollen seasons ever. I took it before I went to sleep and slept through the night. Oil of oregano has been used since ancient times to fight yeast, fungal and viral infections. Oregano oil's ability to wipe out allergies, runny nose, sinusitis, and nasal drip has proven to me that this stuff really works!
Once again, I want to reiterate, you're not going to get the results eating a pizza! There's not enough real oregano power. Only, wild, mountain-grown oregano (from the Mediterranean) contains the naturally rich "carvacrols, flavonoids, and terpenes," which give the oregano its incredible power. The Carvacrol is a natural "anti-microbial" and Flavonoids provide a "natural antiseptic" property, which act as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.
You might call them, "Mother Nature's antihistamines and decongestants." Wild handpicked Oil of Oregano has over 70% Carvacrol by weight. That's a lot of healing power. Remember, you can't buy cheap imitations and expect any real results. The beauty of oregano is that it can be used internally and topically.
Every allergy sufferer needs to know that wild oregano is capable of stopping their next allergy attack in its tracks. It is effective, reliable, and safe. Can you even begin to say that about "over-the-counter drugs?"
Try the natural approach first. Why continue to suffer from allergies any more. Wild oregano oil conquers them every time.
Pathogenic bacteria, staph, strep, and E.coli, are no match for the power of oregano oil. This wonderful gift for healing has even been proven to destroy resistant fungal forms like the mutated fungi which result from antibiotic therapy.
Let me be honest, it is strong, so when you start using it internally, start with small amounts, like one or two drops twice a day in juice.
Take one drop twice a day and work your way to one drop four times a day. Mix it with a little honey or maple syrup, to improve taste.
As I said before, you can apply it topically to treat gums, teeth, itches, infections on the skin, and just about anywhere in the body. Exercise caution if you use it in the genital region. If you have to use it there, mix it with some olive oil or coconut oil before applying it.
Another benefit of oregano; there are no side effects.

Just look at how many health issues Oil of Oregano effectively treats:
• acne
• allergies
• arthritis
• asthma
• athlete's foot
• constipation
• croup
• dandruff
• diarrhea
• digestive disturbances
• insect bites
• bronchitis
• canker sores
• colds
• flu
• earaches
• fatigue
• gum disease
• parasites
• headaches
• menstrual irregularities
• psoriasis
• toenail problems
• seborrhea
• ringworm
• rosacea
• sinusitis
• muscle pain
• varicose veins
• warts