You may also think that doing your normal exercise will get the tummy flat and leaner, but not always, Try out these exercises or tie them in with your regular routine and those flabby bits will not stand a chance! These are the main ones you should consider doing.
1 – The Plank
This first exercise is very easy to do, but also very effective. It will work your abs and strengthen your back at the same time.
Start as if you were going to do some press ups, and then go down so your forearms are on the floor. Your legs should be stretched out behind you and you should be balancing in your toes. Hold this position as steady as possible and as straight as possible.
Keep this up for around 30-60 seconds at a time, or until you start to feel the balance going and your shape beginning to unfold. You will feel the absworking hard by this points as well as the lower back starting to feel the pace. Release, relax, stand up and loosen. Repeat this at least 3 times for the best results.
2 – Crunches on an Exercise Ball
I you haven't got an exercise ball, I would suggest the investment, they act as resisters to you body and can be so beneficial.
First, lie on the ball, positioning it under the lower back. Next, put your hands behind your head or cross your arms across your chest. Start by doing gentle ‘sit-up' using your abs to lift you up. As you pull yourself up, keep the ball still, it must not roll. Lower yourself back down, again using your abs to control the movement. Do about 12-15 times in 3 sets, remembering to rest a minute between sets.
This exercise will also benefit you legs.
3 – Lying Leg Raises
This is an old routine, but so effective. Lie on the ground and lift both your legs to 90 degrees, keeping your stomach muscles in use at all times. Pause for a second then lower the legs slowly down and hover them just above the ground. Hold them there for a few seconds and lift them back up again to 90 degrees. Repeat between 5-10 times in sets of 3.
Don't let your legs relax when holding them just above the floor, we need to keep the abs taut and in use throughout the process.
4 - The Bicycle
Lie on the floor and place your hands behind you head and slightly support it with your fingers. Bring your knees up to your chest and lift you shoulders from the floor without pulling on your neck, rotate to the left bringing your right elbow towards your left knee and straighten your right leg, the back to the centre and repeat the process, only going the opposite direction, using your left elbow to meet your right knee with your left straightened.
Continue alternating sides in a peddling motion for 1-3 sets of 10-14 reps, relaxing for 30 seconds between sets.
5 - Accordion Sit-Ups
This is another very easy exercise but also very effective. As the title says, you act like an accordion in this exercise.
Lie on the floor in a flat position on your back, then, at the same time, bring the top half of your torso up as you raise knees to meet yourself in the middle at the same time, pause for a second or two and then lower back down again. Repeat 8-10 times in 2 or 3 sets.
These are 5 very easy tummy or Abdominal exercises to really get to the fat deposits around your stomach and sides. Doing these on a regular basis will see great results for getting that flat tummy. Over time and with a healthy diet, you may well begin to see the elusive 6-pack forming!

1 – The Plank
This first exercise is very easy to do, but also very effective. It will work your abs and strengthen your back at the same time.
Start as if you were going to do some press ups, and then go down so your forearms are on the floor. Your legs should be stretched out behind you and you should be balancing in your toes. Hold this position as steady as possible and as straight as possible.
Keep this up for around 30-60 seconds at a time, or until you start to feel the balance going and your shape beginning to unfold. You will feel the absworking hard by this points as well as the lower back starting to feel the pace. Release, relax, stand up and loosen. Repeat this at least 3 times for the best results.
2 – Crunches on an Exercise Ball
I you haven't got an exercise ball, I would suggest the investment, they act as resisters to you body and can be so beneficial.
First, lie on the ball, positioning it under the lower back. Next, put your hands behind your head or cross your arms across your chest. Start by doing gentle ‘sit-up' using your abs to lift you up. As you pull yourself up, keep the ball still, it must not roll. Lower yourself back down, again using your abs to control the movement. Do about 12-15 times in 3 sets, remembering to rest a minute between sets.
This exercise will also benefit you legs.
3 – Lying Leg Raises
This is an old routine, but so effective. Lie on the ground and lift both your legs to 90 degrees, keeping your stomach muscles in use at all times. Pause for a second then lower the legs slowly down and hover them just above the ground. Hold them there for a few seconds and lift them back up again to 90 degrees. Repeat between 5-10 times in sets of 3.
Don't let your legs relax when holding them just above the floor, we need to keep the abs taut and in use throughout the process.
4 - The Bicycle
Lie on the floor and place your hands behind you head and slightly support it with your fingers. Bring your knees up to your chest and lift you shoulders from the floor without pulling on your neck, rotate to the left bringing your right elbow towards your left knee and straighten your right leg, the back to the centre and repeat the process, only going the opposite direction, using your left elbow to meet your right knee with your left straightened.
Continue alternating sides in a peddling motion for 1-3 sets of 10-14 reps, relaxing for 30 seconds between sets.
5 - Accordion Sit-Ups
This is another very easy exercise but also very effective. As the title says, you act like an accordion in this exercise.
Lie on the floor in a flat position on your back, then, at the same time, bring the top half of your torso up as you raise knees to meet yourself in the middle at the same time, pause for a second or two and then lower back down again. Repeat 8-10 times in 2 or 3 sets.
These are 5 very easy tummy or Abdominal exercises to really get to the fat deposits around your stomach and sides. Doing these on a regular basis will see great results for getting that flat tummy. Over time and with a healthy diet, you may well begin to see the elusive 6-pack forming!