Tamanu Oil Benefits

Tamanu oil benefits are many and there are no negative side effects to using this oil. This oil originated in the Polynesian and Melanesian communities many centuries ago as a naturally-based remedy for the skin. It has only been recently though, that a renewed interest in this oil has been ignited. Let's look at some of the benefits you can receive from this oil.
Tamanu Oil has Healing Qualities
Tamanu oil comes from the nuts of a Tamuna tree. Its healing qualities are more potent than many of today's products for skin care. Research has shown that the Tamanu oil benefits range from stimulating growth of new skin to it being an anti-inflammatory and many things in between.
It has effectively been used to treat athlete's foot, ring worm and forms of dermatitis. Since this oil helps heal infected wounds and can be used to treat burns. This is because it contains lactone, which has antibiotic qualities, and Canophyllol, which is an antibacterial agent.
There have been favorable results in treating psoriasis, blisters, eczema, insect bites and even age spots with this oil. As you can see this is a quite versatile item to have at home. It can be used to reduce body and foot odor because it is a natural deodorant. This is one way to cut out some of the chemically-laden deodorant products. Since this oil helps to stimulate skin growth as mentioned above, it is a great treatment for many scarring problems. It is effective against acne for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, but it also helps minimize the look of acne scars because of new tissue growth. This is not the only scarring that can be helped; most of the types of scarring including stretch marks can be helped with this oil.
Because of the Tamanu oil benefits including anti-inflammatory results, this oil can even relieve pain. It also helps reduce swelling in many conditions along with helping rashes abrasions and sores to be less inflamed. This helps the healing take place easier.
Applying the Tamanu oil can act as a preventative measure too. It can keep skin conditions from happening in the first place. One example of this is applying it to a baby's bottom to prevent diaper rash.
For Topical Use Only!
The Tamanu oil is for topical use only. It comes from the fruit of the Tamanu tree and is not edible. So use this oil on your skin and do not ingest it. Also, if you have a nut allergy, check with a medical professional before trying.
Forms of It
The Tamanu oil can be found in various forms and products. Choose the one that best suits your particular needs. It is all a natural product and contains no chemicals.