Many people start keeping an eye on these numbers as they get older but it’s not a good idea to wait until you are a senior citizen to start keeping tabs on your LDL and HDL levels.
Many people start looking at these numbers once they exit their 20’s. Why? It’s better to be proactive than reactive with cholesterol. Don’t wait until a heart attack to start working on keeping these numbers in check.
Good cholesterol levels could mean that you aren’t increasing your risk for heart problems. Bad levels could mean that you have clogged arteries and need to change your lifestyle ---- and quickly. There are things you can do to lower your bad cholesterol and increase your good cholesterol (to help protect your arteries from becoming clogged) and if your numbers are not in a healthy range, your doctor may want to review them every six months or so. The right food and exercise on a regular basis could help you keep those numbers in a healthy range. You may even look to healthy supplements that are known for helping with cholesterol, too.
Where should your cholesterol numbers be at? There are some divided opinions on this so talk to your doctor about a blood test and about what your numbers mean. You’re not just looking to keep your bad cholesterol down; you want to have a good level of good cholesterol, too. Other health factors may be a consideration, too in determining an ideal range.
If you’ve already been told your cholesterol numbers are something to work at, there are things you can do to improve them. Eat well, read nutrition labels, and get active. Your doctor may want you to use medication to address your cholesterol levels but you may also be able to naturally lower your LDL and raise your HDL levels, too. Get educated and informed so that you can ensure your lifestyle is congruent with good health.
Good Foods for Cholesterol
Foods that have a good reputation for people watching their HDL and LDL levels include:
-Whole grains -Fish -Nuts -High fiber foods
Bad Foods for Cholesterol
Bad foods for cholesterol Include:
-Butter -Shrimp -Cheese
These lists are not exhaustive. You may want to meet with a nutritionist / dietician to discuss the right menu adjustments for your situation.