How to Use Egg White and Lemon Juice to Cure Acne

Nature has a way of providing remedies virtually to all known skin diseases. Surprisingly, most of these natural floras are around us, in our garden, kitchen and grocery stores. Can you imagine using egg white and lemon juice to cure acne? It sounds ridiculous, isn't it? But it's absolutely true. Research has shown that the combination of egg white and lemon juice are perfect match with effective properties for acne treatment.
The egg white is very rich in protein and can be used to cure and heal the skin. Lemon juice too contains citric acid which helps remove dead skins while helping new ones to grow.
Application: Egg white
  • Splash your face with cold water, and then rinse it softly with warm water.
  • Break the egg into a bowl, remove the egg yoke and leave the egg white behind
  • Dip a cotton wool into the egg white and apply gently on your face
  • Rinse after 20 to 30 minutes.

Application: Lemon Juice

  • Wash your face with warm water or preferably steam clean your face by putting it over a pail of hot water with a towel over your head to prevent the steam from escaping. This will help open up the pores.
  • Apply the lemon juice with a cotton ball gently (dilute with water if it burns). This will help remove the dirt and oil that have clogged on the skin. Repeat this twice. You may leave it overnight but if you find it too strong for your skin, wash it off after 30 minutes in cold water.