Health Benefits of Nettle Leaf

Nettle Leaf is something a lot of people don't know about, but has amazing health benefits for our bodies. The plant is often mistaken for a common weed, but just like dandelion, this weed has some great qualities you should be aware of.

Today this plant can be found growing throughout the world, the best growing environments are in the more temperate regions. And although it grows perfectly well in the U.S., nettles is not native to North America, but was brought here from England.

For hundreds of years, the root and leaves of this plant have been commonly used as a medicinal herb, a healthy vegetable for human consumption, as well as a tough material for making clothes.

Drinking nettle leaf can help improve the appearance of your skin, making it clearer and healthier. You can use nettles in a tea or capsule form, but it may also be used in the kitchen as an edible and tasty vegetable. You can cook with nettles just as you would any dark leafy green herb.

Here are 7 benefits of this awesome plant:
1- Natural kidney and adrenal-gland tonic
2- Contains natural antihistamines
3- Anti-hemorrhaging qualities for internal bleeding
4- Prostate Health
5- Urinary problems
6- Rids the Body of Chemicals and Heavy Metals
7- Stimulates Mothers milk, and Increases Energy After Childbirth.

There are many more benefits Nettle Leaf, but these are the most well-known. If you're just starting to detox your body for the first time, you may experience minor side effects such as gastrointestinal distress, but it isn't very common and is short-lived.

The Liver
A lot of my studies have been on the liver, and just how important they are to our bodies and good health. Our livers are responsible for so much that we absolutely must become more aware of how to keep it healthy. Our livers break down all our foods, cleanses the toxins in our bodies, processes all of our sensory input, and is our heat-furnace. It's the only organ in the body that can regenerate.