Herbs for Stress Relief

Herbs For Stress relief
To cure mild stress, here are some herbs for your service like wood Betony, oats, mint, vervain, lavender oil, skullcap, chamomile, and mugwort. Essential oils like lavender and sandalwood oil are excellent in relieving stress and anxiety. These herbs are available in the form of capsules or tinctures. These herbs make for good herbal tea and a much better option than popping in pills.

Herbs for acute stress
There are natural stress reliefs, which will give you the much awaited relief from physical and mental symptoms of stress. These herbs include passion flower, valerian root, and wild lettuce. Chinese people use kampo, which is an ancient remedy for stress. It consists of glycyrrihiza, oriental bezoar and ginseng.

Herbs for chronic stress
There are natural remedies for chronic stress. It is however suggested that one must consult the doctor before taking such herbs; these herbs must not substitute medicines prescribed by the doctor. Some natural stress relief in such situation is Korean  ginseng and Siberian ginseng. These two herbs were prescribed in ancient Chinese medicines and they work wonders in making the affected person stress free.

Vitamin B
Vitamin B has all the essential qualities to relief stress. A diet deficient in vitamin B will lead to stress for sure, make sure that you take adequate quantity of vitamin B. food rich in vitamin B are wild rice, milk, yogurt, eggs and various green vegetables. A diet rich in Vitamin B is another way of natural stress relief.

All suggested herbs for stress are excellent remedies but they must be taken only under the suggestion of a doctor. These herbs must also be taken in moderate quantity and must not be used as a substitute for any kind of medicine provided by a doctor. For taking these herbs for stress under normal circumstances, one must consult a doctor.