Fish Oil is Good for Skin Whitening and Softening

Your skin's health is also important because it is your body's first defense against injury and infection. Healthy skin improves the strength of your immune system and the health of your whole body.

Here are 5 reasons why fish oil is good for your skin.

1. Reduces Skin Dryness

Fish oil is made up of fatty acids. The skin's sebum naturally works to hold moisture in your skin's cells. Sebum is a type of oil. It is composed primarily of fatty acids. 
Excessive dryness can occur when your body does not produce enough sebum. In order to produce sebum, your body needs fatty acids. Skin dryness is one of the symptoms of fatty acid deficiency.

2. Reduces Acne Flare-Ups

Research indicates that acne suffers often have low blood levels of DHA. DHA or Docosahexaenoic acid is a fatty acid that is only found in fish oils and some types of marine algae.

Other omega-3s are found in plants. Your body can (and sometimes must in the case of strict vegetarian diets) convert those other omega-3s to DHA but the process is inefficient and research has shown that supplementation with omega-3s derived from plants does not increase circulating blood levels of DHA. DHA is also essential for normal brain function.

3. Reduces Inflammation

One of the reasons why this type of oil may be beneficial for acne has to do with the role that omega-3s have in regulating inflammation. While inflammation is a normal function of the immune system, the immune system can overreact. In cystic acne, for example, the inflammation involved is far greater than would be required for a major injury.

Inflammation plays a role in other skin conditions as well. For example, psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis are all related to chronic inflammation.

Inflammation also causes skin redness. In rosacea, the skin is chronically red and may also be rough. The redness and roughness may be reduced through the use of fish oil supplements and a good moisturizer.

4. Improves Resistance to Allergens

By regulating excessive inflammation, fish oil may reduce your skin's response to common allergens. While some natural and synthetic compounds are skin irritants, how your body responds to them is an immune system function. Excessive inflammation is involved in people who have severe reactions to allergen exposure. If your skin seems to be "sensitive", fish oil may help.

5. Improves Your Skin's Firmness

The skin's firmness typically decreases with age. Lost firmness plays a role in the appearance of wrinkles and also leads to skin sagging.

Research has shown that fish oil supplements improve the skin's firmness. A 10% improvement has been seen after three months of supplementation.