Super Herbs that Fight Against Cancer

People thought that if herbs are effective in fighting many kinds of diseases, why can't they be used in order to cure cancer? They are not yet proven to treat cancer completely but for some people, it won't hurt to try.

Effective cancer fighting herbs usually 

(1) eliminate the cause of cancer
(2) strengthen our body's immunity against diseases and
(3) inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Here is a list of some of the herbal remedies used to fight cancer.

Garlic is a very widely used herb in lowering both cholesterol and triglycerides. It also has anti-clotting and anti-bacterial properties and in addition, not many people know that it also has anti-tumor properties. Garlic contains phytochemicals which are helpful in getting rid of toxins and free radicals that are found inside the body.

There are researches that prove that cancer occurs least likely in people who consume a great amount of food that are rich in organosulfur compounds, a compound which is also found in garlic. The same compound is also found to hinder cancer cells especially those that can be found in the breast. It also fights against liver cancer. Organosulfur compounds can fight cancer because of its antioxidants which hinder the growth of tumor.

Aside from being an anti-cancer agent, garlic is also rich in allicin that lowers blood cholesterol and it also has the ability to lower blood sugar and enhance insulin activity, which is important in fighting diabetes.

Milk thistle
Milk thistle is a medicinal plant which is usually used to treat varicose veins, menstrual problems and depression. True to its name, it is also used to increase breast milk production in women. Milk thistle has also been used as to detoxify liver.

Milk thistle is used to treat liver disorders such as cirrhosis and hepatitis. This is due to the compound that is abundant in milk thistles namely the flavanoid silymarin which has an excellent antioxidant effect. The plant can also act as an antidote against mushroom poisoning. It protects the liver against poisons from nature as well as man-made poisons.

Aside from that, it has been proven that milk thistle neutralizes free radicals because of its glutathione content, hinders the production of chemicals that cause inflammation of the liver and also stimulates the growth of new cells and therefore regenerates liver tissues. It is also a well used herbal treatment for diabetes and psoriasis.

Its ability to improve the function of the liver led to further studies whether milk thistle can fight against liver cancer. Even further studies claim that flavanoid compounds that are fpund in milk thistles can help kidneys detoxify the body even better. It has also been found that milk thistle can slow down the growth of breast, prostate and cervical cancer cells.

Turmeric is a yellow- orange spice that belongs to the same family as the ginger. Aside from being used as a spice for cooking, it is also used for its medicinal properties. Many researches have been made in order to prove that turmeric really is the wonder herb against cancer.

Turmeric is found out to be able to block cancer cells which are even enhanced by the strongest hormones. It slowed down by 98 percent. Another study showed that it inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells which are induced by a combination of toxic chemicals.

In another study wherein bacteria were exposed to large doses of radiation that can potentially induce cancer, turmeric was able to interrupt the growth of the cancer cells. Burnt meat which contains carcinogenic compounds and chemicals can be prevented by marinating the meat with turmeric before cooking. This reduces the formation of the said carcinogenics. Turmeric is also found to help boost an individual's immunity as well as effective agents in helping wounds heal quickly.