There are lots of things you can do to get a fresher, younger complexion naturally. Here are my best tips.
Minimize Sun Exposure:
Some experts suggest staying out of the sun, but you might love walking on the beach or hiking in the fresh mountain area. Those things are good for your health and well-being. That's why my suggestion is to minimize the amount of sun that hits your face.
Hats and large sunglasses can help you protect your face. You don't necessarily need sunscreen. Some sunscreens are largely ineffective and a few ingredients might even increase the free radical damage that causes an aged, wrinkled, rough complexion.
If you love the sun, just be sure to limit your exposure to less than 15 minutes per day and remember not to overdo it on the weekends. Keep your face shaded as much as possible and use a zinc oxide sun-block on your nose, cheeks and forehead if those areas are exposed.
Make Sure to Get Enough Sleep:
While you are sleeping your body repairs damage done by free radicals and heals minor injuries that occurred during the day. If you get enough sleep, your body naturally produces more human growth hormone or HGH. This hormone encourages your body to produce new skin cells and elastic collagen fibers.
Don't get enough sleep and your complexion will show it. You'll have more blotchiness, more dark circles under your eyes and generally suffer from an older looking appearance.
Eat More Salmon:
Salmon is a great source of protein. Protein-rich foods provide amino acid building blocks that your body needs to make new skin cells and fibers.
Salmon is also a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s help your skin in many ways. They reduce inflammation that can degrade collagen fibers, leading to saggy skin. They improve the skin's ability to retain moisture and the fatty acids replenish those in the layer just beneath the skin to help keep it firmer, smoother and younger looking.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables provide antioxidants that help to prevent and repair free radical damage. The more you eat, the higher the antioxidant content of your skin will be. It will be able to resist free radical activity caused by sun exposure or environmental toxins like smoke.
Moisturize Regularly:
Moisturizing is just as important as cleansing but practically everyone remembers to shower regularly. Many people forget to use a moisturizer or simply do not realize how important it is to do so.
Moisturizers are important even if you have acne or feel like your skin is too oily. You should moisturize following every bath and shower. You just have to be cautious about which moisturizer you choose. Some ingredients are not actually moisturizing and can cause a greasy feeling.
Natural moisturizers containing plant-based oils like grape seed are the best. It is also helpful if the protein keratin is included in the mixture. Keratin is the protein found in the cells of the skin's outer layers. Collagen and elastin proteins are not good choices. They don't penetrate and often leave a white-looking residue on your skin's surface.