List of Natural Foods as Antibiotics

Since you are constantly being exposed to all kinds of bacteria, viruses and fungi, you are at risk to get all kinds of internal infections including colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, stomach bugs, gum disease and the flu. Skin infections such as ringworm, athlete’s foot, dandruff, oral herpes, and nail fungus are also very common.

Many people do not want to take the traditional anti-infectives. As stated above, many infections are resistant, and there are other serious concerns about side effects, cost, and reactions to these drugs. So, what can you do?

Mother Nature to the Rescue…Look no further than your kitchen counter for a 100% natural antibiotic — garlic! Garlic has a long proven history in treating bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. Its active compound is allicin, which is similar to penicillin.

Garlic helps staph and strep infections, germs that are resistant to traditional antibiotics. It also covers a broad spectrum of bacteria. You can add one clove of chopped raw garlic to food two to three times a day. Garlic oil can be used for ear infections, 10-20 drops three times per day in the ear, and can be applied topically to the skin for scrapes, burns and abrasions.

Garlic capsules can be taken if you don’t like the taste and smell of the oil or raw preparation. Aged garlic supplements have been shown to be particularly effective.

Echinacea works in a similar fashion to garlic, fighting bacteria, fungi and viruses. It helps to stimulate the immune system by increasing production of the cells that attack infection. It can be taken in a liquid (3-4 mL), tablet (300 mg) or capsule (300 mg) form every 2 hours for the first day of an illness. It is then taken three times per day for 7-10 days. Echinacea should not be taken for more than 10 days.

You’ll probably find both cinnamon and honey in your kitchen cabinet. These can be combined to help a number of infections and illnesses. The daily use of honey and cinnamon powder powers the immune system and protects the body from bacteria and viruses by strengthening the white blood cells. Make sure you use pure, unpastuerized honey (raw honey) because pasteurization kills some of its active ingredients.

One teaspoon of lukewarm honey and ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon once a day for 3 days will help your cough and cold and clear your sinuses. For a toothache, make a paste with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 5 teaspoons of honey. Apply to the painful area three times per day. Bladder germs are killed by 2 tablespoons of cinnamon and 5 teaspoons of honey in 8 ounces of water.

For skin infections, eczema, ringworm, insect bites, and burns, use equal parts of cinnamon and honey to make a paste and apply as needed.

Acne can be helped with 3 tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon applied overnight and washed off of the next day. Do this daily for 2 weeks and to get deep inside the skin where acne starts.

It’s phenomenal that olive leaf can fight almost any type of infection — bacterial, viral, fungi and parasites. Use olive leaf extract capsules, 250 mg, three times per day with meals to treat the flu, colds, sinusitis, herpes, psoriasis and allergies.

Wild Indigo is a powerful natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory herb. It will help your sore throat, swollen glands, tonsillitis, bronchitis and mouth sores. Take 30-40 drops of the liquid, 3-4 times per day for up to 6 weeks. It also can be combined with echinacea.
Natural Topical Therapies

Some natural substances have amazing anti-infective properties, but are not effective or safe when taken internally. However, they work wonderfully when applied topically to the skin or mouth area.

Tea Tree Oil has been used for centuries for all types of skin infections, scabies, insect bites, burns, and acne. It effectively penetrates deep down into the skin layers. It is also useful for hard-to-treat fungal infections, such as nail fungus, dandruff, vaginitis, and ringworm. Apply topically to the gums for periodontal disease. It should not be taken internally and should be discontinued if irritation develops.

The essential oil of clove can be applied topically to mouth ulcers, sore gums and toothaches. Gargling with diluted clove oil helps relieve sort throats. It can be used topically like tea tree oil for all kinds of skin infections.

As its name implies, comfrey helps heal burns, bites, stings, bedsores, skin ulcers, dermatitis, scabies, inflamed bunions and rashes. It is available in ointments and creams.

Remember having a cold as a child and the soothing feeling of Vick’s VapoRub on your chest? Eucalyptus in the Vick’s is what suppressed your cough and let you sleep. Eucalyptus is a terrific decongestant, and useful for all kinds of respiratory infections — apply topically to the chest or back, or use as a steam vapor that can be made from the leaves.

For Internal and External UseYou have probably heard of silvadine as a topical burn treatment. Colloidal silver is a powerful antibiotic for both internal and topical use. It can treat drug-resistant staph, tuberculosis and the bird flu. In Africa, it is used to treat just about everything, including AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, cholera, and pneumonia. It can be used topically to treat burns, wounds, thrush and other skin infections.

Use a 5-partspermillion concentration, at a dose of one teaspoon three to four times per day. There have been rare instances of silver overdose resulting in skin and nail discoloration. However, this is from ingesting silver salts, not colloidal silver. Carefully research the product you are buying for is strength and purity and follow the directions for usage to the letter.

Check your spice shelf for oregano. Wild oregano and oregano oil both fight bacterial, viral and fungal infections, along with boosting your immune system. Use oregano to help fight acne, allergies, athlete’s foot, insect stings, bronchitis, colds, diarrhea, gum disease, parasites, sinusitis and skin infections. Apply the oil topically as needed. Wild oregano is also available in capsules to take orally as directed.