Highly Effective Sinus Home Remedies

Most of the sinus remedies are basically aimed at suppressing or reducing the effect of the symptoms, however many home remedies are holistic medicines that aim to identify the source of the illness and improve the condition of the body with the help of its own healing process. Home remedies are all about discovering what your body needs to stay stronger and to use drug free methods, so that there are no side effects. There are a number of ways through which one can get relief and put an end to his sinus infection.
Strengthening your Immune System  
Sinus infections are often caused by bacterial infections that are caused when the body is unable to prevent the entry of such bodies into the system. The stronger the immune system, the better chance the body has to kill all intruding bacteria. This helps to prevent any sinus infections.
Vitamin C
It is one of the best ways to improve your immune system. It helps in fighting many infections. However, when the body is suffering from a sinus infection, the Vitamin C that is stored in our body is finished up quite fast. This makes our body susceptible to infection again. Conversely, if you replenish your stockpile of Vitamin C then your body will have a better chance to heal itself. There are many sources of vitamin C, such as green leafy vegetables, carrots, berries and citrus fruits. This is a good way to make your immune system stronger and protect yourself from all kinds of infections.
Make Delicious Home Remedies 
A number of medical concoctions can be made by using everyday food items from around the house. Although, medicines and delicious are the two words that do not usually go together, but for sinus infections some ingredients can be added to the concoction to make it more interesting for your taste buds. Some of these are -
* Ginger tea with honey or sugar
* Spicy food
* Sour fruits containing Vitamin C
These additions make it much easier to prepare your homemade remedies and improve your health.
Water - Water is also used in many ways to gain relief from sinus infections, such as -
* Inhaling steam
* Hot showers
* Nasal irrigation with saline water
As you can see, there are numerous ways in which sinusitis can be treated by using simple ingredients and affordable items. You can take care of your sinus infections in a simple way and feel much healthier.

10 Health Benefits for Watermelon

The watermelon is one of the juiciest fruits on earth. It contains a very large quantity of water which brings about a cooling effect especially during the summer season. A watermelon is very rich in potassium, carotenoid, sodium antioxidants, lycopene, Vitamin A, B1, B6 and C, magnesium, citrulline, amino acids, arginine and other phytonutrients.

Controls the blood pressure
The high amounts of potassium and magnesium in the fruit ensure that it reduces the blood pressure. This is also made possible by the present carotenoids that work by preventing the hardening of the veins and arteries' walls.
Strengthens the immune system
In addition to magnesium and potassium, watermelons are also a great source of thiamin which protects the body from many diseases.
Neutralizes free radicals
They contain anti-oxidants that travel throughout the body neutralizing free radicals thus preventing against colon cancer, prostate cancer, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, heart diseases and stroke.
Reduces kidney disorders risk
Potassium that is present in watermelons is crucial in the toxic deposition from the kidneys. It also reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood thus reducing the formation of calculi in the kidneys.
Cooling effect
It has a special cooling effect and is exceptionally high in citrulline, an amino acid used by our bodies to make another amino acid, known as arginine, which is used in the urea cycle to remove ammonia from the body.
Prevents macular degeneration
Beta-carotene and the vitamin C in the fruit both protect the eyes from macular degeneration thus promoting a sharp vision and ensuring that our eyes stay healthy
Improves cardiac functions
watermelon is also famous for its high lycopene abundance. It is the one that gives the fruit its characteristic red colour. This carotenoid, beta-carotene and the anti-oxidants properties in the fruit work together towards ensuring that our hearts remain young and free from age related cardiac problems
Good for diabetes
They are good supply of low energy and low sugar diets which ease the inflammation in diabetic people. They also promote the proper functioning of the insulin which further reduces the blood sugar levels. Arginine also enhances the impact of insulin on sugar
Good for energy production
A watermelon is rich in vitamin B1 and B6 which are essential for energy production.
Prevents impotence
The presence of arginine in watermelons is also beneficial in curing erectile dysfunctions.


How to Get Clear Skin in 7 Days - Without Spending on Any Skin Product

1.) Wash your pillowcase at least once a week. Dirty pillowcases are breeding grounds for bacteria, which will make your flare-ups worse.
2.) Avoid areas with heavy, greasy air whenever possible. This includes restaurant or fast food kitchens, and even subway tunnels.
3.) Drink at least 100 oz or more that eight glass of water per day. Water keeps the skin hydrated and is healthy for every part of your body.
4.) Break a sweat not less than 30 minutes per day. Running, dancing, sports, aerobics or anything that can get yourself to sweat! Sweating clears your pores and clears up your complexion.
5.) After having any exercise takes off sweaty clothes as soon as possible, and try to dry off your body with a clean towel.
6.) Wash your face two times a day once in the morning and once at night. Get a gentle cleanser, and be gentle because scrubbing your acne spot too much will certainly helps it to be worse.
7.) In case you have an oily skin you can consider in adding a toner to your regimen. Contrary if you do not have oily skin try to avoid astringents they might be able to even make the skin worse.
8.) Moisture using an oil-free moisturizer made specifically for the face. Please do not just dab on any body lotion and avoid using heavy creams too.
9.) Exfoliate your skin 2-3 times a week. Do not overdo it or else your skin become dehydrated.
10.) Treat yourself with a relaxing mud mask once a week to provide skin an extra boost.
11.) Check with the local spas and salons to check out if perhaps they offer specific facial treatments for people with mild to moderate acne.
12.) Don't try to pick! I know it is tempting, but it will simply make that acne last even longer.
13.) If you are using cover-up or foundation, make sure you put it on with a fresh applicator every time. Makeup can be a breeding ground for bacteria and make your acne worse. So dispose off any foundation and cover-up every 90 days.
14.) Lastly if you a severe acne sufferer I highly recommend you to seek a dermatologist first in case your skin is really sensitive.

Quick Remedies for Canker Sore

Canker sores are mouth ulcers which are an open sore found in the mucus membrane skins inside the lips, cheeks, on the roof of the mouth, and on the underside of the tongue. These painful sores can also be found on the soft palate and the tonsil areas. There are many causes for canker sores in the mouth, and most are preventable.
An injury such as biting the inside of the cheek can turn into a painful canker sore. An immune system that attacks healthy cells in the mouth instead of viruses and bacteria can also cause these types of mouth ulcers. If you are deficient in vitamins or minerals such as zinc, folic acid, iron or B12 you may develop canker sores.
Food allergies or certain foods which are highly acidic can cause canker sores in the mouth. These include:
* Chocolate
* Acidic foods, oranges or pineapple
* Strawberries
* Eggs
* Cheese
* Nuts
* Coffee
Emotional stress and hormonal changes also cause canker sores, as well as some toothpastes and mouth rinses. Intestinal disorders, Chrohn's disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases may also cause this mouth disorder.
Cures for these painful sores include eating three kiwis each day, drinking unpasteurized goat's milk, or using Aloe Vera juice as a mouth rinse. Sound too exotic? If so, here are a few more remedies that you are more likely to find in your kitchen cupboard.
Rinse your mouth with baking soda or warm salt water. Put a dab of horseradish on the sore, eat raw tomatoes or drink tomato juice. You may also want to mix cinnamon and water and then gargle the mixture.
Onions become your friend when you have canker sores. Apply a bit of raw onion to the sore or place an ice cube on the ulcer site. Apply a dab of cinnamon to your canker sore to help it heal faster.
The remedy my grandmother used with me was Alum - and it always worked. It will sting somewhat, but I've found nothing faster at clearing up canker sores. To effectively use alum (Ammonium Alum), which can be found at most pharmacies, simply wet a clean finger tip, dip it in the powder and apply a small amount directly to the sore(s). Do this several times a day and you'll soon find your mouth free and clear from those painful mouth ulcers.
You can also make a salt water/baking soda mixture to rinse your mouth with by combining 1/2 teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water. You also may make a paste of baking soda and apply to each sore. Dabbing a bit of milk of magnesia on your sore several times a day will help ease the pain and make healing go faster.
Several more exotic home cures will send you to your local health food store. Buy carob honey or raw tehina and dab it on the sore or buy ingredients to make barley tea. Plum juice is said to reduce the pain of canker sores, as does carob juice.

Soak coriander leaves in warm water, and then strain the mixture and use as a mouth rinse. Another effective mouth rinse is made by pouring two cups of boiling water on two tablespoons of Marjoram. Let it sit for ten minutes and use as a gargle. Coriander leaves can be used in the same way.
One preventive measure for stopping canker sores from forming is to not use any toothpaste or mouthwash which contains sodium laurel sulfate. Canker sores are uncomfortable and painful and tend to grow quickly. Without using any remedies or medical treatment, they can take a week to 10 days to clear up on their own. Use one of the above remedies as soon as you realize you have a canker sore forming.

5 Exercises for Perfect Legs

1.) Squats- These are great for developing hips, glutes, quads and hamstrings strength. Also if you are bearing a load they are very beneficial in developing core strength, stability and upper body strength. There are many great variations to the squat. Professionally, I recommend people master the body weight squat and the technique before progressing to weighted squats. The next progression in my opinion should be the front squat as that is most functional. Back squats are good too but not absolutely necessary like many power lifters and extremists might want to claim on their t-shirts and Facebook walls. I'll write an article soon on the reasons why and why not to do back squats.
2.) Dead lift- These are a tremendous exercise for developing the posterior chain muscles and the entire lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, and they can be done with barbell, hex-bar, dumbbells or kettlebells. The heavy barbell deadlift is another great movement that is unfortunately over emphsized by many power lifters and extremists. All things in perspective, folks. Learning this movement requires proper training and doing it a barbell may not be for you. You can do it just fine with dumbbells and kettlebells, both of which are my preference when it comes to function and posture. Most my clients perform this movement with light/moderate weight for their body type and we move slow, controlled with proper posture position and core brace. Seek some help from a qualified professional on these folks. And be a student.
3.) Stiff Leg Dead Lift- I recommend these specifically for developing the glutes, yet it has similar benefits as the regular deadlift. All things pretty much the same except their is less bend in the knees. Note that the knees are no straight or locked, but they are stiff. Another name for this is the Romanian dead lift. A great variation and one I use quite often in my practice is the single leg romanian dead lift. Incredible for developing balance and strength in the lower body and core!
4.) Lunges- An excellent movement for training our body unilaterally (one side at a time). Lunges are imperative for every routine. They work on glute, hip, quad, ankle and core strength/stability. My recommended lunge is the standing reverse step lunge. Often time people do a forward step or walking lunges, but without proper training and technique this is a recipe for injury. There is less risk in a reverse step. Furthermore, being able to hold the lunge position for a length of time is vital. Practice static holds and train your body to be strong in that bottom position of the lunge.
5.) Supine Bridges (hip extension)- these can be done on the floor or on a swiss ball whereas swiss ball bridges are the progression. Supine hip bridges are great for improving glute strength and teaching hip extension. This exercise is a must for those people with tight hip flexors, which with 90% of Americans having "sit down" jobs makes this movement even more of a priority. Sitting for extended periods of time will cause short and tight hips flexors.

8 New Powerful Natural Spider Repellents

1. Chestnuts are a wonderful deterrent for spiders. Just place some of them around your home where you think spiders would be attracted to and you'll find they will look for other living quarters.
2. Don't smoke? Well don't knock it! When tobacco or chewing tobacco is mixed with water and lemon dish detergent it is deadly on spiders. When mixing don't forget to strain off the tobacco.
3. Peppermint and Lavender combined and brewed with pennyroyal, cinnamon or orange oil can work fantastically. Place the brew in a bottle and spray, spray and spray.
4. There are ultrasonic insect repellants on the market that work and offer excellent spider control. These may cost you a few bucks but they are so worth it if you're looking for a natural spider repellant.
5. Horse apples can become a real good friend when they is sliced and hung in every room of your home. Spiders hate them.
6. Another simple spider control is coconut oil, vinegar and water. It works so well you knew vinegar, the woman's right hand cleaner, had to be in there somewhere didn't you?
7. Cleaning your home every week will decrease the chances of spiders wanting to move in drastically. Spiders love dust and debris, they also like remains of other dead insects so clean well when you do it.
8. Then there is the last but not the least way of safely getting rid of spiders and this one although a little bit out in left field works. Puree some dead spiders with water, strain and put water in a spray bottle and start spraying. This works like a charm.

Simple Exercises for Lower Back Pain

Many young and old people are found complaining of low back pain. The reason is the overwork or some trauma due to which the muscles contract. Though low back pain is not dangerous as such; however, it is necessary to get rid of it to perform the routine tasks actively. Simple tips to avoid from low back pain are not to lift heavy weight items and using ice and painkillers. There are various exercises as well that need just 15 minutes maximum and help you relieve from this pain some of which are mentioned below:
Aerobic exercise is very good for relaxation of your muscles. Research shows that people who do the morning walk regularly and are interested in cycling recover soon from low back pain as compared to those who take bed rest.
Yoga is very effective exercise in which you can align your lower parts of the body and backbone in the right position within a short period of time. The steps involved in yoga for low back pain are fists forward bending, wall plank, downward facing dog, back traction, child pose, etc.
Core stability exercises are very common and useful these days. In include the exercise of core muscles like the abdominal muscles, neck muscles, spinal muscles, external and internal oblique, hip flexors, etc. It not only makes you powerful, but also enables the patient to overcome imbalance, if any. Athletes can improve their performance by doing these exercises.
A very sound and hygienic exercise is aquatic therapy in which the patient sits in water for some time. In fact, the water resistance works in the same way as the weights put on the joints outside water.
A simple exercise to provide comfort to your feet and help you stand relax is to move ankles upward and downward for 10 minutes.
Same as ankles exercise bend down to your knees and then stand straight. You have to do this exercise ten times.
Lie down in a restful position and compress the ribs downward. Hold breath for five seconds and repeat.
Stand with the back towards the wall and tighten your muscles of abdomen. Then, bend down gradually.
Sit on a ball and slowly get your arms and heels up and down. Same as there are simple exercises to relax your lower parts of the body such as heel raises, leg raises, pelvic tilt, knees and chest exercise and hamstring stretching, etc.

Stuffy Nose Remedy - Fast Solutions to Clean Blocked Nose

Some of the different causes of stuffy nose are flu, sinus infection, swine flu, allergy, common cold, German measles, cluster headaches, whooping cough, bronchiolitis and some other.

You should treat this problem easily by natural remedies. These natural remedies for stuffy nose will definitely provide you some relief. These home remedies are given below:

1. Reduce the intake of dairy and wheat products as it will help you to reduce the stuffiness in your nose. But it is necessary to increase the intake of Vitamin C, zinc and other nutrients.

2. One of the easiest natural remedy is to keep your head elevated in position of your sleep.

3. You should keep yourself well hydrated as it will help you to recover faster. Blow your nose properly as it will help you and give you some relief. For this you should keep some tissues or clean handkerchief.

4. You can also practice jal neti as it will provide you some relief. It is the simple home remedy for this problem and by this you will avoid the problem related to your throat, ear, nose etc. But perform this regularly.

5. Taking steam is also an effective home remedy for stuffy nose. You can put some eucalyptus oil or capsules in the boiling water and inhale it by covering your head with a towel. Try to inhale deeply.

6. Drinking hot drinks like chicken soups, vegetable soups, tomato soups.

10 Foods That Burn Fat

Here are 10 Foods That Burn Fat

1. Oats : Its not only tastes great but also reduces your hunger. Oats contains fiber which helps and stabilizes the levels of cholesterol.

2. Eggs : Eggs are the rich sources of proteins and low in calories. Eggs helps us to build the muscles and develops the good cholesterol.

3. Apples : Apples are enriched with powerful antioxidants and other supplements. Most importantly it contains Pectin which helps to reduce the fat cells in the body.

4. Green Chillies : Green chillies contains Capsaicin which helps to develop the body growth cells and burns the calories in quick time.

5. Garlic : Garlic contains Allicin which has anti-bacterial properties helps us to reduce the fat and removes the bad cholesterol.

6. Honey : Honey is the best one to burn fat. Add honey in warm water and take it daily in the early morning.

7. Green Tea : Green Tea is the most effective one which helps you to lose weight. It contains Antioxidants which helps and stabilizes our body weight.Take daily 2 cups of tea for a better results.

8. Wheat Grass : It boosts our metabolism and helps to reduce the fat.

9. Tomatoes : Tomatoes helps us to burn the fat in quick time. It also helps us to stay away from cancer. So Take tomatoes in your diet regularly.

10. Dark Chocolate : Dark chocolate contains Flavonoids, anti-inflammatory properties which helps to reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood. It boost the growth of serotonin in the blood and also burns the fat.

Metabolism Boosting Foods

At first it sounds like something out of some frustrated -- and hungry! -- dieter dream: you indulge in tasty, healthy food and the more you eat the more fat you lose! Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?
However, there actually are foods that are scientifically proven to boost metabolism and help you burn excess body fat!
Everybody will tell you that in order to lose weight you should burn more calories than you eat.
That's a common sense and actually an effective way to lose weight in a shorter period of time. The problem is that many dieters take it too far. Maybe it sounds contra intuitively at first but it's a matter of fact that -- to burn fat -- you must eat sufficiently or you're risking crashing your metabolism!
And that's what leads to dreaded yo-yo effect every "experienced" dieter knows well: after every "successful" diet the weight eventually comes back, often not only leaving you just where you've started but even with a few pounds extra!
Your body will burn calories digesting whatever food you put in your mouth. Some foods are however better than other if you want to boost your metabolism and burn fat! It's just that it takes more energy for your body to digest some kinds of foods. These are metabolism boosting, calories burning foods!
Metabolism boosting foods are, generally speaking, foods high in fiber, but low in calories. Some call them "nutrient dense foods", "whole foods" or even "negative calories" foods.
High fiber content in these foods will make you feel full longer because it takes longer to digest foods high in fiber. Prolonged digesting process also means more calories are being burned! For example, celery is so low in calories that you burn more munching it than you gain weight from digesting it.
Some of the other metabolism boosting veggies are broccoli -- low in calories, high in calcium and vitamins C and A and fiber, lettuce -- great if you have problems with water retention and bloating, rich in iron and magnesium that helps in speeding up metabolism and dissolving fat -- also cabbage, carrots, and asparagus.
Soybeans contain a nutrient called lecithin that protects cells from accumulating fat and help break down fatty deposits in the body.
What about fruits that are metabolism boosters? Fruits high in vitamin C, like lemons and oranges, are known as metabolism boosting foods.
All sorts of berry fruit -- strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, black and red currants -- will boost your metabolism and make you burn more fat.
Grapefruit have natural chemicals that reduce insulin levels which leads to weight loss. It helps dissolve fat and cholesterol.
Apples are rich in fibers that keep your blood sugar level constant thus making you feel fuller longer. Natural chemicals in apples control fat absorption and help you release excess body fat.
Fruits and vegetables are not only healthy, but they are amongst the best fat burning foods. One more reason to make fruits and vegetables a staple of your diet if they're not already!
Protein foods can be considered metabolism boosters because it takes a lot of energy for you body to digest them and that in turn raises metabolism and burns excess body fat. Don't forget that protein builds your muscles, and the more muscle mass you have, the higher metabolism you got!
Choose lean meats like turkey -- although better not the processed deli variety, chicken or beef cuts (lean) and fish like sardines -- that stabilize blood sugar levels which in turn does boost your metabolism and make you feel full for longer -- tuna and salmon.
Mushrooms are slow releasing energy food that thins the blood, improves circulation and boosts fat-burning.
What about dairy? Choose low fat yogurt and eggs -- they are not only high in protein but contain vitamin B12 that helps burn fat. It was found that people who consume 3 to 4 servings of low-fat dairy products per day usually lose more weight than dieters who did not consume any low-fat dairy products.
Not all fat is bad. Good fats -- for instance olives and olive oil -- actually help in fat burning -- if consumed in moderation.
Pine nuts are worth trying for metabolism boost, because they're lower in fat compared to other nuts but high in protein -- so they increase body's ability to burn fat and at the same time maintain low cholesterol.
Last but not least, there are many spices that will not only add flavor to your meals but boost your metabolism too. Cayenne Pepper -- thought to increase the metabolism of dietary fats and suppress the appetite, chilies and garlic are worth mentioning in context of metabolism boosting foods.
These fat burning foods are just what you need to boost your metabolism and burn excess body fat!

Cancer is Now Curable with Natural Treatments

CANCER has always been with us. All living organisms are susceptible to cancer, and the more complex the organism, higher the risk of cancer. A great many pressures (due to life forces, environmental forces) on the cells push them toward malignant neoplasm transformation. Our cells turn malignant constantly, and normally our immunity (Jeevan Shakti: Life forces) eliminates them. It is imperative to maintain our immunity in good working order and to know how to reduce cancer risks. There are certain ayurvedic herbs used by the tribal people of Chhattisgarh for an easy and natural defense against cancer growth. It is really a matter of research. In Ramayana, few crude drugs (viz. Sanjivani, Sandhani, Sawarndkarani, Vishalyakarni) , are said to be the most effective plants for curing the human diseases in various ways. The herbal State Chhattisgarh is filled with nature’s wonderful gift often called natural tribal resources. These are what make human life possible on the tribal planet. It is the mystery and wonder of nature that even cancer patient sustains life here.

The Ayurvedic words for abnormal Cancer like growths were based on type and location, and were assigned names in a similar fashion. Granthi, Arbuda, Gulma, Asthila, Balmika, Shaluka are some of the words which were used. The Ayurvedic words ‘Tridosaja’/ ‘Sannipataja’ abnormal growth is used to indicate the malignant stage of the neoplasm; the word ‘Vataja’ or ‘Pittaja’ or ‘Kaphaja’ or a combination of any two of them (e.g. Vata-Pittaja or Vata-Kaphaja or Pitta-Kaphaja) is used to signify a benign neoplasm. Ayurveda explains that a malignant abnormal growth, or Tridosaja neoplasm, is one in which all the three major bodily control systems—Vata, Pitta and Kapha—which should have mutual coordination for normal functioning of the body, are out of control.

At the time of Atreya and Dhanwantari (7th century BC), surgery was considered the best method of treatment. They found that the herbal medical treatments against cancer, either in the form of Granthi or Arbuda, were beneficial only in the beginning stage. Nonetheless, they recorded a group of successful treatments for use against Gulma and neoplasm of individual organs. Vagabhata (8th. century AD), a well-known Buddhist physician, have introduced some new understandings and a new medical approach to the treatment of cancer. The Siddhas (7th. to 13th. century AD) made powerful contributions to the field of medicine. Especially the science which became incorrectly known as “Alchemy,” but which was actually medicine making based upon their theories of the pharmacology of toxic materials, is the contribution which brought about a revolutionary change in the medical history of Ayurveda. As a consequence of their contributions, cancer was considered no longer incurable, if it was treated in the early stages.

The Chakradatta composed by Chakrapani (10th. century AD), the Sarangadhara Samhita by Sarangadhara (14th. century AD), the Bhavaprakasha Samhita by Bhavamisra (15th. century AD), the Satmya Darpan Samhita by Viswanath (16th. century AD), the Vaisajya Ratnavali by B. Sen Gupta (18th. century AD), the Rasatarangini by Sadananda Sharma (19th. century AD) etc. are the Ayurvedic texts of internal medicine. These texts contain numerous well tested remedies based on ‘alchemy’ for internal and external cancers. Certain poisonous plants, heavy metals (such as mercury and Arsenic), minerals, and animal products were found very useful in cancers when they were prepared by the process of alchemy, using various methods to alter the strong poisons and render them harmless. Their extensive research in this field focused on the idea of ‘Rasayana,’ or immunotherapy, the term that focused on longevity. With the intention of promoting long life and good health, the doctors studying Rasayana therapies concentrated on the unique nature of certain plants and minerals which stimulated the body tissues to create extraordinary immunity against many forms of disease. Working in this field, ancient alchemists were proud to introduce some effective remedies for external and internal cancers.”

Here is a modified anti-cancer formula. It was introduced by Vagabhata in the 13th century, in the 24th chapter of his book Rasayana Samucchaya. Purified mercury is processed with tanduliyam juice (Amaranthus polyganus), Punarnava root (Boerhavia diffusa), Naga Bala (a variety of Sida cordifolia), aloe Vera, Bala (Sida cordifolia), and cow urine. This processed mercury is further potentates with Tinospora cordifolia and Semicarpus anacordium (Bhallataka). This powerful mercury is further be fortified with addition of Kanchanara Guggul. One such preparation is Amrita Guggul. The preparation should be used along with Panch Gavya Ghrita and Maker-Sanjivani.

Potential risk of Ayurvedic Treatment?

Some Panch Karma procedures of Ayurveda, such as Rakta Mokshana (blood-letting), and Vamana (induced vomiting), have not been shown to have any benefit and can lead to serious medical complications. Unsupervised Langhana (Fasting) and Virechana (purging) can speed up degenerative processes in cancer patients. There is very little known about Ayurvedic herbal medicines. The Ayurvedic treatment for Cancer should be done under expert supervision of at least additional fully qualified ayurvedic doctor

How to Grow Hair Rapidly

The first one of our tips on how to grow hair rapidly is to addBiotin to your daily diet; Biotin may just be the protein compound in prenatal vitamins which make nails and hair grow quickly. But when non pregnant persons take pre natal vitamins they may get too much Biotin which may make you sick. So in spite of their potency, I don't recommend the pre-natal pills for everyone. It's best to take a regular high potency daily vitamin/mineral supplement and also a Biotin pill.
I am always getting questions about why someone's hair won't grow when their siblings hair grows fast (logically siblings will eat the same diet and have basically the same lifestyle so you would think their hair growth would be at the same rate. This is not the case though, as everyone is different. I know it is frustrating when you do everything right, follow all the guidelines for proper diet and hair care and you still don't get the results you seek.
So my second tip is scalp stimulation; whether you use your fingers, a boar bristle brush, or a wide toothed comb, you can give yourself a daily scalp massage which will urge your hair follicles to grow hair by increasing the blood flow to your scalp.
My third tip is oil; this is great news for everyone interested in growing better quality, longer, and lovely hair - you really can grow hair fast and there are more ways than one to do so. The most common technique to get long hair quickly is to use hair extensions but of course this is not a permanent solution. Actually getting your hair to grow faster is the ideal solution and the very best product is Mira hair oil which contains several herbal and essential oils to stimulate growth. Other products which help are olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil and other essential oils like Jojoba - these all help to grow hair faster and keep it healthy.
My fourth tip is to look at your dietary needsand make sure you are getting enough of the nutrients required to grow beautiful hair. You might need to eat additional walnuts, black sesame and also carrots. These food items have the necessary dietary substances to make your hair grow quickly. It is a good idea to consult a nutritionist to design a diet specific to your needs in order to get the fastest results

4 Top Tips to Solve Your Oily Skin Problem When Applying Makeup

If the makeup already has a lot of oil in it, the extra oil will smudge the makeup and you'll end up with a nice smear job. Hence, the best way to help your oily skin is to know how to apply the makeup, so it doesn't make the oil worst. Here are 4 tips to help you out.
1. Prepare Your Skin: Wash your face with hot water and soap to open the pores, then splash cold water on it to close the pores. It helps in removing extra oil without damaging the skin. Use an oil free moisturizer with a sunblock to prevent dry skin.
2. The Right Foundation: Use an oil free foundation in thin layers to prevent that "caked on" look. When you apply the foundation it should look natural. Set the foundation with some powder to match the foundation. They do have some setting spray you can use, but be careful it doesn't have added oil in it to increase your oily skin. You can use some kaolin clay, which absorbs the extra oil.
3. Choose A Matte Blush: The blush powder you use should be a lighter shade than your normal color of skin. The matte will have less oil in it than regular blush, which is usually made with an oil base.
Plus, don't use a cream blush; they have an oil base that will increase the oil in your face. Also, you may want to consider carrying a powdered blush with you to touch up the shine. It will make the blush last longer.
4. Eye Liner And Eye Shadow: Be sure you apply some foundation to your eye lids to absorb the extra oil in the creases. You can also use a pat of kaolin clay to absorb the oil. It will work as a base for eye shadow and eye liner, which are both made with an oil base. They do have some that are powdered base, so be sure to use those instead of the oil base eye shadow. Although, sometimes they just don't make them in the colors you like.

Top 4 Workout Routines You Can Try To Lose Weight

1. Brisk Walking
To explain it simply, brisk walking is walking faster while pumping your arms. Think army marching without lifting your knees and at a much faster pace. Brisk walking is intended for individuals of all shapes and sizes.
If you're obese, start with walking for 15 minutes, and then progress to brisk walking. If you're not obese start with brisk walking for at least 30 minutes a day. Walk up a nice sweat for 30 minutes minimum, and you'll see the pounds peel away from your body.
2. Yoga
True, there are many forms of yoga. What I'm talking here is simple breathing exercises - Pranayam, Anulom-Vinolom, Kapal-Bhaati, etc. These breathing exercises won't just calm you down, but it'll be a nice workout for your heart and lungs too.
Yoga can be practiced by all individuals, but proper guidance should be sought before starting any form of Yoga to avoid any possible injuries to your muscles, or organs.
3. Freestyle Dancing
Freestyle dancing is for individuals who love dancing. And I don't mean you need to have any technique. Just move your body to your favorite music for around 30 minutes to work up a nice sweat. Do this at least 30 minutes a day, and you're on your way to a skinnier you.
If you love dancing, and don't hesitate from a good challenge, why not sign up for a new dance technique like salsa, waltz, etc.? Experts say Latin dance forms like salsa, mambo, etc. can give you a complete body workout. Plus you can show off your dancing skills to your partner, family, and/or friends too.
4. Interval Training
Interval training is a combination of cardio and strength training workout. You alternate cardio and weights at regular intervals to challenge your body, and get a complete body workout. For instance, start with 3 minutes brisk walk, 10 minutes bicep curls with medium weights, 2 minutes regular walk, 8 minutes triceps with low-to-medium weights, 5 minutes brisk walk and finally 2 minutes whole body stretch to cool down. And that's your 30-minute interval training workout for the day.

4 Best Weight Loss Exercises from Home

Exercising and proper diet are the primary key to have the weight that you desire. This article will list the best weight loss workout plans that will work whatever your body type is. These weight loss workout plans are designed to target certain areas of the body where fat deposits are and these exercises are designed to take less than 30 minutes each day.
Before performing any of these routines, please consult a physician if you suffer from any known cardiac, muscular or skeletal illnesses or diseases.
1. Abdominal crunch
This routine targets the muscle in the stomach, and upper hips. Proceed by bending your legs and lying down on a flat surface (a floor covered with cloth works great). Bend your legs 90 degrees and place your hands in your chest crossing them. Start lifting your shoulder blades (not your whole back) lifting it off the ground. Slowly touch your knees with your elbow, you can start with the repetitions and add five more everyday.
2. Squats
This routine targets the muscles in the thighs, hips and the butt. You will start by standing up straight, there should be a distance of one foot between your feet. Contract your abdominal muscles while doing this, slowly lower down the upper part of the body by bending your knees. Do this until your butt is in the same line with your knees. Slowly go back to the starting position repeating the whole thing for ten to fifteen minutes.
3. Dips
This exercise focus on the muscles in the arms. You will need a chair or a bench for this routine. Start by sitting on a chair with both your hands slightly under your hips. Lift your upper body putting weight on both hands, slowly bring the body away from the chair maintaining the hands in the same position. Bend your elbows, and your lower hips with your shoulders down. Slowly go back to the original position reversing the steps provided. You should repeat this exercise at least 10 to 15 times.
4. Push ups
This exercise is still the best for the muscles in the upper body if done correctly; a person can perform at the convenience of their home. You will start by lying facing the floor, your hands should be placed aligning to your shoulders. Look forward, straighten your arms slowly, using your hands to push your body above the floor. Stay on the same position for 10 seconds, then go back slowly to the beginning position. You should start with 10 sets of this each day adding five more per week depending on your progress.
These work out routines have been incorporated to most extensive muscle building exercises. If you plan to really lose those unwanted fats, these weight loss workout plans should be incorporated with proper diet.

Tips and Tricks for Post Pregnancy/Delivery Fitness

Below you will find some tips to stay fit post pregnancy.
Perform yoga
This will assist to enhance balance which is impacted by alterations in the weight of your body while you are pregnant. Yoga is in addition a useful method to relieve body aches as well as pain in the joints.
Workout in a consistent manner
25-30 minutes exercise a day is accommodating. Exercising during the early hours of the day is more helpful as you are fresh as well as active in the early morning. Besides doing consistent work out you also need to consume a sound as well as wholesome diet.
Do not take up complete dieting programs
Do not go on complete dieting programs out of excitement of losing those extra pounds. This will have an antagonistic influence on your physique. Incorporate green vegetables in addition to fresh fruits. Ensure your everyday diet regimen is improved with required minerals and vitamins.
Take up breast feeding
Breast feed your infant as the specialist exhorts. Some individuals have a misinterpretation that breastfeeding twists the shape of the body. This is not right. Breastfeeding helps the mother to burn high measure of calories which helps in continuously decreasing weight.
Sit-ups can be done in a regular manner
Every new mother always has complaints with regard to their out of shape tummy after delivery. Do sit-ups on a customary manner. Lie on your stomach to the extent that you can. Utilize stairs rather than lifts. Ball crunch practice is additionally valuable to dispose of the protruding tummy.

Natural Relief for Inflammation

Contrary to common belief, inflammation is a natural and necessary immune defense system response designed to rid our bodies of dangerous stimuli.
Inflammation is a normal process that occurs when our bodies release white blood cells and chemical compounds to protect us from foreign invaders, bacteria and viruses.
Most of us aren't aware that we naturally and normally must have a degree of inflammation. But chronic problems can and do develop when that natural process gets out of hand.
When the immune system mistakenly triggers an inflammatory response, when none is needed, it brings about excess inflammation. This may result in any one of the chronic diseases such as asthma, allergies, autoimmune disease, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, atherosclerosis, fibromyalgia, migraines, myositis (muscle pain, accelerated aging, type II diabetes, stroke and degenerative joint illness. It can result in other diseases as well, depending upon which organs are impacted by the inflammation.
Acute inflammation:
... is the form of inflammation that typically comes to mind when we talk about the subject of inflammation, since it's the most clear and most readily apparent. This type of inflammation is easily remedied by our immune system. Redness, swelling, heat and discomfort are the normal external signs of acute inflammation. It is the body's natural reaction to injured or affected parts of our body.
Chronic Inflammation:
Chronic inflammation begins because our immune system will not turn off and begins it's damaging effects by attacking what it perceives as an alien agent attacking the body.
Poor health choices are the cause of most chronic diseases.
Way too many people are suffering with inflammatory diseases today. Center for Disease Control statistics show that seven of every 10 deaths in America are the result of chronic disease. More than half of all deaths are caused by heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Seven out of ten is an astounding and frightening statistic.
Without dispute the single most significant contributing factor causing the majority of diseases and deaths is chronic inflammation and not surprisingly half of us have at lease one chronic illness.
Some of the most widespread causes of inflammation are:
1. acid waste from food and cell metabolism.
2. inappropriate immune responses.
3. a critical deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acid.
4. a deficiency of Vitamin B6.
How best to treat Inflammation by making Natural adjustments to lifestyle.
1. Eat a healthier diet, avoid pro-inflammatory foods, avoid sugars, trans fats, fried food, cooking at extreme temperatures
2. Up your dosage of Omega-3 animal based fats... use high quality KRILL oil.
3. Optimize fasting insulin levels if yours isn't less than 3, limit or cut grains and sugars.
4. Exercise often.
5. Quit smoking.
6. Make sure your waistline is a normal size, women under 35 inches, men under 40.
7. Reduce stress. Higher stress hormones increase inflammation.
8. Seek quiet times of reflection, prayer or meditation.
9. Get more sun exposure (or supplementation). Optimize Vitamin D levels.
Here are some herbs known for their inflammation: fighting qualities:
Boswelia, Bromelain, Ginger, Turmeric, Tulsi, Rosemary
While I've briefly touched on the subject, I hope that I have conveyed the extreme importance of avoiding chronic inflammation at all costs. Don't continue to suffer and bring on your own premature death or resign yourself to living miserably. Good health is attainable by just about everyone.
By Anthony Capezzali...
Entrepreneur, teacher, business owner, copywriter, editor, content writer,business development specialist, web advertising consultant. 35 years of practical business ownership and experience. Nutrition,health and wellness researcher commentator and content creator.
Having endured over 40 years nursing a case of Crohn's disease I have had the opportunity and good fortune to acquire much life and health changing medical information. Sharing that information is my way of giving back to those who have helped me overcome and achieve a more natural and normal life. There is no experience like first hand experience. It is my hope that from my information you may be encouraged and determined enough to take back your health.

Home Remedies For Skin Problems Like Acne and Pimples

There are a lot of home remedies which can help in eliminating the acne problem. Let us discuss about some of them which you can put to use at home.
1. Herbs
There are certain herbs which work wonders in skin problems. These herbs generally work by clearing all the impurities from the blood and helping the body eliminate all the toxins from the body hence making the skin healthier and clearer in the process. Amla and neem are two of the world's most popular herbs which work exceedingly well in skin related problems.
2. Water
There is no substitute for water in treating skin related problems. In fact most supermodels and film stars attribute their rich skin tone to their habit of regular intake of water. If you have acne or any skin problems increase the intake of water and within a week time you will get some positive results. Water just like herbs clears all the impurities from blood as well gets rid of all toxins and improves overall health.
3. Magic of Garlic
This is one herbal remedy which has been known to work very successfully in acne problems no matter how severe it is. Take three seeds of garlic one time a day and your acne will be cured within a month's time.

Natural Eczema Remedies For Fast Relief

Alleviating eczema isn't easy as taking a drug and it will just go away. Determining the cause of the disorder and directly dealing with them will manage eczema though. Some tips to do this are:
  • Having a strong immune system fights against bacteria and other diseases. It stops infections that makes eczema rashes worse and has been shown to stop flare ups occurring. This can be achieve with right diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

  • What you eat will manifest in your health. An unhealthy diet will lead to buildup of toxic substances in the body. This will be manifested in the skin as eczema.

  • Eating nutritious food containing various vitamins and minerals will enhance the immune system which may prevent eczema. Antioxidants such as Vitamin A, C and E are good for the skin. They provide nourishment for faster healing and renewal.

  • Exercise will add strength and endurance to your body. Walking is a good exercise that is not taxing to do.

  • Sleeping early and having the right amount of sleep is necessary.

  • Drinking 8-10 glasses of water will flush out toxins and contribute to beautiful skin.

  • Stop smoking because it causes lots of diseases and could only weaken immune system

  • Have a clean home - Cleaning the home will get rid of environmental irritants. Clean materials frequently so that dust and dirt won't accumulate. Use also beddings, pillow cases and fabrics that are made from one hundred percent cotton. Cotton is a light material that doesn't harm the skin.

  • Use Protective Equipments - If you have allergies with detergents and other chemicals, protecting the skin is necessary. Use of gloves will be helpful to protect the hands.

  • Control temperature - Temperature changes can trigger or make eczema worse. Air filters in the home make the air clean and maintains the right amount of humidity. Dry air will increase the dryness of the skin that can result to scaling and itchiness.

  • Herbal Preparations - various herbs and home items can be locally placed on the skin that can provide relief. Some of these are olive oil, turmeric, honey, avocado and oatmeal. These make eczema heal faster and reduce discomfort.

Go Green, Go Healthy

You are super busy. You work for maybe fourteen to eighteen hours a day, have back to back meetings, have a hectic social life, parties, get-together, etc. but even with that we are sure you catch up with at least five to six hours of sleep each day. This makes it at least thirty hours in a week. Now have you ever thought about how you spend these sleeping hours? How good or how bad they are? How harmful or harmless they are? If you have not, then think about it. Simply catching up on the number of hours of sleep is not enough. You need to understand your body even when you are sleeping.
Most of the beds that we have in our homes are made of artificial petroleum products that are extremely toxic. They are substances like polyester, polyurethane, fire retardants, anti-microbial chemicals that release toxic fumes that we inhale while we are sleeping unsuspectingly, completely unaware of what we are taking in. All the components used to make bedding is chemically treated for various reasons. There is use of pesticides, fire retardants, stabilizers, bleaches, etc. This is especially harmful in case of children as the body absorbs these toxic fumes because the body is exposed to these for long hours. They develop allergies, respiratory problems, etc. at an early age. By opting for organic bedding we can control some of the hazards threatening our kids.
In order to avoid these potential dangers, it is important that we go 'green' in our practices. By doing so we can ensure good health for ourselves and our families. Mattresses made from organic cotton and natural latex, will not only give us good sleep but ensure that we sleep healthily. Our bodies are safe with organic bedding. They prevent allergies and breathing disorders. Cotton sheets made from organic cotton are also a part of organic bedding. We often opt for wrinkle free and stain free fabrics, but what we fail to see is that these are exposed to harmful chemicals for them to be wrinkle and stain free.
The effect of toxic chemicals absorbed by our body is cumulative and can be felt only after several years. There is no immediate fallout of artificial bedding and most of the effects are unpredictable. You never know, what will affect you and why. Hence most people fail to realize the hazards of such bedding. Organic bedding will free you from every worry. Organic mattresses regulate body temperature as organic cotton and wool absorb sweat. This will give you a comfortable sleep. Such mattresses are also resistant to molds, bacteria and dust mites.
Though we are talking of organic bedding, we should in fact opt for organic fabric wherever possible. You should use organic towels, clothes, curtains, etc. By incorporating 'green' practices in your lifestyle you will keep your house free from pollutants and will promote good and healthy living for you and your family. You can start by replacing your existing liner with organic ones in a phased manner because organic fabric is much costlier than other fabrics and changing everything all at once, may burn holes in your pocket!

The Best 10 Drinks for Women for Anti-Ageing

Every woman wants to look and stay young as long as possible. You try different cosmetic products to keep your age at bay. However, you should know that cosmetic products are not just the only way to fight ageing factors. Rather, cosmetics have chemicals and preservatives that can have adverse effects on your skin. Women need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and proper diet to get younger looking soft supple skin. If you can manage leading healthy lifestyles, it will ensure a good health from both within and outside. You can increase your beauty and sustain it longer by trying to do some exercises or any kind of activity like dancing, playing, swimming etc. People who are busy and hardly get time for such activities can devote some time for yoga at home. Yoga is an effective way to maintain your youth. However, the most important being fluid intake that has many health benefits and help you to stay fit and look young. Here are 10 best drinks to stay young.

• Drink plenty of Water -an adult should drink at least 2-3 (not more unless prescribed by the doctor) liters of water to keep the system clean. Water intake is the most effective way of staying youthful. Proper water consumption will allow the organs to function properly and allow you to stay hydrated throughout the day. Hydrated cells are more elastic and more elasticity means fewer wrinkles, which in turn, boils down to a younger looking skin.

• Opt for Green Tea - components known as Polyphenols in green tea help to fight the ageing process. Regular intake of green tea can help you see the difference within a few days. Green tea detoxifies your body by flushing out all the toxins and is one of the richest sources of Catechins, which prevent cell damage caused by oxidation induced by free radicals. Free radicals are known for damaging cells and in turn lead to numerous health problems including premature aging.

• Go for Appropriate Alcohol - Some alcohols help to maintain youthfulness. Proper amount of alcohol intake boosts up your brain cell activity that helps in preventing ageing. For example, grape juice extracts in red wine make it the most popular and useful drink for women to restore the glow of youth.

• Go for Carrot Juice Regularly -Carrots have flavonoids which are a group of antioxidants responsible for destroying free radicals. Free radicals are harmful for us and are known for several health disorders including premature aging

• Soy Milk is not a Substitute of Milk - Generally, women drink soy milk when they find themselves lactose intolerant. However, you should know that soy milk is most effective among 10 drinks for women for anti-ageing. It has a component called flavones that help to preserve collagen levels and prevent the breakdown of collagen. These functional activities lead you to gain firm skin, hold skin-wrinkling process, and preserve your youthful skin texture and glow. Thus, you should add soy milk to your regular diet plan to get long lasting youth.

• Benefits of Cocoa drinks for women for remaining young - Experts say that cocoa has unique components called flavones. It helps to improve blood circulation, concentration and blood flow. Flavones are also known as an important component that helps in smooth functioning of the body and reinstate the lost glow that comes with ageing process. This makes your system work well to stay young and healthy.

• The Valuable Beetroot Juice- daily consumption of beet-root juice aids blood flow to the brain and cures age related problems like dementia. Beetroot has beneficial anti-ageing properties called nitrate. The large amount of nitrate provides you the power to fight the process of aging. You should also include cabbages, radishes and other green vegetables to live a younger life. You can have vegetable smoothies instead of juice.

• A cup of Coffee consumption for Great Health Benefits-Almost every person love to have a cup of coffee. Coffee has some unique components like polynoids that helps you to combat skin cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease as well as protects you from growing old.

• Drinking milk- Milk provides essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, calcium, etc. Milk keeps your bone, teeth, blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases at bay. Adults should have 800 mg of milk everyday whereas, teenagers should have 100mg to keep their bones strong.

• Pomegranate, Orange or Lemon Juice - Fruits are a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Each fruit has different specialties. You must include different fruit juices in your regular diet. Some special fruits help to fight the ageing factors and have anti ageing properties. Few examples of these kinds of fruits are pomegranate, orange, grapefruit, gooseberry, lemon etc. Fruits are full of vitamin c and anti-oxidants that help to slow down the process of ageing and provide you a youthful life.

There are many other ways you can follow to stay young, healthy, fit, and active irrespective of any gender and age. Drink one glass of warm water with lemon juice and honey every day after you wake up. This drink will help you clear out all environmental pollutants and toxins from your body. It is very popular for detoxification. By removing these early ageing factors, your system remains rejuvenated throughout. You can take some medicinal plant juice for better results. For example, Basil leaves, Neem leaves and turmeric juice can do wonders to your body. The antiseptic, anti-bacterial, properties of neem, basil and turmeric promote growth of skin cells and enhance your health with glowing skin and young appearance.

The best 10 drinks for women for staying young and healthy have been discussed in details to make your experience the beneficial factors of opting natural organic drinks to live a healthy and better life. You will find all the above advices useful if you follow these guidelines and avoid processed drinks and food. You can follow these tips after getting a full health checkup under a proper supervision. Remember the prescribed advices too, and control your ageing process easily by including more and more fluids.

4 Commonly Used Methods to Stop Nail Biting

Nail biting is less of a symptom of stress or emotional disorders, and more of a bad habit that has been ingrained into the subconscious over a number of years. As is the case with most bad habits, there are multiple ways to get rid of them, with some methods being more effective than others. Whether or not a particular treatment works for you will depend on a variety of factors, but if you are truly motivated to stop nail biting once and for all you should consider starting with one of the treatments mentioned within this article. Here are 4 commonly used methods to stop nail biting:

1. Developing a Strong Will

This is probably the first option that comes to mind for most people. Why not just learn how to recognize the problem when it occurs and make a conscious decision to stop doing it? However, mastering this technique is a lot harder than it seems, although not impossible. It will require you to understand yourself and learn that you are your own greatest enemy when it comes to stopping nail biting. Many people make strong resolutions to quit a bad habit only to pick up on it again several months later, and this is particularly easy to do when dealing with bad habits that are ingrained or unconscious.

2. Medication

Doctors often tend to prescribe antidepressants as a remedy for nail biting. There are many different antidepressants that might be used, and some are administered in combination with anti-psychotics simply to increase the power of the antidepressants being taken. As you may have realized, this type of medication could turn out to be quite expensive and chances are that if you were to quit, nail biting would pick up right where it left off. Needless to say, medication might be an excellent temporary solution but you should not expect it to actually stop nail biting permanently.

3. Nail Polish

This is probably the simplest method available to stop nail biting. Many parents have successfully used this method to solve their nail biting in young children. It is a type of behavioral therapy where you condition the mind to avoid nail biting simply because it is unpleasant.

4. Hypnosis

Although a lot of people are skeptical whenever they hear the word "hypnosis", the reality is that there are numerous success stories associated with this type of treatment. Many people from around the world have scheduled appointments with specialized hypnotherapists, and have successfully managed to stop nail biting after several intense sessions of unconscious reprogramming. It works because nail biting is essentially an unconscious activity, and hypnotherapy is performed through tapping into the unconscious areas of the mind. Options include personalized sessions or even an audio CD.