Natural Relief for Inflammation

Contrary to common belief, inflammation is a natural and necessary immune defense system response designed to rid our bodies of dangerous stimuli.
Inflammation is a normal process that occurs when our bodies release white blood cells and chemical compounds to protect us from foreign invaders, bacteria and viruses.
Most of us aren't aware that we naturally and normally must have a degree of inflammation. But chronic problems can and do develop when that natural process gets out of hand.
When the immune system mistakenly triggers an inflammatory response, when none is needed, it brings about excess inflammation. This may result in any one of the chronic diseases such as asthma, allergies, autoimmune disease, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, atherosclerosis, fibromyalgia, migraines, myositis (muscle pain, accelerated aging, type II diabetes, stroke and degenerative joint illness. It can result in other diseases as well, depending upon which organs are impacted by the inflammation.
Acute inflammation:
... is the form of inflammation that typically comes to mind when we talk about the subject of inflammation, since it's the most clear and most readily apparent. This type of inflammation is easily remedied by our immune system. Redness, swelling, heat and discomfort are the normal external signs of acute inflammation. It is the body's natural reaction to injured or affected parts of our body.
Chronic Inflammation:
Chronic inflammation begins because our immune system will not turn off and begins it's damaging effects by attacking what it perceives as an alien agent attacking the body.
Poor health choices are the cause of most chronic diseases.
Way too many people are suffering with inflammatory diseases today. Center for Disease Control statistics show that seven of every 10 deaths in America are the result of chronic disease. More than half of all deaths are caused by heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Seven out of ten is an astounding and frightening statistic.
Without dispute the single most significant contributing factor causing the majority of diseases and deaths is chronic inflammation and not surprisingly half of us have at lease one chronic illness.
Some of the most widespread causes of inflammation are:
1. acid waste from food and cell metabolism.
2. inappropriate immune responses.
3. a critical deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acid.
4. a deficiency of Vitamin B6.
How best to treat Inflammation by making Natural adjustments to lifestyle.
1. Eat a healthier diet, avoid pro-inflammatory foods, avoid sugars, trans fats, fried food, cooking at extreme temperatures
2. Up your dosage of Omega-3 animal based fats... use high quality KRILL oil.
3. Optimize fasting insulin levels if yours isn't less than 3, limit or cut grains and sugars.
4. Exercise often.
5. Quit smoking.
6. Make sure your waistline is a normal size, women under 35 inches, men under 40.
7. Reduce stress. Higher stress hormones increase inflammation.
8. Seek quiet times of reflection, prayer or meditation.
9. Get more sun exposure (or supplementation). Optimize Vitamin D levels.
Here are some herbs known for their inflammation: fighting qualities:
Boswelia, Bromelain, Ginger, Turmeric, Tulsi, Rosemary
While I've briefly touched on the subject, I hope that I have conveyed the extreme importance of avoiding chronic inflammation at all costs. Don't continue to suffer and bring on your own premature death or resign yourself to living miserably. Good health is attainable by just about everyone.
By Anthony Capezzali...
Entrepreneur, teacher, business owner, copywriter, editor, content writer,business development specialist, web advertising consultant. 35 years of practical business ownership and experience. Nutrition,health and wellness researcher commentator and content creator.
Having endured over 40 years nursing a case of Crohn's disease I have had the opportunity and good fortune to acquire much life and health changing medical information. Sharing that information is my way of giving back to those who have helped me overcome and achieve a more natural and normal life. There is no experience like first hand experience. It is my hope that from my information you may be encouraged and determined enough to take back your health.