Top 4 Workout Routines You Can Try To Lose Weight

1. Brisk Walking
To explain it simply, brisk walking is walking faster while pumping your arms. Think army marching without lifting your knees and at a much faster pace. Brisk walking is intended for individuals of all shapes and sizes.
If you're obese, start with walking for 15 minutes, and then progress to brisk walking. If you're not obese start with brisk walking for at least 30 minutes a day. Walk up a nice sweat for 30 minutes minimum, and you'll see the pounds peel away from your body.
2. Yoga
True, there are many forms of yoga. What I'm talking here is simple breathing exercises - Pranayam, Anulom-Vinolom, Kapal-Bhaati, etc. These breathing exercises won't just calm you down, but it'll be a nice workout for your heart and lungs too.
Yoga can be practiced by all individuals, but proper guidance should be sought before starting any form of Yoga to avoid any possible injuries to your muscles, or organs.
3. Freestyle Dancing
Freestyle dancing is for individuals who love dancing. And I don't mean you need to have any technique. Just move your body to your favorite music for around 30 minutes to work up a nice sweat. Do this at least 30 minutes a day, and you're on your way to a skinnier you.
If you love dancing, and don't hesitate from a good challenge, why not sign up for a new dance technique like salsa, waltz, etc.? Experts say Latin dance forms like salsa, mambo, etc. can give you a complete body workout. Plus you can show off your dancing skills to your partner, family, and/or friends too.
4. Interval Training
Interval training is a combination of cardio and strength training workout. You alternate cardio and weights at regular intervals to challenge your body, and get a complete body workout. For instance, start with 3 minutes brisk walk, 10 minutes bicep curls with medium weights, 2 minutes regular walk, 8 minutes triceps with low-to-medium weights, 5 minutes brisk walk and finally 2 minutes whole body stretch to cool down. And that's your 30-minute interval training workout for the day.