6 Beauty tips for Teens

Here, we offer six beauty tips for teens that rate high with young men.

Make up
If your Mom is pretty good with make up, or you have an older sister who's got the knack of looking naturally beautiful, ask for a lesson in applying makeup. Even if you don't care for the result or color choices, you'll learn some tips and secrets on how to apply make up for best effect and a few ways to play up your best features. You'll find that the best beauty tips for teens come from those who are experienced in the art of judiciously applied make up.

Getting a lesson can be fun and just for laughs. Make up as though you're going onto a Broadway stage. Then you'll understand the difference between street make up and the overdone. On stage, your features need to be clear to the audience from at least a hundred feet away.

Care your Hair
For the shiniest hair around, brush those 100 strokes, morning and evening. This stimulates the hair follicles, producing healthy, shiny hair that doesn't develop split ends so easily.

Skin Care
Our third beauty tip for teens is essential to beautiful skin. Get into the habit of a regular skin care regime. If you're prone to zits, use an oatmeal soap. Oatmeal soaps help dislodge excess oil, without unduly drying your skin. After washing your face, use a toner to close the pores.

Keep Moisture
Body lotion or baby oil, applied to your arms and legs after showering, helps keep the skin moist and supple. You may think it unnecessary now, but when you get older, you'll be glad you took this beauty tip for teens seriously at a tender age.

As for perfumes and colognes, choose lighter scents. Sophisticated designer perfumes your Mom might wear don't come across well on teens. Think of it this way. It would be the equivalent of your Mom in a mini skirt and glow in the dark blue streaked hair. See what I mean? Age appropriate is the message of this beauty tip for teens.

No Sugar
Now here's a beauty tip for teens that you've doubtless already heard from your Mom and doctor. Cut back on sugar, fatty foods and sodas. Load up on plenty of fruits and veggies. Drink plenty of water. All of these foods promote a healthy glow to your skin, from the inside out. You'll have far fewer zits and won't even need the so-called foundations, which dry your skin, don't usually look natural and are designed to even out skin tone. With a healthy, well balanced diet, your skin will look lovely and luminous without this type of make up.