How to Reduce Gas and Flatulence

Flatulence, commonly known as gas is a state of excessive gas in the alimentary canal. Indigestion and gas can be caused by poor eating habits, emotional tension, food allergies, imbalances in stomach acid or digestive enzymes, and many other causes.

Half of the world's population develops gas and cramping after drinking milk because they lack the intestinal enzyme that is necessary to break down the double sugar in milk called lactose. If lactose is not absorbed in the upper intestinal tract, bacteria ferment it in the colon to release gas. 

Betaine hydrochloric acid will help digest excess food that your digestive system can't handle on its own and help relieve gas, bloating, and an upset stomach. Older people especially are low in this very necessary acid. Take 1-2 tablets with any large meal. Pancreatic enzymes will also be helpful. 

Carbonated water encourages belching to relieve the gas. 
Celery seeds Chew (but don't swallow) a teaspoon of seeds. This remedy is supposed to provide quick relief. 

Fennel helps improve digestion and aids in expelling trapped gas in the digestive tract. Make a tea by pouring one cup of boiling water over 1-2 teaspoons of the dried herb; cover; steep for fifteen minutes; strain. This remedy is excellent for babies who have colic, too. Give the baby 1/4 cup of tea diluted with an equal amount of water in a bottle before each feeding. 
Ginger - Mix one teaspoon of fresh grated ginger with one teaspoon of lime juice; take immediately after eating. 

Chamomile helps improve digestion and aids in expelling trapped gas in the digestive tract. Make a tea by pouring one cup of boiling water over 1-2 teaspoons of the dried herb; cover; steep for fifteen minutes; strain. This remedy is excellent for babies who have colic, too. Give the baby 1/4 cup of tea diluted with an equal amount of water in a bottle before each feeding.

Activated charcoal will bind to the gas. Take two tablets before and after meals. Do not take with other medications, supplements, or birth control pills, as it binds to them, too. Do not use on a long term basis, only for temporary relief.

Dry grind 1 tsp of pepper, 1 tsp of dry ginger and 1 tsp of green cardamom seeds. Add 1/2 tsp of this mixture to water and drink after 1 hour after meal. 

Chewing peppermint serves as an effective fart home remedy treatment, as it contains menthol that aids in treating the problem of flatulence. Peppermint contains menthol that soothes the digestive muscles. It helps in treating flatulence, bloating and abdominal pain that accompanies gas. Peppermint oil combined with caraway oil has been used since ages to treat abdominal discomfort caused by flatulence. 

Gas or flatulence can to a great extent be remedied at home using kitchen cures. 

Mix 2 tsp of brandy with a cup of warm water and drink this before going to bed. 

A drop of dill oil in a tsp of honey taken immediately after a meal should be of great help. 

Another remedy that works for gas is one or two tablespoons of apple cidervinegar before bed. 

Antacids containing simethicone, a foaming agent that joins gas bubbles in the stomach so that gas is more easily burped away. 

A high fiber diet — whether the fiber is from foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) or supplements (Metamucil type products), try cutting back somewhat on your fiber intake. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water to aid in digestion.