You Snooze, You Lose

You know the old saying, "If you snooze, you lose." Well, when it comes to weight loss, it's true. Research has shown that not getting enough sleep can cause you to gain weight. I know it is tough for many people to get enough sleep in this crazy-busy society, but if you deprive yourself of the sleep your body needs over a long period of time, it can make it difficult for you to lose weight.

For most people, especially for those of you have plenty of time to sleep, this can be good news. But, for you busy career people, it can be tough to get the sleep you need. You need to work at scheduling a little harder so you can get the proper amount of sleep for weight loss sake.

However, it can be difficult to figure out just how much sleep you need to keep your body at optimum health for losing weight. How much sleep does the body require? Most people need between 6-9 hours sleep a night. If you are getting less than six hours sleep a night, your body will not be functioning at it optimum level for weight loss.

And don't fall for the idea that there is something noble about getting by with less sleep than your body needs. Believe me, the "I can get by on only..." attitude is fattening. During sleep, especially at deeper stages, your body goes into deep relaxation where it actually releases fat.

If you go for days on end with too little sleep, your body says to itself, "Hmmm, I better hang on to this excess fat in case I need it for energy for those long waking hours." It will actually hoard fat because it thinks you might need during your awake hours. So what should you do?

Make some adjustments in your life so that you can get the sleep your body needs. After a while, your body will decide that you don't need as much fat stored up and it will let go of your fat a lot easier. Your body will be glad to accommodate you at getting to the size you want to be.

Now if you have to stay up late occasionally, do not worry. It is what you do on a regular basis that your body will respond to. Treat your body right and it will be happy to help you in your weight loss efforts.

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