9 Facts to Fuel Your Health

Looking for a way to get more fiber to fuel your health? Or even if you know and just want to start on a high octane diet this article is worth a read! Research has shown the benefits of fiber yet it is often overlooked or regarded as something that is just a bonus. Let me tell you, it is vital! Here are nine important facts about fiber that should not be ignored!
1. Fiber tackles disease! A high fiber diet helps dramatically to prevent colon cancer and heart disease, while also eliminating cholesterol by binding it in the digestive tract. Even constipation problems can be eased with high amounts of fiber!
2. Helps to stop overeating. Fiber takes longer to chew and longer to digest, making you feel more satisfied through the day (less snacking for you!)
3. Popular foods we see everyday in supermarkets are greatly lacking in fiber. Try your best to find more fiber rich food and reap the benefits!
4. Grains are one of the greatest sources of fiber. Find whole grains and concentrated grain products.
5. Kids really need fiber too! Children two years or over should consume a daily intake of fiber! So give them fruits, vegetables and even fortified breakfast cereals to build their immune system.
6. Don't forget to drink water! To keep that fiber flowing through your body you need to consume a good amount of water. Use the recommended amount of 8 glasses for your fiber diet and for general health too!
7. You can't cook the fiber out so don't worry! And fiber rich meals don't have to be boring! Have a look on the internet for tasty ways to bring fiber into your life. Even cook your fruit and vegetables in tasty recipes! The fiber in fruit and veg isn't just in the skin! Also, if you want a cheap and quick way to get your dose of fiber and even greater benefits, try Juicing (using natural ingredients to create scrumptious blends and interesting new juices to try!)
8. DO NOT eat more than 50 grams of fiber in a day! It can lead to bloating and diarrhea, preventing the absorption of other important minerals in your diet.
9. Getting the right amount of fiber can be easy! Just eat the right foods and you will be on a one track road to healthier lifestyle!
Fiber is often overlooked, but it is something you can't afford to skip. Don't wait until it is too late! Get your fiber before it's too late.