Skin Tags problem In Adult Womens

Skin Tags problem In Adult Womens - Whats it and How to remove 

A skin tag is a tiny flap of tissue that hangs off the body typically connected by a stalk. It usually grows somewhere on the neck, chest, groin, underarms and back. Its growth is related to skin aging and can be observed in many adults, mostly in women. It is related to genetic predisposition and can run in the family. This skin problem is usually painless but can get irritated when rubbed against clothing or jewelry.

 There are so many remedies especially done in homes. However, it is a question on whether it is safe and effective.
 If you are looking into the safest and easiest ways to remove tags, perhaps approaching a skin specialist or dermatologist is the best solution.

Why consider removal of skin tags
These flaps of skin growing out on your skin may not be cumbersome if it does not inflict pain and irritation. If it does, it is best to get rid of tags to prevent them from getting cancerous. The doctor is the best person to deal with this sort of skin problem. He or she can remove it safely and effectively.

This skin condition is said to occur when one's hormonal levels increase. The condition is often visible during the pregnancy stage, and many times after the baby is born. This creates confusion whether it can increase in number all over the body, especially when attempts are made to remove it from the skin. But if it is removed properly, it should not create a seeding effect, which may occur with warts when the Papilloma virus spreads to other parts of the skin.

Tags may also grow around your eyes which can be really dangerous. If it changes its color to black or purple, it should be something brought to the attention of a medical expert.

The safest way to remove it
Tag growths are commonly observed in women who have gained weight. It is common they will attempt to remove them by themselves. However, this should never be the case. It can possibly cause infections which may lead to more serious problems.

Freezing method:
One great alternative to remove tags is the freezing method. The dermatologist will employ a freezing agent into the skin flaps and incise it with a sterilized scissor or scalpel. This can minimize pain and bleeding, which is one method proven to be safe.

Another alternative doctors use to heal skin tags is through Electro-surgery. The skin problem is burned off the skin to vanish for good. How it is done is by inserting an electric needle into the skin tag to hamper its growth on and beneath the skin.
These are methods proven to be efficient when performed by a professional. It will usually result in discoloration or scarring once the skin tag is removed. You can discuss these options with a doctor for a suitable course of action. He may need to prescribe over-the-counter medications to prevent scarring or discoloration.