Treatment Of Wrinkles Around Mouth And Lips

As we age, wrinkles inevitably begin to appear. Wrinkles around mouth, known as marionette lines, are particularly difficult to prevent. These appear mostly because of natural movements such as talking, laughing, frowning and eating. Have you noticed that your smile lines, or laugh lines, have become more noticeable of late? There are a few steps you can take to prevent wrinkles around mouth.

Wrinkles around mouth and lips tend to be more common in women, apparently for genetic reasons. One recent study indicates that skin tissues around the mouth in women don't have as many sweat and sebaceous glands as that of men. This affects the natural filling of your skin. Another reason is that since skin tissue in women around the mouth contains fewer blood vessel, wrinkles appear more rapidly in women due to poorer circulation.

Also, the attachment of muscle fibers to the lips is closer in women. This may cause deeper wrinkles. Once wrinkles are there, it is hard to get rid of them. They start to appear around the age of forty, so the sooner you can take steps to prevent wrinkles around the mouth, the better. Learn to take care of your skin.

One of the biggest preventable causes of wrinkles is smoking. Smoking affects the flow of oxygen in the blood stream, which contributes to diminished production of collagen and elastin. This causes the skin to age faster, so that areas of your skin that are already prone to wrinkles will develop them more quickly. The sooner you stop smoking, the healthier skin you will have.

Another important step to preventing wrinkles around the mouth is using sunscreen. The sun is one of our skin's worst enemies causing it to age much faster. Be sure to apply sunscreen around your mouth and under your nose. You might also try putting a moisturizer over the sunscreen. Also, remember to drink lots of water. This keeps your skin well hydrated.

You should try to avoid pursing your lips repeatedly. You might be doing this without realizing it. Actions that involve this movement include smoking, drinking from a straw, and chewing bubble gum. Sleeping on your stomach or on your side may also be causing wrinkles around your mouth. Try to learn to sleep on your back. Certain facial exercises may be effective.

Diet can also help you to prevent wrinkles in general. Foods rich in antioxidants such as carrots, broccoli, and berries contribute to skin health by supporting the production of collagen and elastin. Also, look for foods containing vitamin C, and do your best to consume lots of fruits and vegetables. Fish oil that contains omega-3 fatty acids has also been shown to help control wrinkles. Weight-control is another essential. Frequent weight shifts can cause more wrinkles around your mouth.

There are lots of natural remedies that claim to reduce wrinkles. Also, try looking into different types of anti-aging moisturizers. Retinol or retiniod cream has been helpful to some. Some opt for surgical skin procedures that involve the use of Botox, Fraxel, and fillers. If you take steps now, you can significantly reduce wrinkles around your mouth in the future.