Early Stages of Skin Cancer
In the early stages of skin cancer, there are many distinct symptoms that may make themselves known. You should pay special attention to the following:
o You should pay special attention to the moles that you have on the body. It is essential to make a note of any changes that may occur on this skin marks. This includes changes that affect the overall size, changes that relate to the color, as well as changes that have to do with the shape.
o There are guidelines that you can use to determine if there is a cause for concern when it comes to moles. It is the "ABCD" model. This stands for "asymmetry", "borders", "color", and "diameter". If you notice any changes relating to moles and other skin markings that are affected in such a way that any of the areas that are part of the "ABCD" model are affected, it is essential to seek medical care.
o You should always pay special attention to the height or the overall elevation of a mole. This is especially true if that same mark on the skin had been flat in previous incidents.
o There are changes that may possibly occur on the actual surface of a mole that could indicate the onset of skin cancer. If you notice that the mole has a crust like substance, has breakage, bleeds, or releases a clear substance, you should be concerned.
o Many individuals may begin to notice that the area in and around a skin mole starts to experience a burning sensation. Many may also notice tingling and may even be tempted to scratch due to itching. If you experience any of these symptoms, you may need to consider setting up an appointment with your doctor for an examination.
o It is important to pay special attention to moles and other markings of the skin when it comes to skin cancer, but it is also important to ensure that you consider the areas around the marks as well. Be sure to watch for redness and tenderness. You will also want to be careful when it comes to changes as far as coloring is concerned.
Late Stages of Skin Cancer
In the late stages of skin cancer, there are many symptoms that one should pay special attention to. This is true even if you have never been diagnosed with skin cancer. It could just be that the early symptoms were not quite noticeable. The following represents the symptoms that you may discover:
o Many may notice that they experience pain in the location of where a mole is located on the skin. This pain may or may not be accompanied by skin breakage, bleeding, and even the oozing of a clear substance.
o The lymph nodes located in the area of the neck, groin, and even in the armpit may become swollen.
o Many may discover that they develop a persistent cough that may or may not be accompanied with mild to severe weight loss.
o Headaches are often an indication of a serious underlying issue if any other symptoms of skin cancer are present. This is especially true if they are accompanied by seizures.
If you notice any of these symptoms, you should seek assistance from a medical professional immediately. Skin cancer symptoms that are evident prove that there is an underlying medical condition that may require professional care.
Mole Changes Cancer
Symptoms of a cancerous mole are not always noticeable. Unfortunately there are no common symptoms that will definitely tell you if a mole is cancerous or not. Moles are typically a plain brown spot, they can be in various shades of brown from a light color to a dark and the size and shapes can also vary. The surface of a mole can be wrinkled, flat, or raised. It is important that you monitor your moles regularly and check if there are some changes similar to the following:

Lung Cancer
o A persistent cough which worsens with time
o Aggravation of an existing chronic cough
o Blood being coughed up
o Breathing difficulties such as shortness of breath accompanied by hoarseness and wheezing
o Constant chest pain
o Repeated attacks of bronchitis or pneumonia
o Swollen face and neck
o Unexplained weight loss and/or fatigue.