Hiccups -causes, Symptoms, Treatment

A hiccup or hiccough (normally pronounced "HICK-up" IPA: /?h?k?p/, though hiccough is an archaic and now disused spelling), is a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm that typically repeats several times per minute. In humans, the abrupt rush of air into the lungs causes the epiglottis to close, creating the "hic" listen (help•info) noise.A hiccup is a condition that takes place from the dome shaped chest muscle, also known as diaphragm.

Causes of Hiccups
Eighty-two percent of persistent or intractable episodes occur in men. An organic cause can be identified in 93% of men and in 8% of women, resulting in an overall organic incidence of 80%. The remaining 20% are considered psychogenic in origin.Eating spicy food. Spicy food may cause irritation to the nerves that control normal contractions of your diaphragm.
Eating a large meal, drinking carbonated beverages or swallowing air. These can cause your stomach to expand (distend), which pushes up your diaphragm, making hiccups more likely.

A sudden change in stomach temperature, such as drinking a hot beverage and then a cold beverage.
Emotional stress or excitement.

Hiccups Symptoms
Hiccups can be described as brief, irritable spasms of your diaphragm that can occur for a few seconds or minutes.

According to one study, nearly three-quarters of patients with frequent GERD symptoms experience them at night. Patients with nighttime GERD also tend to experience more severe pain than those whose symptoms occur at other times.

Treatment of Hiccups
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
This treatment reduces dependency on nicotine by delivering it through less harmful methods, that is, through the skin in the transdermal method (nicotine patch) or through the oral or nasal tissues (nicotine gum, inhalers, and nasal sprays).

Treating any underlying disorder will usually cure the associated hiccups. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) relieves intractable hiccups in 80% of cases. Metoclopramide (Reglan), carbamazepam, valproic acid (Depakene), and phenobarbital are also used.Hiccups lasting longer than a month! I would call that a living nightmare! At this point sufferers may resort to more extreme measures such as "inducing vomiting, or applying traction on the tongue or pressure on the eyeballs." As always, if all else fails, try poking yourself about the face and see what happens.

Stimulating the back of the throat or roof of the mouth with the index fingerWhile sitting, leaning forward and compressing the chest and diaphragm against the knees
Persistent hiccups are often recalcitrant to treatment. Many drugs have been used in anecdotal series.  Baclofen Some Trade Names.