Acid reflux is a common problem that afflicts many people, the symptoms can easily be mistaken for something else which is why it can be difficult to diagnose at first. When I first started to get acid reflux the symptoms were very similar to a heart attack and I actually went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. After being checked out it was found that the chest pain I was experiencing was due to acid reflux. Here are some of the classic symptoms of acid reflux.

Chest Pain
This is a classic symptom, it's caused by acid in the stomach splashing into the esophagus. The pain can be quiet severe and last for a long time, it's easily mistaken for a heart attack. Chest pains should never be ignored and it should be checked out by a doctor. As I mentioned earlier I went to the hospital to have my chest pain checked out. I was told my heart was fine and it was caused by acid.
Pain intensifies when resting
Gravity keeps the acid in your stomach and prevents it escaping. If you are laid down you can increase the intensity of the heartburn as acid can escape from your stomach. This is the same when you bend down, this causes reflux as the acid moves.
Pain Immediately after a meal
If you have eaten a big meal and put too much food into your stomach there is nowhere for it to go but up, avoid eating large meals, especially fatty meals and don't lay down after a meal if you are prone to reflux.
Bitter Taste In Mouth
Acid can escape from your stomach and get to the back of your throat, it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, in the most extreme cases it can cause choking. If you have suffered from this then you should see your doctor, especially if it happens at night.
Sore Throat
Symptomatic of the early stages of a cold, If acid from your stomach is seeping into your esophagus it can affect your vocal cords, if your voice starts to sound husky after a meal then it could be due to reflux, especially if you have no other symptoms associated with a cold. A cough could also be caused by reflux, this happens if stomach acid gets into your lungs.
There's so many symptoms caused by acid reflux that you really need to visit a doctor to get to the bottom of them. Once a doctor has diagnosed that you are suffering from acid reflux then you can take measures to ease it and you will recognize the symptoms when they appear.
- via Richard Deccard