10 Things to Know About Hair

  1. Each strand of human hair grows about six inches per year, lives for four years and then dies. The hair strand is actually non-living cells that are bound together in long braids of different colors. The different combinations of red, yellow, red and black braids are what decide your hair color.
  2. Hair follicles have stem cells that continue to reproduce cells into adulthood. That is if you are lucky! Actually there is a lot of research going into baldness cures using stem cell technology. Don't worry about the research because baldness research uses adult stem cells found naturally and not from fetuses.
  3. Goosebumps are caused by the contraction of small muscles attached to the hair that contract in cold weather. These muscle contractions cannot be controlled and are caused by cold weather and spooky horror movies!
  4. Animal hair is different than human hair because it only grows to a predetermined genetic length and then stops growing. Human hair grows and sheds continually but fur shedding is seasonal.
  5. Scientists can trace a strand of human hair back to the person it belongs to from the DNA analysis! This is different from animal hair, since all that can be determined from fur is what species of animal the hair came from.
  6. Human hair is one of the strongest fibers on the planet and has about the same strength as a copper wire with the same cross sectional area.
  7. Hair is about eighty eight percent protein by chemical composition. That's why using a conditioner with hydrolying protein rejuvenates the hair.
  8. One strand of hair can support about a three ounce weight. If you took an entire head of hair, you could pull about twenty four thousand pounds! Don't try it, just my word for it!
  9. Dry hair can only stretch twenty percent, but wet hair can stretch up to fifty percent. I guess that will happen if you are crazy enough to try pulling a jet across a runway!
  10. Hair tensile strength is used in the cosmetics industry to find out the effect of their products on hair. If a chemical reduces the tensile strength of hair in the lab, then it is considered to have a negative effect on the hair.

Don't take your hair for granted! Healthy and beautiful hair is a miracle of nature so take good care of it by using a deep moisturizing conditioner with hydrolying protein. Avoid using harsh chemicals and keep the use of excessive heat to a minimum when you style you hair!